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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. He looks like Eggman in different clothes, for some reason.
  2. I like the Robb of the series more than the Robb of the books. For Jon Snow, it's exactly the opposite, which kind of makes me sad, but it's necessary in order to focus on the War of the Five Kings more.
  3. At least our deaths may clarify some things. Meh, I should've taken my vote after the possibility of a Jailer, but what's done is done.
  4. It's the opposite here: If roleclaimed Watcher, and now he's roleclaiming Cop. It means that, if we have a Cop, he'll counterclaim and lynch Manix. He could be lying, but it's too dangerous. 'Cause it's the only alternative. Unless there is a Mafia Roleblocker, which is the only way you could not be scum. Also, you should know better that people getting kidnapped can't post, and it's announced by the Host. There's no way Manix could be there posting if it was the case, nor you. Oh, right. So Shinori can't be vanilla, because Blitz already was it. That's exactly the point. He could have been hooked by a Mafia Roleblocker, but he couldn't have been jailed, nor hooked by me, and we would see if he was lying or not just by lynching you. It's because I didn't think there could be two roles in opposite sides in the game, like a Town RB and a Mafia RB. Not one in many possibilities. The only way you could be Town is if the RB is scum. I meant Safeguard. How else would Manix's action have failed? Unless there's a Mafia RB, of course. My whole point is: We will get to know a lot of things if you are lynched. I'm not saying you're obvscum and should die in a fire. That's why you're the best choice imo.
  5. ... And you didn't explain why you voted me, in the end.
  6. Jailer kidnaps. Also, Manix believed too hardly in my theory for me to be forgotten by the players in case he's Mafia. And no, I'm not ignoring this hypothesis. It's just that the chances of you being scum are high, and there's only one case scenario in which you're Town (if we have two roleblockers). Unless the Safeguard gets his ass here and tells us if he safeguarded you or not.
  7. Like what? If you really inspected Paper? If I'm not really only helping you in your case so that we lynch a supposedly Town Paper? Or do you just want to stay away from the guilt, if Paper is somehow Town and we're wrong? Meh, I hate this.
  8. Don't do it, we won't know anything if you're lynched. Lynch Paper instead, and we will know if this Safeguard is Mafia or not, and we may be cleared out too. Come on, we have much more to learn from lynching him.
  9. It doesn't matter. I'm saying that I'm the Roleblocker, so that means Manix was not hooked. If you think we are scumbuddies, then by all means vote on yourself so that we can kill 2 scums on the following Day Phases. I personally think Mayor is a stupid and broken role in a game in which 5 votes get someone insta-lynched. Fools want to be lynched as soon as they can. Idk what Vanilla and Neighbor are. How else was he incapacitated of acting? Unless he's lying, of course. Then, if he is, we'll lynch him on the next Day, because you'll flip Town in this case scenario. Also, aren't you assuming a lot about how the roles have been sorted in this game? Wat. The Watcher will still know who you visited, even if the player targetted to die is also targetted by the safeguard. This makes no sense. I am the hooker, unless you're saying there are two Roleblockers, one scum and one town. And unless you're saying I'm Manix's scumbuddy, my word is true. Also, stop over-reacting please, that only makes it harder agaisnt you. So he got attention to himself to survive, and then he was the one sent for the kill, even though he was in the spotlight? Shinori, you're smarter than this, man. The Doc isn't a god doc because he stopped the kill, after all we only have 9 players, the chances are bigger, and the chances of a scum being stopped from killing and a Doc saving someone from dying is the same when they are blind shots. Also I never targetted you. I'm just questioning you, nothing wrong on that. Those who do not have anything in debt to not need to fear. Because I hadn't roleclaimed yet. Does it stop scum from going out ot kill, too? Also Paper, please read my posts. The tl;dr version is: There's no way Manix could have been hooked. I am the hooker, and I targetted Shinori. I am telling the truth because it would be awfully stupid to show myself as a Mafia and draw attention to my scumbuddy Manix since I'm playing the same game as he is (if you flip town, we're obviously Mafia, and the minority of 6 must be 4. Losing 2 scums on D3 is really bad). That is why you were protected by a Safeguard. And the reason is, because the Safeguard is Mafia, else he wouldn't have protected you on D1.
  10. I also would like to know a list of passive roles that don't do anything. Imo, you could be either the Bomb, Lynch Bomb or Grandmaster (or however it's called). You certainly aren't Nexus. I need to think this over a bit more. I'll be back later, after I'm feeling better.
  11. These things will become clear if Paper is lynched, I think. - Should he flip town: The Safeguard isn't Mafia, I'm probably the Mafia RB and I should be lynched next Day. - Should he flip scum: The Safeguard is Mafia, I'm not the Mafia RB, Manix is also Town for investigating Paper.
  12. Why do you think I asked Shinori first if he was roleblocked?
  13. Yes. Tracker usually doesn't die on D1, unlike the Cop. Why do you think so? The chances are even. I suppose Manix can prove his role this Night, now that he knows I'm the Town Roleblocker and so I won't hook him in this phase. He could even prove my innocence, if he wanted, by watching me. But that's if Paper flips scum. Somehow, being protected by a Safeguard that soon seems very very suspicious to me.
  14. I mean, Manix's action didn't work* I targetted Shinori last night.
  15. Because Manix was hooked. Either way, should you not flip scum, he dies. Or I die. Whatever.
  16. I think what I'm about to do is very stupid, but... I'm the Town Roleblocker. So that means Paper was protected by a Safeguard. And that means his scumbuddy protected him. ##Vote: Paperblade
  17. Yeah, he looks like a peacock. Micaiah also looks strange. >: Strange but nice, anyway. I hope they'll do the same thing to Sigurd.
  18. Rapier

    Haphazard Mafia

    http://hurryhurryhurry.proboards.com/index.cgi He used a forum especially for the game.
  19. I like how they're portraiting it too, but he was that incompetent in the book already. That's the way it should be. Too bad the other characters are missing a lot of the limelight, like Jon. >:
  20. I have a suggestion: Manix should tell us who he targetted last night. Let me explain why. - He may be lying right now. Telling us who he targetted may help us discern if he's really a scum or a townie. - By knowing who he targetted, we will know two things: -> The person Manix targetted was Safeguarded and thus is scum. Or -> Manix was roleblocked. If the Cop investigates the player Manix targetted, we will know about his role. I believe we got nothing to lose from doing it.
  21. Rapier

    Haphazard Mafia

    I never claimed to Snike, I don't roleclaim to people I don't trust in OC. >: Wasn't Helios the Town Vig?
  22. Rapier

    Haphazard Mafia

    I just can't believe I was scummy enough to get Vig shot on N1. >:
  23. So Shinori has a passive role, unless he's lying/he's the guy Manix watched. Not many passive roles are scum, I guess. Damn it I can't think of anyone to lynch.
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