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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. I really wish Capcom (with Inafune) would continue the Maverick Hunter X series up to X8 (or X5 at least).
  2. I could swear Fairy Tail was overrated, oh well. I'm thinking about watching One Piece after I finish watching Evangelion (which I'm still going to start, lol). I wish it isn't focused only on giant robots and technological stuff like the Gundams, because I'm much more interested on the 'psychological' stuff people mention. EDIT: I recommend reading Umineko, be it from the Visual Novel or from the manga. If you can manage to look beyond the terribly drawn characters (on the VN), it is an enjoyable experience. The whole witch and magic stuff justifying things that aren't explained really got into me.
  3. Oh, right. I thought you wouldn't use any male units at all.
  4. -> FE4 female run only This is madness11
  5. You don't need top-notch art to actually admire it. A fanfiction can be good, just not as good as, say, a true book (and even that is ambiguous - Twilight is a true book, but there's a lot of negative receptions and views around it). We have to take note that most of the fanfic writters just do it for fun, they aren't experienced on writting or narrating a good story... unless they take it to another level and start improving. "To be good at something you need to suck at it first", and fanfiction is the most basic level of writting.
  6. This should be the new name for the Silence Staff! Are you planning on doing a run for FE6 later?
  7. Now that you mentioned it, isn't Micaiah better than Roy in the end? She's more durable, at least...
  8. Well, I'm going to leave in 30 minutes. Not sure if it'll work.
  9. So, anyone up for some Boardgame now?
  10. It is hard when you try to compare a young and/or inexperienced person to an old profissional who's made a best seller and is acclaimed a lot. Fanfic writers are hardly experts on writting, and they will always seem amateurish compared to G.R.R.M no matter how much training they get from King Kai.
  11. Mhm. I'll look for them as soon as I have free time. =P Also, how did I miss this post? Exactly. No one starts being awesome at writting. As someone already said, there can be geniuses or just plain people who want to have fun, "To be good at something you must suck at it first". The problem is when fanfic writers completely refuse to improve their skills and the quality of their stories, even after getting critic and advice. Ignorance is a bliss, arrogance is a curse. However, we can't really blame the fanfic writers if they just want to have fun and not take any of this seriously... It is their right to have fun.
  12. I usually like stories with OCs more than stories with canon characters, actually. When someone tries to roleplay as, say, Eliwood, I expect them to stick to the character and write in a way that he still looks like himself on the original script, as he was intended to be. That's why I'm very critic to hacks like Elibian Nights (plot-wise), and fanfiction also apply. I don't mind seeing (reading, in that case) IkexElincia, as long as it makes sense. As long as Ike's motives for loving Elincia stay IC, and her motives for loving Ike are also IC, I have no problem with it. Of course, a story made only of ship ship ship is still bad. =P
  13. Also, if anyone's interested: http://www.boardgame-online.com/g/game.php?g=bBlx&k=CpX
  14. I won our first match with a Hypno Glasses + Hand Grenade + Pistol combination that even Yugi would be envious of my luck, but since then I've been losing all times. XD We can play one more time, if you guys want.
  15. I was Just Shinning, dude. It's been a long time since I last won, and seriously, dying before you even roll a dice is sad.
  16. damn it Whatever they're doing, it is still highly likely that Helios is driver and Aere is killer, so it doesn't matter much.
  17. Xenosaga. It interests and doesn't interest me at the same time. I wanna see if it's really fun, or not.
  18. Uh... I'm sorry for the stupid question, but how do you have info? You won't possibly give info about the members of your own group. Why do you want to live longer? Do you have an important role? It is as if you want to survive as much as you can before kicking the bucket officially which I stole from Lolrus last night when playing Boardgame. Can you not state why, and how you know this? Take a look at this. How is this -not- blackmail? ... Why do I have to die? XD You convinced me, dude. ##Vote: Aere Also, don't try to get modkilled because you feel bad about what you've done. That is your wincon, and that's how we are supposed to play: Achieve our victory no matter what. @Shinori Can you tell me by PM all you know about me? I want to check if you really know all these things.
  19. Tne why did you join the game if you absolutely hate Mafia? ... Seriously. I don't understand the cards system and how it will affect the game at all. >: ##Vote: Core sup dude
  20. FE3: Caeda, maybe. I don't really like FE3. =P FE4: Sigurd - Honorable mentions to: Alvis, Yuria, Celice, Levin, Tinny, Fin, Lex, Azel, Johan, Sety, Tiltyu, Fury, Ishtar, Arthur, Fee, Lana. FE5: Fin. (not really sure about this one) FE6: Zephiel - Honorable mentions to: Lilina, Elphin, Roy, Sophia, Saul, Cath, Tate. FE7: Hector - Honorable mentions to: Eliwood, Lyn, Marcus, Sain, Kent, Florina, Ninian, Pent, Nergal, Zephiel, Harken. FE8: Lyon. - Honorable mentions to: Seth, Eirika, Innes, Ewan. FE9: Ike - Honorable mentions to: Titania, Soren, Oscar, Mist, Sanaki, Tanith, Black Knight, Trolliver, Greil, Tibarn, Naesala, Ranulf, Mia, Jill, Reyson. in short, the entire cast FE10: Ike - Honorable mentions to: Elincia, Soren, Lekain, Sanaki, Leonardo, Edward, Nolan, Mia, Zihark, Naesala, Tibarn, Reyson, Geoffrey, Jill, Haar, Micaiah, Pelleas, Tormod.
  21. Best: Grandbell. Worst: Laus. They are as incompetent as Imperial Storm Troopers.
  22. Okay, so I played this once and... wow. Now I've been playing it since yesterday, all night long. Damn it, it's addicting. =P What's the link to the Draft channel? I wanna play!
  23. Lol Darth Vaida. she's scary enough Voted for Fiora because her level ups weren't that great, and she needs to be on par with her other horsebird cousins.
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