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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Best: Falconknights, because of flying horses with staves. Worst: Thief Fighter, wtf. I don't even know if dancers can promote to Dancer Fighters or Spoony Bards or whatever, but if they do, I'll pick that.
  2. It's halfway complete. Aside from the Items, I think it's pretty much done if there are no errors. I want to know if there are healing items, because I couldn't find anything about them and I don't want random encounters to fuck my char up. Sign up.
  3. Well, do you have a newbie friendly guide to DnD's system? If you do, then I'm willing to participate. =P
  4. Now now, DAT REUSED MUSIC....
  5. Ignoring jerks is something you and butthurt Rein must learn.
  6. The first FE I played was FE7, because I saw something about it in a topic and then I became interested. I remember I used to solo the game with Marcus and keep every other unit from fighting until the last chapter, and that made me paranoid with pre-promotes for a long while. >:
  7. I don't like axe users in FE6 at all, but Echidna's the one I can reason with. So, yeah, my most prefered one is her, although Hero!Dieck surpasses her on everything even if his Def is cursed (12 def on Level 4, promoted).
  8. Look at my post however you want, but I wasn't saying anything about the Town. >:
  9. Things sure are easier when you get to see the game on a third person perspective, right? =P
  10. Going in circles, trapped inside a imaginary square.
  11. Easiest: FE7 Prologue Hardest: FE11 Chapter 1 on H5 Nominating best/worst death quote.
  12. Even after pulling a Captain Obvious here you didn't understand the point (which is "Everything can be true, since there is no confirmation and we're pretty much left to wonder and make whatever we want from assumptions"). I don't know what to do anymore. :/ The son's theory works, although it doens't explain why Sanaki's parents weren't mentioned at all in both games.
  13. Lords can hardly beat the bosses by themselves, or even reach them... Well, unless you're a pro and/or you're playing with something that isn't Leaf, Eliwood, Hector, Lyn or Marth.
  14. Her mother was out of the script, that's why. We can speculate as we want, but that's the truth. EDIT: I'm not trolling or kidding, also.
  15. From what I know, he didn't even finish his project, unfortunately. Doku should make a Shin Patch for FE6!
  16. Marcus is a trap to newcomers on Fire Emblem because they mis-use him, but he's a fine addition to the team. Not using him is a mistake that newbies oftenly make. Telling that to a newbie who's only played FEs two or three times won't work, unless they're perfectionists and elitists.
  17. Rine "Stop! He did that on purpose!", he yelled, but his voice was completely hidden in by Carrion's, so he decided to think about something else. Using brute force wouldn't help at all, and she wasn't willing to listen to him now... So, what to do next? If only he had some time to think maybe he'd figure out some plan to calm her or get hit in the face on the process, if not worse. By the time Carrion attacked the girl everything happened at a sudden, as Arcen stepped into it quicker than a wolf and knocked the witch out cold, and then Adrian started a fight with him for the same reason Arcen knocked his girlfriend out. That was going to end badly, because both were right and had strong reasons to kill eachother. Rine decided to step in, running towards them, but stopping in a distance far enough for him to evade that sword or Adrian's fist if things hadn't gone in his way. "Wait! Carrion's behavior had been wrong, but you're doing the same thing she did to your sister! Aggression won't bring you anywhere, and you're pretty much acting just like her.", then he turned to Adrian, "He's trying to protect his sister just like you want to protect Carrion, and the problem has already been taken care of. Please, try to sort this out after you two calm down, we're a group...". Asviel "I'm surprised that I've been able to sleep for so long too... Well, at least I can think straight now....". He mentioned a settlement of which she had never heard of, so it meant that there were humans there. "With these dirtied clothes, I doubt I won't catch much attention...". Could they have been noticed about the events of last night? Lushira is far, but maybe word of it could have been heard there. Either way, if it were possible, she wouldn't stop anywhere. Traveling to a city not so close to the border sounded like a better option... If only Asviel had the strenght for it. Haunted by her hunger, it didn't look like she could make it this far. She doubted that such a big fire and commotion would go unnoticed by the nearby cities, and Lushira would certainly do something about it... But the girl couldn't think of 'what'. "Hey, what do you think these lusians are going to do about it? They can't hide the facts that easily, and you mentioned something about a motive for war....".
  18. Horace should be banned, seriously. Jokes aside, I'll see if I can at least be in 3rd position. DX
  19. Rine That argument would have ended badly, and before he noticed that it was some sort of trick, Rine thought about stepping in it many times... But he didn't know what to say, and everything that could come from his mouth would eventualy burn him. Adrian wasn't doing anything, so he assumed that they would reach an agreement soon... Or something like that. Suddenly, as he blinked, he could hear the sound of an arrow being shot, and the thought of having been hit struct him instantly. The shot he listened was as loud and sudden as a lightning, paralyzing him completely as if he had been hit... That thought disappeared as soon as he noticed he was fine, but his heart still raced as if it was legit. "That bastard...!"The wind around him changed, blowing around him as if to simulate a fast paced planet spinning (*it wasn't his intention to simulate a planet). He stared at the archer which was probably the one who scared him more than anything else he could remember since a long time, who made him experience a false 2 seconds death, but his anger was placed past his fear. "You! ... Leave this place at once, leave your weapons here and run the fuck away before I change my mind!". Being that arrogant wasn't one of his traits, but the anger boosted his confidence and boldness by tenfold. Asviel "You took everything from me, my spot, my parents, the possibilities that I would have if it weren't for you... You stole my life. In turn, I steal yours.". She couldn't see anything else, only the person standing infront of her, the blade, and his eyes. Everything else was more dense and darker than a foggy night. As the blade stuck into her chest piercing her body completely, the man holding the blood stained sword stared deep inside her eyes angrily... If such a feeling could be called anger, since it was a mix of anguish, pride, anger, sorrow, lust and revenge. He somehow managed to get past everyone and use the commotion to get what he desired, but the girl knew that nothing would stop him. His anger and desire for vengeance manipulated him. "Burn on hell with your sin... My sister!", he whispered, as if to share a secret with her, smirking. Even so, Asviel couldn't think about any sin, or anything that resembled the things she supposedly stole from him. Yet judgement came to her, and she was about to lose everything dear because of his grudge. The thought of losing everything struck into her mind deeper than the sword. Though she was recognized by her cold and composed behavior, the truth was that she loved everything she had, her parents, her limited number of friends, the importance given to her, everything. As death draw closer and closer to her, she wondered if that man, who had been her brother once, thought that he was doing her the same ill, until nothing mattered and her existance was erased. from time. ... A dream, yet it seemed so realistic that she could swear that her brother killed her and took everything from her once again. The shock made her forget about everything that happened in the dream until then, the only thing she could remember was that they arrived somewhere, then her carriage was set on fire as her family returned to inside of it with her, and then it happened. Asviel raised her head as soon as her 'illusion' ended, wondering where she could be now. Looking at the sky, she noticed just how much time she spent sleeping. Ignatius probably took her because they were stationed on the same place for too long. "... Hi. I'm impressed I took this long to wake up... I was really exausted. Did something happen while I was sleeping? By the way, where are we heading to?".
  20. Rine had his bow ready to shoot anything that he saw, but he didn't threaten the enemy soldiers with it (no guaranties about them feeling annoyed by it). Eager to leave as soon as he could, he waited until the negotiations were over and the other two weren't a problem anymore. He ran towards the ringmail and decided to put it on without warning anyone about it nor answering anyone's calls at that time. "What are you all waiting for? If they reach us while we're chatting, we'll surely be dead. I'll pick this thing, we'll argue who should get what when we're safe.", then he turned to Edgar, "Pick the axe and put this thing on already if you're going to take it with you before it's too late".
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