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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Originality doesn't exist. You can't say someone's born with the talent of making original stories, chars or anything of the like, because it's just a matter of creativity and how he can interact with the things around him to make something new. Some people are born with an extraordinary creativity (Tolkien anyone?), while others lack it completely: These walls of text are written to help those people with less creativity, guiding them to understand and see the same thing that the more creative ones do. Some hacks using a pre-existing setting turn out to be good, while others just seem like an amateur fanboyish sequel/prequel made for other fanboys, and that's really annoying. :/
  2. No, that's what YOU saw and assumed in my post. How many times do I have to say that leaving an unit behind because it isn't as good as X unit =/= leaving all units behind because X units pwn enough? It's the same logic you use to choose Shinon and Rolf instead of Leonardo.
  3. No. Every single one of your replies are about how godly chars like Ike pwn so there's no use for anyone else.
  4. I'm surrounded by trolls IRL.
  5. Rine objected quickly to Delves. "Are you possibly expecting to kill all the guards with our small numbers? At least do that after we get inside the city, it's imperative that we have a basic idea of the scenario we're going to fight on. Unless you have another plan, of course".
  6. Rine The street was too far, and his journey tiresome. There's no way he's going to get to the city before night-time, and it's dangerous to travel at dusk. He's a lone mage, and aside from running away, he couldn't fight them. It wasa shame to admit it, but it was better than walking to his death. While walking, he thought about jumping on a wagon as soon as one crosses, saying that he's going to pay for the ride. What other choice did he have? So, yes, jump in a wagon. As long as it wasn't the witch's, it'd be fine. Except the first wagon he saw was Carrion's, and he couldn't bet on his luck or be picky about what little choices he had. He continue to walk, looking back a few times, before jumping on it's back and noticing that there were people here as well. "This is going to be bad... I know it.". It was already too late to complain, anyway. "Hi. So we meet again, huh? I'm sorry about earlier, being rushy to conclusions is a bad trait I have... Well, would you tell me where your wagon is heading? I'm willing to pay for a ride."
  7. Rine turns to the man who just snuck on Diray. He was impessed that someone had been able to move unnoticed by him after he told himself to watch his own back dilligently. "Your idea is simpler, but have you taken into account that our numbers aren't great, and we might not be able to raid an entire city? Besides, it'll sound bad to that lordling if he knows that we pillage like monsters". He stopped there, before thinking about it and seeing that a man such as Delves wouldn't care about that at all. So, he decided to put more fuel to the fire. "While you would have killed Diray, me and perhaps someone else, I doubt you would be safe from the others. The same thing may happen with the guards, and they'll gather all their forces if there are testimonies".
  8. God I failed so hard on this chapter. FIRE EMBLEM 4 Chapter VI (this is so wrong): A New Hope - 26 turns "Under the newnly crowned emperor Alvis' reign, the Holy Grandbell Empire expanded throughout the continent. One by one, all the kingdoms subdued to it's will and unmatched power The Holy Emperor sent his own pointed men to take care of the lands he took control of, and they in return abused their positions, stealing everything from the suffered people Meanwhile on Isaac, the descendant of the Holy Knight Sigurd, Celice fights alongside his rebel army to confront the ruthless rule over the people. Although he's still young, the suffered people of Isaac know well about his father, and trust his potential to make a difference And bring peace and justice to the ones who are thirsty for it." Team: Celice the Great; Oifaye the Diehard Jeigan; Tristan the One Without Use; Arthur aka dude with a dress; Femina the staffbot; Julia the mysterious waifu; Levin the Obi-Wan. Celice went through the path between the mountains, killing everything on sight. Tristan, Oifaye and Mana followed through the north passage. Oifaye killed the boss on turn 9, allowing Celice to seize on that turn. Meanwhile, Arthur and Femina drag Johalva's attention, while team Celice crash on Johan like a tidal wave. Julia got her Relive staff and followed Celice, but that dress won't let her move too fast. The next castle was seized on turn 18, much to my disappointment. At least Julia got her Rezire book. By the time Celice and Oifaye were playing with Isaac's squad, Arthur finished blowing away every axe user of Johalva's squad, then proceeded to kill MountainThiefs. Femina visited two villages, Tristan visited that village with the Skill Ring. By paying the price of promoting Celice on the next Chapter, I've seized the last castle on turn 26. Meh I suck. If Horace is Yugi, then that means I'm Tristan. NOW, FOR THE STATS (after Arena):
  9. Rine's confidence had raised when that archer called Diray showed up with a plan. All he had to do was to be careful with him, for they were people that lost everything and are now trying to get it all back, much like him. Either way, paranoia or not, that's how he was. "Very well. I'll keep a look on everything and make sure there are no testimonies. It was nice talking with you, Diray. Count on me."
  10. Am I the only one who likes Micaiah? My only problem with her is that she steals the spotlight a lot. Your version is short and more dialogue based, and while I'd prefer more details and shorter chapters, your version is still good. I dislike Part 2, but maybe your version is going to be better. Keep up with it!
  11. Why use a unit if you've got something better anyway... In FE's case, it's plausible. So nevermind.
  12. Since when the laws of good and bad are a comparisson, and compared to the others she is overshadowed. My Wii is on it's newest version, so I doubt I could play GC games on it. And they told me that running it through an external HD won't work.
  14. I'll join! I just have to find out how to make FE9 run on my emulator without crashing and without slowing down the music.
  15. I can't play PoR because the emulator keeps crashing. I'm not sure how the hell I've managed to play through it.... Also, GameCube roms/however-you-call-it won't run on a Wii. Nolan, Caineghis, Skrimir and Giffca will pwn everything they touch, even dragons. I'm thinking about doing a FE10 Normal Mode run with the bad units, such as Edward, Trollnardo, Meg, Fatchap, Nephenee, Tormod, Vika, Muarim, Lyre, Kysha, Zihark (compared to Mia, he sucks), Lucia, Marcia.... But I'm not so positive about this. I don't wanna hit my head on a brick wall. >:
  16. Kamen Rider? Meh. Joining this Mafia? Fuck yeah. Ehh... may I?
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