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Status Replies posted by Refa

  1. Jedi

    Jedi    Refa

    Duuuude where were you yesterday.

    1. Refa


      Yeah, I'm in France for like ten more days.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Jedi

    Jedi    Refa

    Duuuude where were you yesterday.

  3. Your ATK and DEF keep increasing what an op monster card. Tournament ban imo.

  4. Do you mind sharing with me the source image for your avatar?

  5. Do you mind sharing with me the source image for your avatar?

  6. Jiac

    Jiac    Refa

    I love your FALCON PAWNCH! Signature. It's really cute! cx

  7. Blitz

    Blitz    Refa

    Heya Refa, are you sure it is the charger and not the wire connected to the charger? Could you check your charger with someone else's wire?

  8. Blitz

    Blitz    Refa

    pretty sure I missed your birthday, so, extremely late happy birthday, Refa!

  9. do you really look like sans irl

  10. Does your avatar still look like you? What's it like being not-best-girl from oregairu?

    1. Refa


      Oh yeah, can't argue with that. There's just no competition, it's almost unfair.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Does your avatar still look like you? What's it like being not-best-girl from oregairu?

  12. Jiac

    Jiac    Refa

    MURREH CRIMMAS....(Reefa? Ray-fuh? Ray-fay? Ree-fay? Ref-ay?)

  13. Jiac

    Jiac    Refa

    MURREH CRIMMAS....(Reefa? Ray-fuh? Ray-fay? Ree-fay? Ref-ay?)

  14. Jiac

    Jiac    Refa

    MURREH CRIMMAS....(Reefa? Ray-fuh? Ray-fay? Ree-fay? Ref-ay?)

    1. Refa


      Merry Christmas, Jerome! It's still the second one.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Renne

    Renne    Refa

    Happy Birthday!

  16. Jiac

    Jiac    Refa

    Happy Burfday Refa! (Reefa? Ray-fuh? Ray-fay? Ree-fay? Ref-ay?)

  17. Happy birthday!

  18. Happy birthday buddy!

  19. Happy birthday :D

  20. Happy birthday!

  21. what's it like having a birthday right before christmas?

  22. Happy birthday Reyfuh.

  23. happy birthday you son of a gun

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