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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. I'll ##Vote: Excellen since I have a feeling that, by lynching him, we'll have more info about the remaining players and Straw and Prims' true nature. Besides, his rushness and recklesness in judging the situation and the players helps the Mafia. Plus, if Straw and Prims got roleblocked and Iris is the doc, it can only mean that Excelen is the Kidnapper.
  2. I really hate when you guys don't post while I'm here, and when you post while I'm NOT here/busy. IF there is only one more scum left in this game then Prims is clearly Town, because the Kidnapper is obviously scum (stopping the Cop from using his role when it's of clear advantage to the Town is a scummy act, obviously). But if there are more than two, there is a high probability that Prims is scum, hence why he's so adamant that there are only 2 scums in this setting and that it's stupid to have more of them. Also, please explain me why it's stupid. We have 9 players. So you say we have 7 Towns and 2 scums? That sounds more stupid imo. Also, the Mafia could have a Godfather or a Janitor. The third scum role doesn't need to be an overpowered role. I don't understand why Prims finds Haze/Straw to be absolutely clear Town, too. He gave us his opinion about the game as we pressed him, but he wouldn't have done anything if Prims hadn't pressed him to vote someone already and stop simply pointing to things and leaving it at that. -- Oh wait. Damn me for not reading all the pages first before writting my post, instead of writting my post while I read the pages. Not really. Let's follow the worst possible case scenario: -> D1 (9 players) - 1 Town by mislynch - 1 Town by Mafia kill - 1 Town by Interceptor prediction - 1 Town by Mafia Kidnapping We'd have 5 Towns (without counting the kidnapped one) and 3 scums by D2. What a tragic view of the situation you have! That is, if the town killing role (Marksman, I suppose?) player is really that stupid to go shooting that fast so early. By the way, I've been told about that too. -- I don't trust Prims enough to roleclaim in private, so I'll roleclaim in public since my role isn't a big deal. I'm the Town Nexus. Any non-killing roles that targets me will be redirected to a random player, excluding me and the player targetting me. Also, any role that would result in my death can kill me, it's not only limited to the mafia's nightkill. Nexus clearly isn't a scum role, but I could very well be a Third Party as Prims said. Either way, it doesn't mean I'm a threat to the Town.
  3. Umm... So why do we have only 2 scums on a 9 players setting?
  4. Ok so why don't we act and lynch someone already.
  5. I'll call this Lolgic from now on. Just make alternative universes in which Marth stays with one of them in each. That's easier.
  6. Do you really think it was worth to bet on an optimistic view of that case? In any way, we'd clear one of the suspects on the list and get the role of another suspect on next Day. I insist that the NL was bad to the Town.
  7. There's no logic in thinking that, by being kidnapped, you can use your role. :/ We lost a day by doing nothing. If Straw, me and Excellen are suspects, then they should have chosen one to be lynched, even if it's me. At least that will contribute to the game. No lynching won't. And now Iris dies and Manix's probably going to be the next. Maybe he can investigate this Night and send us results next day.
  8. You'll most likely screw up a lot of DB units by tending to Ilyana and it's hard to make her on par with the Greil Mercenaries. Only use her if you want to sacrifice a few DB units. Imo, she doesn't compensate for the trouble and Soren's much better and Jill, Nolan and Micaiah won't be affected.
  9. I hoped for Umineko, but Higurashi's also awesome. =P A mix of these two is even better.
  10. Unless there are 2 scums left. I seriously don't know why Prims is so adamant that there is only one scum left... damn it i want to find that facepalming pony which was on jbcw's avatar and post it there but i can't seriously, what --- I'm uncomfortable with a no lynch. If we don't lynch, we'll probably lose FTP/Iris for being the Doc, and we don't have the assurance that Manix could use his role while kidnapped. Also, tomorrow is going to be the end of Manix unless a Kidnapper/Jailer steals him again. We -must- do something now, because we have the advantage of having a doctor. Let me recap about the players' situation. -> Prims/Kaoz - Probably innocent because Shinori roleblocked him. If it's confirmed that a scum can't act and kill on the same Night, he's innocent. Also, I don't recall seeing Kaoz post in this thread at all, but I've seen him lurking. But there's something that still bothers me: What if his role is an innate one? And even if it isn't, why couldn't he have killed someone (if he turns out to be scum) while getting Roleblocked? Also, we don't know whether he sent his action and it took effect or not -- that is, assuming he sent his action last Night., there are a couple reasons why he wouldn't use his role unless he had a good reason. Seems too vague to me. -> FTP/Iris - They seemed suspicious to me until Iris claimed Doctor. Since there were no counterclaims, I think it's pretty obvious that they're from Town. -> Straw/Haze - Absent in the beginning, but has contributed to the discussion and scum hunt recently. Not much to say about him, aside from that. Haze argued agaisnt Iris in order to protect his partner. What annoys me is that he only took the action to vote someone after Prims pressed him to. If it weren't for that, Straw would've just protected himself from the accusations and left it at that. -> Shinori/JBCW - Claimed Roleblocker. Since there were no counterclaims, he's probably Innocent. JBCW never posted in this thread. -> Excelen/Weapons - Voted me on the start of D2 and left it at that. Pointed a flaw or two on FTP's excuse, answered the questions and justified why he had his vote stuck on me until now. Weapons just came to say "Hi I'm there, and here goes my post". As I said before when I voted on him, I really dislike his rushness and he's always too jumpy to conclusions, he might lynch someone from the Town if he continues to do so. Also, his motive for lynching me is that I didn't contribute to the game at all in D1. Very well, now I am contributing, and there should be no motive left for him to vote me, yet he remained silent. Also, since when was I trying to find a scapegoat? And since when was I a prime suspect, in order to feel like finding one? Stop pulling things from your ass. :/ Come on, let's not stop here...
  11. dem sports. I thought I was the only one who thinks like that.
  12. ... Nevermind. I have to vote someone because I'm going to spend my whole day off. ##Vote: Excelen I really dislike his rushness and he's always too jumpy to conclusions, he might lynch someone from the Town if he continues to do so. Also, his motive for lynching me is that I didn't contribute to the game at all in D1. Very well, now I am contributing, and there should be no motive left for him to vote me, yet he remained silent. I'd yell "scum!" at him if I didn't know Sho. Man, that flame wars me, 13th and he had on that other Mafia was awesome. =P That's my only inassurance, but it's better to vote someone you're not comfortable with than not vote at all.
  13. His scumbudy could have stolen Manix away. Or a townie could. Either way Prims, was your action roleblocked last night? Kinda unlikely, we don't have that many players, and the Town is always the majority of the players. Well then, I'm not sure about Shinori. I don't see him as scum... for now anyway. I'm not going to risk. Unvote Argh, I can't see anyone particularly scummy.
  14. Ok, now please explain me what you want me to look at.
  15. Summed up everything I had to say. Amazing! 3/10
  16. I'm not sure if FTP and Iris count as one person vote-wise. Is it even stated in the rules? Depending of the answer, I'll want a good explanation from Iris/FTP.
  17. By the "scum that kills", do you mean the scum designated to kill or do you mean the Mafia as a whole in the Night Phase?
  18. Oh, sorry for not answering to this, but that's because I'm not sure Manix did that.
  19. Unvote Nicely done, Shinori. I didn't think much about Prims' post asking if the Mafia is able to send an action and kill on the same Night. So, why did you think that is the case, Prims? That question couldn't just poof from nowhere.
  20. Also, I think 3 should be rephrased to "Who do you think is the most townish player BESIDES Manix/Clipsey", because it's pretty clear that he's Town. Or at least that's what I think, based on his action.
  21. You neither, hypocrite. Also, notice that the discussion had just begun by the time you voted me, so what did you expect? Don't be so rushy, or you'll end up doing something bad. Well then, let's get started. I think I can contribute by making some basic questions: 1) Do you think those who voted for a No Lynch are scums? Why? 2) Do you think the Jailer/whatever is Town or scum? 3) Who do you think is the most Townish player? 4) Who do you think is the most suspicious player? 1 - I won't talk about it since I'm one of them, but I didn't see anything wrong with FearthePika. He seems to be busy and made his final vote (because vets can't post more than once) because it looked like someone was going to get lynched. Not much to say about his behavior, it's too soon. 2 - I think he's Town, but that's just me. Seems to be a OPed role for the Mafia, and it would unbalance the game.... Well, I think. 3 - I'd say me, because the only person you can believe on is yourself (unless you're scum), but that's stupid. I don't find anyone particularly townish. Prims seems to be contributing a lot, but maybe that's his way of manipulating the game. 4 - Every single one of the inactives, and Excelen for being too rushy and making half-baked statements. Also, inb4 I forget... ##Vote: Shinori Talk. I know you're oftenly busy, but JBCW's been too absent and that's creeping me out. Same for Strawman.
  22. I'm also interested. I didn't understand what exactly we're supposed to do by investigating and how the actions system works, but other than that I'm fine with the rules.
  23. Great, I missed all the action. So, I really hope we have a Doctor, because the Cop was too agressive. He didn't do it badly however, everyone has a chance to die, and claiming may lower or increase these chances. On his case, it may increase + reveal a scum, so yeah, nice gambit out there. Is there a possibility that the ones who voted for a NoLynch are scums? I have the excuse that I'm a noob player, but FearthePika is experienced... Nevertheless, I'm still suspicious. Well, I'd like to hear Iris/FearThePika's reasoning again, about a NoLynch.
  24. You need to vote for a NoLynch if you don't want anyone lynched just sayin
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