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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. I don't think there's a SK, the Doctor would have to be the luckiest person alive to stop two night kills. I also think Manix hit someone who was being protected by the Safeguard, that's why I wanted to know who he targetted, I think the only reason a Safeguard would protect someone in D1 is if it's his scumbuddy, since the only claim we had was Manix's. Was anyone else roleblocked during the Night? Good excuse, bad reasoning. It still doesn't change the fact that you had no opinion about lynching Blitz or not lynching him, and you let people choose over what you should do - people who could be scum, or third-parties. This is a game that -requires- you to have an opinion, especially on D1 where everyone can be scum. Still, I don't think you're scummy. I'm leaning towards third-party.
  2. Stupid question but, what's a Hooker? Also, is there any possibility that Manix was roleblocked by another role that isn't Roleblocker (if he's telling the truth)?
  3. He was in Book 2, but his role was to get Theon to Winterfell and seize it, that's all. Now they expanded his role to fill the missing gap left by Reek's ausence.
  4. So his logic is that Paper is protecting his inactive/lurker scumfriends, right?
  5. He doesn't, but he didn't protect him as much as Manix did. I'm not saying Paper can't be Blitz's scumbuddy, there's a possibility he is, and there's a possibility he isn't, it's too soon and we don't have many reads at that time of the game. Manix's case is much more direct, however, at least in my opinion. In the end, you only voted Paper. I don't remember if you told us why you prefer Paper over Blitz, would you please remind me? Also, what changed your mind about Blitz anyway?
  6. I thought Manix voted Blitz, but actually he voted you. I made a mistake. Either way, my case still stands. I think Blitz's lynch will reveal some things to us. Like Clipsey said in Haphazard Mafia, we'll get to know who's who and analyze their actions depending on his flip. If Blitz is Mafia, then Manix is also Mafia for trying to defend him/advert the lynch from him and point to Paperblade instead. I'm not so sure about this, but that's all I have. It doesn't help to say that Blitz is the scummiest player in my opinion, right now.
  7. It's because I don't like his attitude, but he's been saying nice things. Also, Manix didn't almost have Blitz lynched, you can't lynch someone when we still have 42 hours left. Maybe he noticed that later, after the vote count, and then he thought he still had time to save his scumbuddy and bussing wasn't really necessary.
  8. That's a funny way to put it. He told us why he was voting you, but he never told us to vote you/that you're scummy and there are no other possibilities. Your reaction was just bad. In Shinori's case, I believe he's more busy than intentionally inactive. He's always been busy, anyway, his ausence is expected. About Paperblade, I agree, he seems Neutral to me, sometimes scummy-neutral, but that may be just his attitude. I didn't even know Aere was playing, he disappeared and I never saw another post of his again. For some reason, I also don't like Manix's attitude now: I didn't like his reason to vote Blitz much, nor his reason to unvote him, nor his argument about Blitz being just a player who wanted people to talk and Paperblade being scummier than him. I'm confused right now. If I vote Manix and he turns Mafia, then I'll know Blitz is his scumbuddy who was being protected, and we'll hit two birds with a single stone. But if he's Town I'll feel incredibly stupid. >: For now, I'll keep my vote. I have enough reason to vote Blitz, anyway. My current reads are: Aere: Neutral (Inactive) Blitz: Scummy. Voting people just to get info from them and then switching his vote as quickly as that gives me a bad impression of him. Eclipse: Neutral/Town. Nothing to complain about her, yet I don't trust anyone completely in D1 unless something awesome happens, such as a solid Cop claim. Ether: Neutral. Gives his opinions, isn't so inactive, contributes... Nothing agaisnt him for now, but there's nothing that makes me think he's Town too. Helios: Neutral. He's been busy and inactive. Manix: Scummy. If what I think really is true, he's protecting Blitz indirectly and pointing at Paperblade for a better lynch candidate. He wouldn't lose anything from voting Blitz, too, so there's no reason to make such an effort. Rapier: Hai. Paperblade: Neutral/Town. He's been saying some reasonable things. Shinori: Neutral. He's still a busy and inactive player, so I got no reads from him.
  9. In the book, Tyrion and Bronn only talk about how he gave Joffrey some whores so he'd become calmer or something like that. Not showing that scene would have given enough space to a more important scene. The Renly and Loras thing was something ambiguous from the start, there was no need to show it, and the Renly and Margaery scene didn't depend on it strictly. Now, about Stannis, you're right. And Osha's scene was too brief, anyway. I also felt that scene was too useless. They don't need to show directly how evil Littlefinger is to get us the picture that he's an ambitious selfish bastard. See? These are 6 scenes that could have been discarded in order to show better stuff, such as the Reed siblings, Theon pillaging that village I forgot the name (well, it's not really necessary...), Reek's appearance... They're small things anyway, so they shouldn't have occupied much space.
  10. If the inactive/lurker player intends to help, he'll know how bad his situation is.
  11. I finished reading the fifth book, so I think I can read the spoilers. Also, about your spoiler:
  12. Threatening to lynch doesn't mean lynching. By doing that, you may be able to make the inactive player talk more. Sometimes it doesn't work, but sometimes it -does-, and that's what matters. I don't think we should get too far as to lynch an inactive player, however, just threaten him. Lurkers are different. They know what's going on, but they don't talk. So it's only natural to pressure them into talking.
  13. It wasn't an OMGUs - You voted me because I wasn't talking, but you weren't too. So I voted you. =P Lynching lurkers/inactive players is a bad idea, I agree. Not helping =/= being scum. Sometimes it's more of a matter of not caring/not being good at Mafia. Unfortunately, scumhunting by the premisse of "if you're bad at helping, you're scum" has been pretty common and it's been annoying me. >:
  14. They make Bran look better at Book 2, they gave him more importance than he had before (which is to say, his only importance was to sit the throne of his brother because someone has to sit in it), they made Bran look important and promissing. Leaving him be like a sitting duck in Season 2 was a mistake, in my opinion. But it's something that can be fixed on Season 3, I guess, if they don't just ignore Bran because there's no action and all talk in his chapters (save for a few). The staff could have fixed it if there were more chapters, imo. I still think they could've had more space to put more important things if they didn't bother with un-important scenes like Theon and the chick, Robb and Talysa, Joffrey and the whores, Renly and Loras (wtf is that shit anyway), Stannis and Melisandre, and some other scenes I forgot right now.
  15. Sorry for being inactive for the last day. Sickness and school have been taking their toll on me. I agree. I think it's much easier to get a lynch if you keep voting different people, not to mention it's a good strategy for the scums because they're the minority. I'm really getting the impression that he wants to find someone to mislynch. Changing votes too much in order to get info about people isn't an excuse. Unvote ##Vote: Blitz Until you appear and explain yourself to us, I'll keep my vote on you.
  16. But the Reeds have a big role. They help take Bran away, after all. And there is no Reek too, so I suppose Ramsay Bolton will appear at some other time? The castellan died on Mikken's place, so there's no attack in Winterfell unless he starts it... Also, they could've had more space if they didn't waste time with stupid scenes, such as Joffrey and the whores, Theon on the boat and Robb with Jeyne Westerlin (I think that's her).
  17. Rapier

    Haphazard Mafia

    Oh wow, first time I get killed so soon. And it's the first time I was adversative to clipsey too. =P
  18. I just finished reading Jon's last chapter on Book Five... GOD DAMN IT WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO THE BEST AND MOST TALENTED CHARACTERS
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