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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. If that's not an overreaction, I don't know what it is. Seriously. The last lines of your post were completely ignorant to the circunstances... Dude, you're really lucky for being Mafia twice. But unlucky for being lynched twice on D1, lol. Subieko's many assumptions also makes me unsettled. >:
  2. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Why didn't you vote BBM, if you knew that he wouldn't get lynched if he was really Town (and Unlynchable)? You'd be able to both clear him or lynch a scum (as it happened).
  3. That exageration makes me VERY unsettled. When did they say that? Are you kidding? If he seems Townish, then why were you voting him? An easy mislynch on a player who's got 0 votes and doesn't look so scummy, seriously? Also, how do you know it's a mislynch? I'm having a hard time deciding who's the best vote candidate, from BBM and Subieko. I guess I'll hang with BBM because, if he flips scum, I'm certain some players will look clearer than others, and some will look worse than others, and it will reveal us more.
  4. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Which role did he claim now? Is it a passive or an active one?
  5. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    I miss ketchup. Now I can't eat it anymore because of my stomach. >: Did he? I thought he said he thought Elie lied about his role, and he wanted to confirm that, because if positive it would reveal a lot.
  6. Okay, time to get a bit more serious. Unvote ##Vote: BBM I too didn't like the way he rushed at Elie, but I accepted it, because people view things from another perspective. But now I think he's overreacting (by the way, I take his "Shinori's overreacting more than me" as a confession of overreaction, which is mostly always bad) quite a lot. Especially after voting Shinori and saying he overreacted to protect Elie. If it's not suspicious, then I don't know what it is.
  7. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    By townies I meant "the good guys", or "the ones who are not from the Mafia", or "the ones who don't want to kill me, then cook me and eat my meat with rice and ketchup" or idk something that guarantees you're not a threat to the Town and you're just living happily. I believe Manix is Town, and you're some sort of Third-Party Survivor-ish role. I hope Elie really is Mafia, because we already have so many targets and he's the last one we'd think about lynching today. Marth, Lucina and Helios look much scummier than him. ... Couldn't the Cop just investigate him?
  8. Try doing this to another FE4 rom: Sometimes, it's your ROM that's the problem.
  9. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    He told me to vote Elie. I'm doing this. That's all I know.
  10. Me! But make sure it's the Mafia Roleblocker who's hitting me. I have a surprise for him. *kiralaugh* I agree with Shinori about BBM. At first, I thought he had a good point on Elie, but after his response to Bal I'm beginning to think he's been overreacting too much and too easily. Well, now's your time to give us your opinion. All I've seen is your comments. ##Vote: Helios Sorry, I just can't help it. XD Sorry, but the third part doesn't make sense. What's your guarantee that people wouldn't lie about their roles being passive/active? There could be players from the Town hiding their active roles (such as the Cop saying he's passive) to protect himself/because they're paranoid. And from there, everything will go down, and we'll be basing ourselves in a flawed basis on lategame. Either way, thanks for asking us that question. The best way to know if someone's scum or not is by watching how he/she reacts to something, and you managed to troll them just as planned.
  11. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    I do. That's why I said we should only trust someone who's absolutely cleared. But it's better than letting him think by himself, and more effective. Of course, if there is no one to be trusted, just don't do it. Good point... I didn't notice that, since I've only been scum in two Mafias. By the way: Unvote ##Vote: Elieson On boss' orders.
  12. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Clipsey, that's so wrong. First because it's a fallacy: It doesn't mean Helios used your logic. And second, the Mafia is a group, so Helios' opinion doesn't weight over all the rest of the scums. I recommend you to share your opinions with the player you trust the most (also, the one who seems cleared to you). It's hard to think about stuff alone, and your role is too important as it is.
  13. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    I remember BBM once suggested that the Mafia has some sort of role-stopping ability. Maybe that's the case...
  14. You need to click the second blue button. There's a really big blue button after a lot of description, right? Don't click it. Click the other blue button, the smaller one, below it.
  15. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    You could have attempted to protect her by using an excuse in the thread. Now you see it's hopeless.
  16. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    The roleblocking is a lie, I guess? If I knew about what happened between you three, I'd be able to answer properly, but that's asking too much. - Aere: After we confirmed his claim and after Proto shot him, it should be clear that he's Town. - Elieson: Imo, he rushes to conclusions a lot. But I'm not sure if it makes him scum, or if it's just the way he plays the game. I've got neutral vibes from him. - Lucina: She has already played Mafia before, so the newbiecard doesn't save her from our arguments. I'm unsettled about her because she said she'd rather wait for scumtells/slips, which doesn't help the Town at all. Leaning scum. - Manix: His nice wall of text made me change my opinions about him. He's pretty decent and the stuff he says makes sense, so I trust him. Leaning Town. - Shinori: Our L, and trusted Town Leader. I'm leaning Town. - scorri: I'm not sure what to say about her because of her lack of posts/because I hardly PM people and chat. Neutral for now, although I think she was dramatizing a bit about me in the post she decided to vote me. - BigBangMeteor - Hanzou, Mafia Kidnapper Lynched Day 1 - Luster Purge: RIP dude. - adiosToreador: I'm pretty sure she's Third-Party. She's being helpful to the Town, but she also wants to be "left alone", which I see as a Third-Party reaction. A Survivor has more chances to survive when it helps the Town hunt the Mafia, so I can understand that. - eclipse: Has been posting decent stuff, and she was kidnapped by BBM on D1. I'm pretty sure she's Town. - Kay: Oh, Kay. No, it's not ok. Your situation is terrible, you see. On your last post, you gave many reasons to lynch Lucina, yet you decided to vote Hikarusa without justifying yourself. Not to mention you have been too inactive for my tastes. I see your vote as a way to draw attention from Lucina. Leaning scum. - Rapier: Damn it I always look scummy - Bluedoom: Buddies with BBM. Enough said. Leaning scum. - StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw: Says decent stuff when he's here. I'm neutral towards him, but I'm leaning Town slightly. - Cap'n Flint: Forgot you existed. - Iris: Post more. I know you're busy, so I'm giving you a break. =P - Helios: Another player who I forgot existed. I have null reads from him, and I should talk to him through PM as soon as I can. - Serious Bananas: Leaning newbtown. - Hikarusa: Also not sure about him. He makes some decent posts, but that's it. Neutral, leaning Town. With that said... ##Vote: Lucina There's a good chance that you're scum. And if you are, things will get pretty bad for Kay. It's a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, and I'm willing to bet on that. That's pretty much the only reason I'm not voting Marth for buddying with BBM.
  17. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Dat Shinori, acting as our L.
  18. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Day Phase y u take too long to come
  19. also where is my role PM, does that mean I'm nobody? DX
  20. ##Votte: Shinori You won't go voting my menthor that easily!
  21. I like Rika more. Nypah~
  22. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Yeah, but no one had voted on him at that time. I was the -first- one to vote him. There was no bandwagon to jump into. I did not switch votes until D1 end.
  23. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    Oh, right. I remember I was supposed to quote that post of yours, too. That's true. I thought he was only joking because it was too soon, but it would still be a dangerous thing. I listed Manix too, by the way... Yeah, I suck terribly at OC, Mafia and active scumhunting, so I wasn't able to do much else than agree/disagree/contest what the other players were saying. As you said, the one major thing I did (at the time you made the post, I guess) was contest Bizz's vote on SB, which I confess was more focused on criticizing her gameplay mode and logic and pulling an ignorant card, instead of saying I didn't agree with it, as someone else said (I don't remember if it was BBM, Proto, Hikarussia or Straw. I bet on Hika). I voted BBM later because, you know, opinions change when stuff happen. I said I voted him because I couldn't think of anyone else because my reason wasn't that strong, but it was the best I had, and he looked worse than Manix/Elieson. ... Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be stupid if I had voted my scumbuddy so soon? He had no votes on him, and I could have used the same reasoning to Manix and Elieson if I wanted to. At that time, it was uncertain that BBM would be lynched (he had no votes on him), so I couldn't have been doing it to look good.
  24. Rapier

    Shining Force Mafia

    It would be his fault if he fakeclaimed as Town, not ours. Even if he had a good role, he would have told us his true role as soon as he was about to get hammered, because that's what you're supposed to do when you're Town and you have a powerful role and you're about to get lynched. You were being too protective towards him... Also, would you tell me what's your thoughts about me? I mean, like, what do you see of scummy on me. I don't remember if you said it in your original post...
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