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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Rine stares back at Diray with an uninterested face, but his expression didn't match with his tone and words. "A plan? Very well, do share with me. I think that working together is much better than working alone. Know that I can take anything before they notice what happened, but I'll only do it when it's really necessary. Also, are they really going to let us enter the city with weapons?".
  2. Rine sighs, picking the weapons he wanted from the armory and then adding it to his collection, "Well, I don't like it. But I have no choice... Meh. Thank you anyway". Then he proceeded to join the group that was going for the city, trying to look on the good side of it. If someone managed to see him, then all he had to do was silence him or her. No problem. But that wasn't true, and that thought annoyed him.
  3. The only problem is some units appear only later (Steffan, Nasir, Bastian, Volke etc.) and some units only make a brief appearance (Geoffrey, Elincia, Kieran, Marcia, Lucia etc.). Since I started Hard Mode, I guess I should play it if I want to recruit the two unlocked units... I surely miss seeing enemy ranges.
  4. There's no draft available now, unfortunately. :/ Also, Nolan's pretty awesome. Does Edward/Leonardo only suck with me?
  5. The problem is, I decided to start a Hard Mode from the Clear save. D:
  6. As soon as I got my Wii, I became completely hooked on Radiant Dawn. Heck, it's been a long time since I've waited to play it. After finishing it, I felt like playing it again... But I don't know what I should do to spice my playthrough more. Redoing everything just like before won't do. So, does anyone have any suggestions? I've thought about playing on Hard Mode, but it's just more frustating. Plus, my power level is too low to play through it (Ashera must be a nightmare on it). I wish this game had achievements.
  7. FE10 Sothe and Micaiah on the ToG. Sothe's only useful for guarding casters/archers, at least when he's underleveled. Micaiah can barely survive a hit and besides she's a mere staffbot on 4-F-3.
  8. They say that Aran and Ilyana are good, but I just can't use them. They're always sucking in comparison with the other units around them, so I just let them do their Heroic Sacrifices. Also I can't get used to Edward or Jill no matter what... Leonardo is even worse. I've never used FE9 Titania.
  9. "Confuse"? There's a chance the unit might hit an adjacent unit with that. "Possessed"? The unit will be controlled by the enemy until the effect wears off or the caster dies. "Cursed"? The unit receives half the damage it gives to an enemy unit back to him/herself... These were the only ones I could think off. =P
  10. See if it's going to be fun when you waste your time raising a bad unit like her only to fail on the Tower of Guidance on Hard Mode. The game's pretty hard and fun itself by playing with mild/good units, there's no reason to use her... Heck, even Edward is more useful than her. Lol wat That's why I killed her on Part 3, hmm. EDIT: Oh how didn't I see that: Now it's right.
  11. I use save state, that's really all. :/
  12. Rine crosses his arms, not so happy about the topic. But it wouldn't hurt to speak. <"I don't have much to say, you were right commander. Life had been hard with my family on my entire childhood, and it's still hard to us. My siblings are too young to help, so I'm the only one who's currently working. We barely survived because of my father, who was a wyvern knight, but he passed away a long time ago... I'm the only one left. Some friends of my family helped us for these 8 years without my father, but it's not enough... I'm really agaisnt a rock and a hard place... Heh.">. He tries to cool down a bit before continuing. By that time, his tone had changed completely, as he alternated to being calm and nervous. <"I have to ascend in the ranks if I want to help my family, and become even better than my father was. I've guessed that I'd be able to show what I'm capable of by joining your group, commander. If I'm successful, my skills are probaby going to be noticed. There's really no other option left.">
  13. Rine didn't agree with the captain's decision, first becaue he was best used on missions where he'd kill anything that could speak and bring him trouble. It'd be much better for him if he had gone with the group to meet Lord Randil, but it was done for now. "I'm not so positive about this, but I'm sure I'll take anyone who sees me before they speak a word.", he pondered, while walking around trying to find the armory. If it weren't for the sign, he'd be lost for a longer time. "Signs are useful, I should read them if I need help", he thought, making yet another obvious deduction. As he arrived in the armory, he awaited for his turn to ask for new weapons. His crossbow and sword was still here with him, but they were too old and badly damaged to be trustworthy on a mission like that one. "I'll want a crossbow, a sword, and an axe just in case I need it. Also, give me a light armor". While waiting for his supplies, Rine saw the same man who was talking about honor and taking hits and getting badly damaged as a badge to show how well he fares on the battlefield. While his behavior annoyed him at first, he thought that they'd need someone like that on the mission regarding Lord Randil, someone determined and apparently made out of steel. But they weren't going to pick any archers for this, the bowman recalled. Maybe it was his chance. Getting next to Leonhard, he decided to ask him about it. "Um, excuse me. Do your group have a spot left? I'm not so good on sneaking and leaving unnoticed, my tactics emphasys on silencing anything before they notice what hit them. I'll be best used out there on the mission regarding the lordling. And I've noticed your group has no archer, or at least someone who's familiar with the bow."
  14. Kay's right, it's logical: If you do something, something will happen, be it bad or not; if you don't do anything, then nothing will happen. [/Captain Obvious] It's better to do something than to do nothing. Now we need more Mafias damn it. EDIT: I forgot to say that I'm thinking about making one. Shouldn't it be interesting for being quite "different" since I'm not used to the common Mafia roles? But I'll need help from someone who's got a lot of experience and is willing to hear me out...
  15. Rine stays silent for a while until he heard what both men got to say. It was wiser to listen enough and then answer, a virtue he learned on the time he stood in the camp and developped after he deserted the army. "I don't see why we are going to split. There's no way to sneak through them as we are, do we even look like civilians at all? Our clothes are torn and ragged." He took a pause before continuing with a calmer tone. "If we are going to attack the city, then why not attack it head on with all the troops? If no one survives then there'll be no testimonies, of course. And even if there are, they'll know about us after we attack that other Lord in his camp, so it's pointless.".
  16. This make absolutely no sense.² You can't make a proper assumption about someone being scummy or not, but you can -guess- the probability of him/her being scum with a bit of logic and detective work. It isn't mere guesswork. Don't try to mix things that have nothing to do at all. About NOC, it's all about playing the cards straight, using a bit of logic and detective work. That's how it's been working for ages. If someone can't work through the factor of not contacting anyone, then it's their problem for not being able to adapt to that style. Just please don't ask me to prove it with actions because I suck at Mafias. DX They'll never learn if you don't make them get used to OCs, Clipsey...
  17. OOC: Sorry for taking too long. I blame FE Radiant Dawn for being epic. IC: Rine forces his back agaisnt the wall only to support his own weight while "resting". By doing that, he noticed how sturdy the wood was. He never made his wyvern break through walls before, but this one had been made of wood only, Ragnos was young but Rine didn't doubt his strenght. "Yes, I think so", he answers, trying to not leak as much info as he could.
  18. Awesome. Name: Rine Sex: Male Nationality: Castrian RPer: Rapier Age: 19 Appearance: Considerably tall for an archer (1,95 meters... Yeah, I dunno how to translate it into feet); weak, thin build, although his arms and legs are stronger than the rest of his body; his hair's color is a mix between brown and blonde, thus making him look blondish on the sunlight and light brownish on the dark. Brown eyes. Wears a dark blue cloak along with black clothes. Personality: Confident on his own skills and capacities, that trait oftenly mistaken as arrogance. Basically, an arrow himself: If he's got something into his mind, he'll pursue it without stopping or changing ways, whatever it is. At first he isn't socable, acting coldly and straightforwardly, but after he gets to know a little more about that person that attitude changes. Values everything he successfully accomplished deeply, almost giving a vibe that he lives for it. Backstory: Born in a rather poor family, he had a simple life. There were times in which he had nothing to eat, and oftenly he saw himself using clothes that were too small for him. Through the hardships of the era he has been born, he lived his childhood. As a teen, his parents decided to support and persuade him into training and joining the army on his comming of age, putting into his mind that his talent on hitting things with utmost accuracy would help his family. Decided to master the arts of the bow, he put his mind into his training and on it only, thus resulting in making him a lone person with only 1 or 2 companions. When he was 16, his skills were already taken highly and his confidence and folly were on its peak. On an ordinary day, a stranger came to him and acknowledged his skills, offering Rine to join his group on route to their meeting site. He said that the road would be dangerous, but he accepted it with a smirk. His parents let him go after hearing the sum he'd be paid with and after hearing that he might be used again on the future depending on his performance. The trip lasted 2 days, they were a small group with a lack of rations and weapons at their limit, some were stolen from bandits and hostile parties fought along the way. Two men died, five were badly wounded in the end. Rine survived through it with few injuries, being paid for his work later, but he had also been caught on a trap: The money wasn't enough to return to his home or live independetly on a city, and the path was dangerous to travel alone, so he was forced to work for them for a while. It looked like almost everyone was on that situation, too. On the camp he met a true master of the bow which skills were said to be able to hit a man on his neck within a 20 meters distance, but the fact was that he was indeed dangerous and talented with a bow. Rine got to work with him after his skills improved and they entrusted him with more dangerous and risky tasks. Soon enough they developped a bond, since he admired the man's skills and the man himself was impressed with Rine's skills in that young age. After a while, the man decided to take the boy under his wing. When he was 18, they've discussed about leaving the camp and starting their own company, because the "trap" was currently working agaisnt the own person who set the trap: They had to pay more heads, so everyone was getting a much lesser payment than before, and it was even rumoured that some of those fresh recruits were killed during the missions in order to dispose of them after they're used. Along with other 3 trustworthy men, they chose to leave the camp on the night, stealing as much provisions as they could before heading out. Unfortunately for them, they forgot about the incomming war and just how close the enemy was. The group was ambushed during their escape, one of them was disposed off instantly, while other 10 came forward to kill the remaining 2 and the others pursuited Rine.Rine's master had been hit by a lance in the knee as they tried to flee, The boy had been able to escape by pure luck: The path led him to a hill, and below it was a river, the only way he could escape. And he accepted it. After that day, he tried his best to join the army and have his revenge agaisnt the ones who killed his mentor, his friend. But he failed again in the end. Class: Archer Level: 99 minus 98. Attributes: Str/Dex Skills: Offensive Equipment: (Don't pick any out, you'll be given a starting set based on class. Being from the army, the first users to join will probably have slightly better stuff on them.) K. STRENGTH: 9 STAMINA: 3 DEXTERITY 7 AGILITY 6 I just wish I didn't exaggerate. o.o I hope everything's alright.
  19. I was busy for all day, meh.
  20. Why do I look scum whenever I say this? I didn't like Ray's attitude at all so I'm itching to go agaisnt Balcer, but besides that I've got nothing agaisnt him. Shinori is suspicious, Balcer got a point there. Core's posts scream "scum" everytime I read them. ##Vote: Core Since the start of the game you've been giving me the vibe of someone undecided, attacking so you don't get attacked, trying to redirect the attention from yourself while trying to feed the discussion. If I've got to bet on someone, I'll put my money on you. /\ My answer.
  21. I chose the first one because I'm a competitive bastard and a tourneyfag. I play to win by engaging players who are much better than me, using all my skills. Also because it's fun.
  22. What did you say about it? I feel like running away now. Preferably to the Green Hills. I'm not sure about what I should do when a scummy player asks for a sub when he's pressured. But I'll trust 11thshadow this time and let him get away with it. If he's really having a hard time with school, then I wish him luck.
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