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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. You need to vote for a NoLynch if you don't want anyone lynched just sayin
  2. She's awesome with pretty much every pairing, especially with Lex as her father. Delmud is strong and mounted, but he isn't reliable to kill whatever I send him to fight like Lakche does. The only problem with her is that she isn't mounted, but I really don't mind it as long as I'm not drafting. 8.5/10
  3. wat Same here, I never thought about that. =P Just like Narshen, he's a pushover. Getting owned by Arya on the first season even while he's armed, and losing his sword afterwads? Pff.
  4. Ok, I'm here. As usual, I agree with a No-Lynch, the reasons Cam and Paper gave are enough to make my point. Well, Paper fixed the roles found on Cam's argument, so it has become consistent for me. If we mislynch (which is an easy thing, we have no motive to make a case agaisnt pretty much anyone), the Town will lose two players, 0-2. If we manage to lynch a scum it's 1-0, but I find it too risky. On NOC there is no way to find out about roles or talk with anyone in private, that's why it's a good idea to lynch people. Even if they're from the Town, you get an idea of what they were doing and you know which role they had. But in OC, it isn't necessary, thus making a mislynch an unnecessary gamble in D1. Call me a newbie if you want, or scum, like it always happened in the past games because of that same damn excuse, but I'll stick to it, at least on D1. Sorry for taking too long, I've got exams throughout the entire month. Yeah, this sucks. ##NoLynch
  5. They don't need to have the "Assassins" class to be assassins. The term itself refers to their capacity of carrying on murders and killing efficiently, sometimes leaving without being seen. It doesn't mean they need to be speedy bastards that kill shit before they even notice, like bosses. Except they aren't Mercenaries, in name and meaning. You're still missing the point. :/ I have to agree with you. Sometimes, the smallest and most useful parts in the game are what gives everything a flavor, like a foundation. So, yeah, while Part 2 didn't do much about the plot at all and I hate On Glory's Wings with passion, it was a necessary addition to the flow of the game.
  6. I always use Rolf, Lilina, Rhys, Erk/Canas, Bartre, Lowen, Astrid, Neimi, Rebecca and Azel on my playthroughs, even if some of them are easily outmatched (Lugh always surpasses Lilina, except in my last playthrough in which Lugh got cursed with terrible growths and Lilina could two hit kill a Dragon on Level 18 and survive 2 or 3 hits; Mist is oftenly considered to be better than Rhys because of her horse; Lowen is kind of good, but if you trained Sain or Kent, then he's easily outmatched; Neimi just sucks imo and so does Azel; Rebecca is pretty meh; Astrid has Elite but she's easily outmatched even after promotion, at least in my cases). Some crappy units just need more love to become good! ... When their names aren't Sophia, that is.
  7. Roose Bolton reminds me of Reptor. =P Now, I wonder which character I should compare with Theon Greyjoy. ... Shinnon?
  8. I really hate Night 0, or when the game begins on Day 1. It's when we have the less clues about what the hell is going on, and it annoys me seeing pro-towns finding scums like bosses and asking me why I'm not doing the same. >:
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMgPjc9zVV4 The Mother series need more love!
  10. This patch can't be applied to the translated version of the game, right?
  11. Rine tries to get out of the roof, seeing that the enemies would get to him anyway since they could fly. It was a stupid idea to remain in the roof, and throwing the stairs so that the creatures wouldn't follow him only seemed to be a good plan before the present events. Instead of jumping heroically, the mage decides to climb down the stairs.
  12. Draft-wise, I'd give him 5/10 because his mobility isn't that good and he won't fight much. But since I'll evaluate him as in a casual playthrough, I won't count these things. He can kill anything that comes in range, he'll always turn out to be good unless you pair Ayra with Claude, and his stats are even better than Lakche's in my opinion - on my playthrough, I always found him to be more resillient but a bit less speedier than her. The only real problem with him is mobility. Other than that, I have no problems. A solid unit. 8/10
  13. Rine, the forgotten one After seeing Adrian yell at him, he swore to himself that they would be fighting and the worse would really come. Swallowing his desire to facepalm, he focused on defending himself if anything were to happen... Except nothing happened and Adrian left - luckly for him, as he didn't have the sympathy of anyone in the wagon and there was nothing protecting the mage from Arcen's steel and Adrian's fist. As the rain started to get stronger, he decided to move into the wagon. He stopped to look at Carrion's body, still laid on the ground, but Rine didn't dare to touch her - or even get close. With nothing else to do but wait for them to get inside it too, he turned his head and sighed. Currently, he's only been watching the group, still afraid to screw up just like he did minutes ago. Asviel, clad in blue The Anri was right, a quick glance in the sky could tell anyone that it would rain, and that it wouldn't be a brief and light rain - from the looks of it, it could be a thunderstorm comming. Yet, the thought of rain didn't bother her at all. The only thing that mattered was to get inside Shuthra and seek refuge here. With a brief laugh, she answered, "Well, sometimes rain isn't that bad, and it's also your only chance of taking a bath, isn't it? I really wouldn't.. mind the rain, at all...". Losing her sudden cheerfulness, sadness took her over once again. After getting to Shuthra, what would she do? Nothing else from her life remained, and it was imperative that the girl should start a new one. But all she could feel was emptiness and sadness. Going after her brother or doing something about it wouldn't bring her father back, nor would make things get back to normal. So... What? Ignatius remained as her companion for some time, but he'd disappear soon enough too. And then, the girl would be alone. Without even bothering to think much about it, she said, "We don't need to rush. I-I mean, it's not like we have a motive, right? ...". The quick glance into the sky made her notice just how stupid that was. "Well, maybe we have, but... I just wanted some time... Truth is, I don't know what I am supposed to do after I get there. I... I need to straighten my head, but I can't. I really... can't." OOC: Sorry for taking so long. My routine's changed and I'm terrible at organizing my time, plus my grammar isn't that good. =P
  14. Making comparisons is so fun. =)
  15. I want Johan. Also Cam, I wonder why I'm the only one who thinks Leaf sucks until he levels up enough. Well, he's always fragile when I use him. :/
  16. Whatever, Leaf is made of leaf and Alec isn't that game breaking! ... ... But they're in Doku's hands, so yeah, I'm afraid now. D: J-Just too powerful... Can't stand agaisnt it...
  17. She's so bad, I can't even figure out where I should begin. The only good thing about her is her children (Linda's most likely to be better than Tinny in some cases, though) and Wrath (that is, if she's able to survive the next hit, and if you -can- babysit her. Remeber, Chapter 4 has ponies with wings, Chapter 5 has horsies and cousins of dragons), but they aren't such an important factor. Also, it's too hard to level her up in 2.5 Chapters until she becomes decent. And even after promotion, she -will- still be a frail unit. In short, she's only useful for Arthur/Tinny. 3/10 for passing Wrath to her children, and for her children themselves.
  18. Kingdom of ZX? Zero? Are we really thinking about the same thing here? Although Zero ruling doesn't make sense, the whole idea of seeing him in FE is interesting. I like your idea, it's certainly daring. The sprites, however, are kinda strange. Isaac looks more like Dew, with his yellow hair and suit. Jenna's resemblance to Lyn is simply screaming (I know it's a recolor). I have no knownledge on hacking whatsoever, so, I'm sorry I can't help you. Good luck with your hack, man.
  19. What is this I don't even Meh, I'll pick Harken and Louise. I thought it was my turn. >:
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