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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Well, I just said something because I thought that's what you're supposed to do on C0, rather than taking everything seriously. I've never done anything at C0, nor seen anything done in C0, so I was just kidding, to show I'm active since not being active usually leads to being voted as soon as C1 starts. But that's ok.
  2. Prims and you think that my behavior was scummy because I didn't scumhunt in C0 because, hell, I didn't even -know- it was possible. I can't change your minds, so there isn't much to be said. I already gave the excuse, whether you buy it or not is up to you.
  3. You just said you didn't like both wagons on me and Shinori. Now you say they're harmless. The truth is, you have no former opinion about anything, right? It could also be a play, an excuse to clean himself. But I see what you did there, I won't say anything else regarding your choice. I'll be honest, I'm not adamant on voting Shinori, but he's my best bet for now. If I am convinced otherwise, I'll take my vote out.
  4. Well then, I'm obviously not mafia because my pressing on her was stupid and dragged your attention. See? I have an excuse too. ... No, it doesn't work. When someone looks scummy, they -look- scummy (obviously). There is no "they're looking scummy because they're town, because scums won't look scummy, or do stupid things, or risk". If there's something going on around a player, we can't miss it and let it escape that easily. But I admit, my press on her wasn't effective because for all we know she isn't scummy enough to be pressed. So I held no right to do it, and it just made me look like a curious scum about her secret all the while I was trying to do something good. :/ The funiest thing is that you're joining the wagon yourself. You said Shinori is scummy and gave reasons, then you voted me because I wasn't helping the Town much. I don't understand why you'd vote someone incompetent instead of someone scummy.
  5. ... No. I asked her that because it's easy to hide on that kind of excuse, but it was pointless of me since Bizz isn't that scummy to be pressed as much as I hoped.
  6. Also, which kind of reasons are you talking about?
  7. Never said there was. But there's lynching on C1, and first impressions count a lot.
  8. Ok, I'm awake now. Actually, I've been awake for hours but it doesn't matter. It's about time I give my reasoning. What's so WTF about my reaction? I've never seen someone scumhunt in C0 and everyone was trolling, so I thought about saying something too so to not look absent. That's all. When did I say that? I remember saying I wanted to post something in before they call me inactive and bandwagon me on C1. Also, about Levity, I don't really see it as scummy since she's always like that. =P But certainly, she's worth keeping an eye on. The problem with Spike imo is that he isn't contributing much. He gave his opinion and answered questions, but that doesn't classify him as scummy. I don't understand why he didn't vote me if he said I'm his top suspect, however. His possible fear of starting a bandwagon is kind of unsettling and I see it as a way to look good to the others. Prims also got my attention. He's very active and it's good for the Town, right? Well, sure it is, but scumhunting at C0 is just too reckless, and a good way to mislynch since there's even less info in C0, unless being uncautious because lynching someone won't end the game is justifiable... Although I really disagree with that. I don't see anything bad about Kay, period. She "rushed" at Spike "for voting me" because that's a way to get more info, or that's how I see it. Bizz softclaimed or claimed or whatever around some time in this thread, but I didn't see it. Nor didn't I see why it made her clear, or half-clear, or whatever. Nor I see a good reason for "softclaiming or claiming or whatever" in C1 unless you hit the jackpot like Manix in Training Mafia. Shinori is the worst. He asked us about our Djinns when it's clearly unfavourable, he told us that his role is strong when it's unfavourable to him revealing his role like that, he wanted specifically to know when we use our Djinns, and he's been giving odd excuses about it when he was pressed. I'm not sure if it's a newbie thing or a scum thing, but that's my best lead for now. ##Vote: Shinori
  9. There is none. The hack is still being made. The only link we have is a patch that makes Roy promote sooner, but that's all. =P
  10. Sure is. I have a new word for that: Lolgic. Not that I'm criticizing your way to scumhunt with no info, I'm not being ironic either, I just don't understand it at all maybe because I'm used to more concrete detective games.
  11. Sorry for not being able to scumhunt on N0. D:
  12. I feel like laughing now, seriously. WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT ON N0 AND D1? NOTHING. D1'S A PHASE OPEN TO ASSUMPTIONS AND LOLACUSATIONS WITH NO REAL POINT AGAISNT ANYONE. So all I can do now is talk -anything- to show I'm participating in this game after all.
  13. I didn't, my version was perfect while yours wasn't. Ok, I'll stop now.
  14. Terrible HP, terrible durability, bad speed and average str. He isn't even worth the time. Lughnasadh is awesome but it doesn't fix him. 1/10
  15. Moving again is always nice, but they'll die by the first hit they get... But that's very unlikely. 10/10
  16. ##Vote: Everyone but me To be safe.
  17. I just wanted to say something in before everyone votes to lynch me on D1 while I'm away because of inactivity.
  18. My only problem with Mia is that she has issues with her offense. At least on my last playthrough she had a tough time hurting things and I found much easier to just deploy Ike and rape everything alone, including Ashnard. That's a pretty good justification, however: I'll give her a 6/10
  19. Because I can look pseudo-town and hide my scummyness with that, I think. ... wait
  20. idk if I like my role or not
  21. dem Night 0 and Day 1
  22. He is one of the best subs, but he's still average. Amid can do his job, yes, but his mobility, attack, durability and speed are pretty average. I don't find him good at anything in particular. 5/10.
  23. To be honest, I don't mind if we have a postgame or not. I was just answering 13th and remembering him that this game has a lot of pages and it's almost impossible to do a postgame. Sorry if it was a spam of some sort.
  24. -- Prologue: 12 turns-- Basically, Sigurd killed everything and the others followed his trail. I finally found a way to get to the second castle without making that other army stationed come out from inside the castle. Fin, Noish and Lex got a few levels. Sigurd didn't even need Ethlin's help. Stats in a sec.
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