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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. I've never seen such an OP Leonardo in all my playthroughs. '_' Nor a Nolan with such a bad Def.
  2. She can hardly survive a single round agaisnt anything. The Sleep Sword is more of a russian rolette than one of the pros, and giving money to others isn't that useful, especially when you can't get more money because A. You can't survive two rounds or one or B. You can't win at the arena more than a single match. The money given to the chars at the end of the chapters is too low to be of any use. 2/10 for her lack of usefulness. I'm not saying she's useless, but that's my opinion. >:
  3. To be honest, I liked them, but they aren't much different from the original tracks. Actually, you just changed the way the tracks sound. I think they could be better than they are.
  4. Shanan is an unit you can be sure that will pwn regardless of what the RNG does. The Balmung gives him even more bonus to speed, he's got Meteor Sword and a fair STR. He's hard to hit and only a few units survive a round agaisnt him (in that case, some bosses, because enemy units will always die). The only problem with him is his movement, but that doesn't slow his proggress or makes him bad, this isn't a Draft. 9/10
  5. From the ashes, I rise. I was too busy for even accessing a computer, sorry. First, I'll Unvote since Manix explained himself. If he does ressurect Marth, it's a win/win situation for the town anyway. 1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town? As I already said, yes. He tried to get me, Shinori and Bizz lynched and that was by no means benefitial to the Mafia. The first two were just excuses so that he could vote someone, he just sheeped, and Bizz's case was a failed attempt to make her look scummy. I only wish people would tell me why I look like I'm trying to clear myself over this, instead of just saying "He's trying too hard let's lynch him" without counter-arguing. Tell me why Marth would vote me and Shinori if we were his scumbuddies, for example. 2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town? Shinori - My theory above. Bizz - My theory above, Marth tried to lynch her desperately in the end. Manix - Mafia Reviver sounds stupid. If he is really a scum who wants to buy more time, then he's going to get screwed next Cycle. I don't think that is a good idea. Ether - Inactive, but he tried to contribute to his best, or that's what I see from his posts. He also got inflicted by status ailment, so I don't think he's Mafia unless he lied. The status ailment in question is a scummy one, because restricting one's posts is a scummy power more than anything else. 3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning? Clipsey - Not really scummy, but she's quieter than usual (may be justified, of course) and she hardly attacks. All she does is ask for info and press the players' opinions. Paper/Snike - Snike just began playing, but I disliked Paper's last vote in C1 and his lurking. I'd rather give him some time to try to fix that, though. Straw and Iris are saved by the Law of Meta. I can't get better reads from the others. 4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum? I'm not sure. For all I know, it could be a Djinn. I bet on a noobtown, in any case. 5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult? Well, we had 15 players on C1, so I think there must be some third parties. I dislike the idea of a cult however, they don't seem to fit storywise. Then why didn't you check already? Casting doubts is a scum move rather than a town move. Go and look on the cases you're in doubt about. The only time we were sure he was going to get lynched was when he voted Bizz, so this only applies to her. Well, at least you're convinced about the other two... Though not by my reasons. A Doctor could save him, if such a role exists in this game. ##Clipsey Give us your thoughts.
  6. ... Meh. Funny point, since he used an old reason to justify himself when he had a lot of new reasons to use and they were exactly what made people vote for Marth.
  7. I never said I'm clear. I searched for Marth's posts to see if I could get something from them, and I found it useful to say that Shinori, me and Bizz were sheeped by him. If you think it helps us (it doesn't innocent us, but I mean, makes us less scummy), then sure, that's useful. It's also a form of scumhunting: If you manage to shorten your suspects list, you will be able to focus on the scummiest ones. Also, Marth never voted anyone at that point, from what I know. Later I think he voted Shinori, me and then Bizz, but I'm not sure about Shinori or if he voted someone else. I get the impression he voted Manix too, but I may be mistaking him from another player. He voted Shinori because everyone was voting him, he voted me (from every other choice he had, because it was Prims who started the "Marth bandwagon" yet he set all the guilt on me) because I voted him (he even justifies it!), and then he voted Bizz to blame her in order to live longer. Funny point, since he used an old reason to
  8. Well I can be your co-host if you want to pick me.
  9. Sorry, but isn't that what happened? =P The only problem is, in Mafia, when we have a group called Adepts, everyone from that group is either Mafia or Town. There are no groups that are either Town and Mafia at the same time. I'd have used this agaisnt you, had I not considered you are new to this and you already explained yourself witht he knownledge you have about the game's rules and how it works. By the way, Kay's pressing you too much for something you already answered and that annoys me. I wish she'd look at the rest of the game and stop focusing on one target/badgering only one target. Yay at your mention to Mahou Sensei Negima. I need to go back to reading this, but that will only happen after these exams I'm taking. Also, they are one of the reasons why I'm being a bit inactive besides having to study and do homework. That's why I said I "needed to find the courage to look back at Marth's posts", it's just a typo. Then... Well, I dislike Spike's cautioness but that didn't make him seem like the player that would be lynched. On the entire phase, he only got two or three votes, I don't remember. So there's no risk for a Mafia Kidnapper, I guess. Unless the Kidnapper isn't a kidnapper but a Djinn effect, like Prims' could roleblock. Either way, that was a pretty stupid move if the Kidnapper/Djinn user is really Town. Now, about Marth's posts... It was his first post in C1. The fact that he didn't have any realisation about what the hell was happening at that time is: He didn't even know what I did, and he misunderstood what people had said about me, and their reasons for voting me. I see a clear attempt to sheep agaisnt me. Also, Shinori never said he had a strong Djinn, he said he had a strong -role-. Marth tried to put things on his mouth in a way to justify his reasoning. If that isn't sheeping, then tell me what it is. Now tell me why a scum would want to sheep another scum so early in the Cycle, without any proper case formed agaisnt them. When it's clear someone's suspicious and is acting scummy, then it's a good strategy to vote that person although he's your scumbuddy, but that was just too soon. Hence why I believe Shinori and Bizz are Town and I think it kinda helps my case here. His other posts were self-defenses and overreactions, I see no need to quote them. Well, there's that post in which he voted Bizz, but we know about it. Also: ##Vote: Manix Post. Tell us what you think about the game, about the results and about the discussion in general. You've had a lot of time already and I don't feel like trusting someone's good will again.It's clear that you have no opinion about the game.
  10. Holy crap Batman. Marth had very OP powers, and Prims died too soon for my tastes, although I figured out he was one of the most pro-towns and one of the best Mafia kills. About the Kidnapper, I don't know what to think about it. Why would he kidnap Spike? Or better, does that mean he wanted to stop him from taking action or did he want to make sure they wouldn't lynch Spike on this turn? ... The last alternative is improbable, so I rest. Also, since Marth tried to get both me, Shinori and Bizz lynched, doesn't that mean our chances of being scum are lower? He pretty much sheeped agaisnt me when I voted him. >: ... The only ones who don't know that Adepts are Town is the Mafia, or maybe third-parties. Sure, the Adepts could be villains either, just like Agatio was one of the villains for Golden Sun Book 2, that's why it's confusing to anyone who isn't of the Adepts group. So, are you a third-party or a scum? The Adepts are the Adepts, it refers to their group in general. Don't you think it would be weird to have scum Adepts and town Adepts having the same group/faction name? I dislike your excuse, but I'll let it slide because you're new to this. Except they contribute more than you do and Manix has an excuse + doesn't lurk. Also why do you consider Ether as an inactive if he was already posting by the time you said he's inactive. Olol so fucking true. How the hell do you call a consistent argument as something pointless? He had a point agaisnt Spike, a point recognized by me, Bizz and someone else I don't remember now. I'll read Marth's posts as soon as I have the courage to find and read them. I think I'll find something useful amongst them, mostly the players he sheeped.
  11. From what I know, Eddard's hair is black. Or was it dark brown? I don't remember. I bet on black, though. And he was 25 by the time A Game of Thrones happened.
  12. Also no, I'm not a third-party. I just suck.
  13. I already am. 21 Skill Tristan with Charge is pretty OP. @_@ I'm not playing the newest version, but the units are pretty OP as it is. HeroAxe!Skasahahaha kills anything that crosses his patch, Arthur murders anything with his Pursuit Ring, Holsetinny will most of the time dodge and kill everything, Lakche kills anything that crosses her patch, Leaf is sucking because idk how to play with him, Oufaye is simply OP. I'm even finding it too easy now. =P Also Shin, make a FE6 Shin patch someday!
  14. God that sounds awesome. I don't remember if Ned starts with Ice or not. From what I know, it's a family heirloom. Also, I think you should changed Ned for Eddard, because Ned is a nickname. Try mapping some other time, since it's inevitable and you'll end up having to map eventually. See if you can practice that, else it will become an annoying issue.
  15. Well, Shinori's idea was stupid. What if the Roleblocker is Town? He'd waste his action targetting him. Besides, asking about the Djinn is also a bad idea regardless if there's scum Djinn and town Djinn. I wasn't sure if it was just plain bad logic or if he tried to do something as a scum and failed in the end, so I decided to vote him because I didn't have any other major suspects. About the other players... JB - Doing nicely whenever he's around. Iris - Being Iris, AKA being busy but contributing. Bizz - I don't even remember when she claimed or softclaimed or whatever. Her playstyle is odd in my opinion, and while it's curious, it doesn't say she's scummy. Shinori - Bad logic made him look scum and noob town at the same time. Marth - Overeacts and tries to put things through our throat. Kay - Pro-town level over nine thousand, badgering people like a boss since C0. Prims - Has an active voice over the game. Active pro-town imo. Paperblade - Contributes sometimes but he's too inactive and that gives me the lurking scum thought. Spike - Too cautious, too afraid to lynch someome, while it's inevitable. Even if in his time they played this way, that looks scummy to my eyes. Clipsey - Seems to be busier than usual, but she contributes whenever she gets the time. Nothing odd about her up to now. Manix - I get the feeling that he's got no opinion about the game in general. May be because he was busy with his birthday. I'd like to wait a bit more before giving my definitive judgement. I may be forgetting someone, but that's pretty much all of them. Ok, maybe not overreact, but I tried to justify myself in a game on which I should be giving results instead of excuses. They accused me of not contributing on C0, and I asked them "what the hell you want me to do on C0?", that's what happened.
  16. I dislike Marth's behavior. Not only he overeacted when we voted him for information, but now I think he's trying to use someone as a scapegoat as his vote counter is increasing. His whole justification is full of logic errors, being one of them that he thinks Bizz and Prims have some sort of lovers role when lovers are Town, unless one lover is Town and the other is Mafia; and his way of trying to make some things Bizz said look suspicious while they aren't, although I admit they're curious things. Looks pretty much like a desperate scum to me. Unvote ##Vote: Marth I'll post more after this post, inb4 the phase ends.
  17. I thought Snike was Spike all this time. /facepalm
  18. By the way, I'm not lurking. I left the tab open while I was doing other things, and now my mind's too tired to contribute to something. Just saying. I'll answer to Shinori tomorrow, if the Cycle doesn't end before that (last time it ended a day prior to the Cycle End day on my timezone, on a noon).
  19. Regarding Manix, I get the vibes of someone who has no former opinion about what's happening. Maybe it's because of his birthday. I really suggest we give him more time to gather his thoughts and focus on what we're dealing with, at least for now. Like, for example, Spike's cautiousness about starting bandwagons by voting when voting is inevitable. Shinori's vote on me also seems awfuly oportunistic to me because he didn't even justify it, it's also the reason why I'm not unvoting.
  20. Shinori's vote on meseems like a desperate one to me. He didn't even say why he's voting on me. >:
  21. Arthur is arguably better than Levin in his start since he's got Holsety. I think -1 mov point compensates for the ubber pwnage Arthur provides right off the bat.
  22. I'm still there. My problem is I did something very very very very very stupid and I can't get myself out of it. Restart? Meh, I managed to kill the whole First Castle army with an epic Noish and Fin, seizing the castle in Turn 4 or 5, but somehow the bandits always catch up with Aideen. When I recover from that trauma, I will continue. >:
  23. Broto ninja'd me, lol. Happy Birthday, Manix!
  24. I already knew that, but everyone was overeacting, so I overeacted. Just as the votes on me were rising. I had two or three votes on me while Shinori had four or three votes on him. I chose to "help Prms" because I wanted to know what you think, I didn't intend to lynch you at all. You know, it's easy to point things and then disappear. Also, it wasn't a lynchwagon. I wanted your opinion, and so did they. We never intended to have you lynched, you see, since the Phase will end on April 10 (probably tomorrow). There's still too much time to Unvote, if that's what you're scared about. Well, we know she's busy. And she's always been that busy in Mafias. Your case was more interesting, imo, because you just pointed things and left. Ok, you already justified it in this post, but I didn't think about it yesterday. Time to get back to my gamble. Unvote ##Vote: Shinori I don't have anything concrete about Shinori too, but he's my best bet. I can't let a single cycle go without voting, unless there's a very very good reason not to.
  25. Oh, great. I thought you were saying both WAGONS were suspect, not me and Shinori. Marth has been too inactive for my tastes. I want more answers from him. At least I know Shinori. Unvote ##Vote: Marth
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