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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. -- Prologue: 12 turns-- Basically, Sigurd killed everything and the others followed his trail. I finally found a way to get to the second castle without making that other army stationed come out from inside the castle. Fin, Noish and Lex got a few levels. Sigurd didn't even need Ethlin's help. Stats in a sec.
  2. We trolled Nagflar hard. 87 pages? This is madness!
  3. If I do this draft on a completely cleared game, that won't affect me at all by giving my team disadvantages/advantages over others, right? That's all I want to know.
  4. That's something you will never find in any season of Game of Thrones nor in the books. People don't show their reasoning easily, even though some are easier to understand (like Tyrion, Jon, Eddard, Dany etc.) while others are confusing (Varys to an extent, Littlefinger, Theon, Jaime etc.). The series are famous for their plot twists, intrigue and a story that is too chaotic and almost impossible to predict what's going to happen next because ANYTHING can happen. That's the catch of the series and the books: The realism and the "anyone can die" part. Characters you like/expect things from it may die anytime and anywhere if the conditions are favorable, just like Robert died: It wasn't an spectacular death, but it made sense. The series doesn't throw things at us, it leaves us to speculate then show if our theories were right or wrong after a while. On Episode 9, Varys says that he worked as a pretender since his childhood and he learned everyone has a role to fill, but that's pretty vague. Did he change his allegiance at a point? I don't remember. Also, Littlefinger's intentions are confusing and we get the feeling he's playing with everyone as if they were chess pieces (at least on the books); I don't think he's got something agaisnt Eddard, but I think he's agaisnt everyone who has played with him because he comes from a lesser house. I liked the show, but I expect more from the second season. The books explained much more than that and we could understand the characters' reasoning and point of view better than in the show. Of course, it's impossible to make it just like the books, but I expect more explanation and focus on the causes, especially now.
  5. Yay. Let's do this, 13th! I know that when inactives mix, they become active, it's just like multiplying minus for minus! We'll fail terribly, however. Do you want to play Gen 2? Or do you prefer Gen 1? I'd rather play Gen 1 but I don't mind playing the other.
  6. Stupid question, but how do I skip Lyn's mode and go straight to Hector's mode? From what I know, if I clear the game on Lyn's mode at least once, the stats I got on it are going to be passed to the other modes.... Or am I wrong? I'll do this draft. Seems madness to me, but I'll do it anyway. =P
  7. Not that I care about it, since you're just another folk. Well Horace, if I finish the recent drafts I'm in (the ones that aren't Darros' Pair Draft, Aideen's and some really old drafts that date to December) are you going to consider me joining drafts in the future? If this doesn't convince you, then I'll try to finish them all.
  8. I hope you have the common sense to realise that some of them are meaningless and your logic is flawed. .. ... Actually, I don't think he's got that. Nvm
  9. Really? I'm sure I'm in 2 drafts which nobody cares about, the Tournament draft in which Cam already beat me, and another one in which Baldrick is my partner, which happened on December.
  10. Well, I wanna play on this one. The other ones I'm in have no competitors anyway, so it's boring. I can play with Cam if he accepts me. =D
  11. I just disliked the fact that we had only 9 teams, which made the game short. Also, the other half couldn't even post properly because of the restriction. While I don't have any suggestions to fix that, I really wish you do something about it, as I liked the overall idea. Well, that's mostly the Mafia's fault for not helping a new player. You could've been saved by the Tailor if he played the cards right. The Mafia was very OPed but they didn't know how to act in group.
  12. Unfortunately, you scums are going to lose. I am the Nexus and Prims proved that I am indeed the Nexus. We all know that the remaining scum is the Hider (not the Kidnapper. The Kidnapper blocks votes too, but the Hider just... hides people). Your role however is uncertain, and all we have here is the argument that it's stupid to not have a doctor in this setting. So yeah, by elimination you're the only person whose role has not been proved. Your doctor claim could have been just a desperate claim in order to survive a Day and die in the other, in case the true Doctor counterclaimed (if there were a doc). In short, you're the last scum left, by order of elimination. I am clear, Manix is clear, but you aren't.
  13. ##Vote: Iris That's all I can do.
  14. Actually, nevermind. Unvote ##Vote: Prims When both die, the Town has a 100% chance of winning.
  15. Your drugs don't work for me, unfortunately. But I guess it worked last night by not working. Thx Haze! Well, I think I trust Prims enough to vote on Iris. Not only he was Roleblocked by Shinori once, but he cleared me with Straw's help. Iris however has no evidences. Her Doc claim could have been just a desperate move to buy her more time, as lynching a Doc is too risky unless there is a counterclaim (which is hard to do when we're so close to the end phase). ##Vote: Iris Good game.
  16. There's something I find odd about Manix. Why did he ask us so much to roleclaim to him in private? Sure, he was most likely to be the most Town player at the moment, but he insisted too much as if there was no tomorrow and I really wonder why.
  17. So, am I supposed to laugh now? There are four players left. One is the Cop, Iris is the Doctor, Prims isn't the Kidnapper because he's been roleblocked by Shinori (or so we have been told, Shinori AFKs a lot and may have missed this) so he's pretty much Town, and then there is... Me. Come out and play with me, Prims. This is going to become our holy battleground! But first tell us your role.
  18. Rapier


    I agree. These things won't spoil anything important and you'll be prepared to what's to come. Well, at least this page won't spoil anything plot-wise. You can use any unit you want, everyone's useful in their own way. Chances are you'll be using all your units since FE4 has big chapters and a lot of enemies.
  19. Dimna, huh. Let's see how I'm going to start this... He's just fucking absolutely terrible. Can't hurt shit for all I care; can't survive hits for all I care; can't counter shit and survive/or kill the enemy unit for all I care; is completely useless when compared to anyone that isn't Paty/Daisy or that hitman from Conote dude. He may be of some help in Chapter 6, but expect him to fail a lot at Chapter 7 when he gets countered by Dark Mages/gets hit by far ranged tomes/fights the other mages and Javelin!Armors army. Oh yes, and he will become Wyvern food by Chapter 8 if he isn't babysited properly (either by leveling him up or protecting him). 0/10, with a negative bias point.
  20. OOC: First off, let me explain why I rolled two times. The first time was an accidental 1d10 Roll. Sorry, I'll be more careful from now on. IC: Although he planned to wait until the reinforcements (which is to say, the sneaky team) got there, he didn't have such a privilege. Waiting longer would result in the death of the hostages, and he couldn't allow that. However, rushing towards them like crazy as a Leeroy Jenkins wouldn't help either, as getting surrounded and attacked by three enemies at once was a certain end for mostly everyone. But he had to try, failure wasn't an option. "You'll hate this, but we have to go now, buddy. ... I hope this actually works, or else it's going to be the shortest offensive in history". Pointing towards the horseman and holding a grip on his wyvern as tight as he could, Rine rushed towards the ground, trying to supress his adrenaline, inassuirance and fear of missing. When they got close enough, Ragnos slowed down, allowing Rine to use one of his hands to grab his Iron Axe and swing it at the nomad's head as hard as he could. --- *Rine activates his Charge ability!* - Hit calculation: 1d20 → [3] = (3) *Rine's Hit is 23. He hits!* - Crit calculation: 1d20 → [18] = (18) *Rine's Crit is 4. He doesn't crit!* - Damage calculation: 11.2 = 22, -1 = 21. *Rine deals 21 damage to RN E (HP: 17/18). RN E is defeated!* --- ... The nomad's horse got scared by Ragnos' sudden approximation and thrlorted (?), sending the archer back next to the wyvern's feet as the axe connects with his head fiercely, breaking his skull almost instantly. As one of the three enemies laid down below him and his horse fled to a random direction, Rine readied his Iron Axe again. "Why hello there, Emocnians. I'll be your opponent... And your butcher".
  21. "Looks like this is going to be a pretty bad battle. I must move with caution.". Rine watches the soldiers from below, analysing the incomming battle and the ground below. His group had just begun attacking the raiders, they would never reach the hostages before they are hurt, so why go with such a mad plan? ... No. It wasn't a mad plan, Chaen Lang probably thought about it more than the wyvern rider could see. Drawing his axe and getting ready for action when the time comes, Rine uses his advantage of being in a higher position than everyone else to wait until most enemies are busy: Rushing like that will only lead him to a certain death, something he couldn't afford to do, for himself and for his family who depended on him. "I can help the hostages. I just need the time and the right conditions... But they're too many, and I can't fight so many and allow myself to get cornered. I... Have to wait."
  22. I also want to join! I'll pick Djinn number 42.
  23. Ok, now I definitely trust Prims. Excelent job, Excelen.
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