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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Ok, my pieces are all set in the chessboard! Well, the Gen 1 ones are. Since logic doesn't apply to my case, don't be scared if a social knight becomes a Rook or a Bishop, or a Thief becomes a Knight. Queens: - Sigurd. I'm glad we don't actually have to draft him. He's always awesome, has high movement and he kicks ass with little to no effort. He's also my King, but letting him die is one of the hardest things in FE, so I don't even bother with it. Fight, Sigurd! For everlasting peace! You'll die eventually, but without you Barhara would be fucked, and let's not talk about what would have happened to Aideen, Briggid and Eltshan. - Fury, because she's a badass hot chick on a pony with wings, and because she's able to use staves and swords + lances. Not to mention about Sety, who pretty much pwns anything. Rooks: - Cuan. Not only his mobility is awesome, but killing units before they even hit him (in some cases, after Noish weakens them. Weapon triangle really hurts in Prologue and Chapter 1) is a great addition. In short, he can make sure that nothing stands on his way and my plans come to fruition. I understand why Horace loves him! - Noish: His advantage in the first chapters really helps, and he's strong enough to kill shit with two hits. If he finds a tree, it's likely that he'll almost always dodge. So yeah, he's also good, though not as good as Cuan. Bishops: - Aideen: Kind of tricky to use properly, but she's always a great addition to a team because of Lana and because she's better at healing than Lachesis for most of the time. I just hope Dew won't screw Lester's stats. - Fin: Tricky to use because of the weapon triangle disadvantage in the first chapters, but he's quite good. Prayer helps agaisnt the axemooks, so yeah, Fin's cool. - Knights: - Dew: I find him tricky to use, as he's likely to die agaisnt anything and I have no idea how I'm going to deal with him and make him become as useful as Doku says he is. But since he's an important part of my plan, I'll have to figure out my way around him! - Diadora: Pretty much useless and only used for healing. Even so, she might be able to help me out on Chapter 2 if I use her right. Fire Emblem IV, Prologue: Sigurd in Axeland, comming soon! As in, after I stop sucking at FE4 forever
  2. Wait what, I picked Bartre! That list is insane!
  3. Claude is nice, but he's pretty much overshadowed by everything else, because he comes late and is just another staffbot (the Valkyrie Staff is awesome but impractical). By the time he arrives, you'll have Ethlin (she'll leave soon, however), Aideen and Lachesis. Chances are Aideen is going to promote on the next Chapter, and she'll be able to do pretty much everything Claude could do (except use the Valkyrie Staff), and Lachesis will become a staffbot that fights in a horse soon too. In the end, he's just another healer who's able to send the Valkyrie staff to his son. And to be honest, it's only useful if you pick Sylvia. Lana will be awesome regardless of who's her father (Lester will become worse if Claude is his father, though), Sety and Fee are much better when Fury is paired with Levin or Noish (and Fee might become weaker if Claude is her father). And then, the Valkyrie Staff, the major thing that makes him a valuable character, is almost useless. 4/10
  4. Rush at him like a Leeroy Jenkins and see if he won't shoot you. Well, that is, if he's got only one bullet. Well, in case he's too retarded to shoot you before you hit him, then you get to keep everyone alive. If I got to choose, it would be me. I'd rather die than have a meaningless existence, thinking that my life is more important or above the others, even if it is a baby or an average joe. Also, my death is inevitable, so why not choose a good and meaningful way of dying? What is the measure of a human life? Also, inb4 someone calls me a White Knight or Necromancer for ressurecting this topic, I'm not.
  5. But Dany's a female version of Leaf, as much as Robb is the GoT version of Celice or not. =P
  6. Great, I mistook Rescue with Return.
  7. Sety's a god anyway. So... Yeah, Fee should be favored more. I've got a plan, but that depends on who they are going to pick next. And, wait, why am I not going to get the Rescue staff? Ethlin can sell it, and Aideen can buy it.
  8. To be honest, I've got no idea about who I'm going to pair Aideen and Fury with. Cuan just looks like a nice addition, and Doku's pretty offensive with him, so I thought "Why not?". =P So yeah, you're pretty likely to be right.
  9. You mean like, 9 turns clear on Prologue and 18 turns clear on Chapter 1?
  10. Fury, for great justice.
  11. Didn't he pick for me already? Too late now, anyway.
  12. I'll pick Aideen for great justice
  13. Well, you're introducing the participants in "Teams". So I thought how you were going to do that. Is this a tag-team like Draft or did I misunderstand it all? =P
  14. I'd like to play in this one, but I don't know how the Teams system is going to work.
  15. Well, I don't know if that's just me, but I never heard anyone say about it. =P I hardly play the Campaigns, since I'm usually making some kind of storyline by using random maps, factions and settings. Sounds crazy, but I like it. The campaigns aren't that bad imo, but they're still average (and Konrad is just like Marth).
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