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Posts posted by GrandeRampel


    That being said, I must say that I'm really satisfied with the 4 Awakening characters they chose.

    I see many fans getting mad about Phila and Cervantes (just like they did with Mustafa back in the day) but I'm so glad for their inclusion. Let's speak frankly. They could have just picked Vaike and Kellam in their place and completed the gen 1 playable cast. They could have done that. They could just as easily give us Severa, Inigo, Noire and GHB Laurent in 2024.

    And then what? Try to sell us a banner with Phila, Cervantes, Validar and Excellus GHB in 2025? IMHO it is better to space the remaining playable characters out a bit more, to sell us the remaining PCs and using NPCs as demotes. The next banner can be Severa, Laurent and Validar with a Pheros GHB. The one after can be Vaike, Kellam and Trickster Anna, with Excellus GHB.

    The final one can finally bring out Noire, Inigo and Old Hubba with... Idk freaking GHB Raimi I guess. Or they could even give us the random Maiden that Chrom can marry for the heck of it and I would love it. She would be better as a forever alt-hell character for the Bridal Banner tho.

    Maybe I'm the only one that sees things this way but IMHO there is no way this game (who still sells more than any other Nintendo mobile game) is closing down in a few years and there's also no chance we don't get the entire playable cast of Awakening before The End of Service (now Tellius and Jugdral... I worry) it's just a matter of getting them sooner or later.

    But characters like Mustafa, Phila and Cervantes? There was a chance of never getting them at all, so I'm very happy we dodged that timeline. As much as I love Kellam and Vaike (which is A LOT) it's more important to give some spotilight to neglected characters.

    Long live the Minor NPCs! IS you better not disappoint me! In the next Archanea banner I want to see Lang, in the next Tellius one I want to see Elena/Jarod/a senator, in the next Binding banner I want to see Sigune, and I better get Ephidel in the next Blazing one. There can be no Sacred Stones banner if there's no Glen and Echoes really needs to hurry up and give me Irma and Massena. Fates needs all it Captuable Bosses, Three Houses needs Ladislava, Randolph and Fleche and with Jugdral there are just so many options that I can't even pick one.

    Which is why, as i said at the very beginning of this post: YOU BETTER ALTERNATE BETWEEN ASCENDED AND REARMED OR YOU WILL TASTE MY FURY!

  2. One of the best seasonal banners in recent memories both on the character selection and art side.

    Four of the characters here didn't have an alt (Nils, Duma, Mila and Naga) AND were kind of unexpected picks. Bonus point for gender parity, with 3 guys and 3 girls.

    I love the designs too (Naga's animated ghost friend being the cutest thing ever).

    The only thing that could have made the banner even better was a brand new character getting in the game (Jahn? Nasir?) but I can't even get mad about that honestly.

    Wish me luck, cuz I'm gonna pull hard on this banner.

    1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Aww Nils just looks too cute. And he's free too.

    I think the banner could have been more interesting with only a few mild changes.

    -If Lyn skipped the flame banner and instead went on this Halloween banner you'd have her and Nils trick or treating. The two are rather close so that would have been a cute look. It would also have the bonus of Lyn not being such an obvious marketing department pic, but a thematically appropriate character.
    -If one of the Corrin got removed and replaced with any one of the sibling you'd have Corrin and a sibling enjoy Halloween together. If they're THAT devoted to the dragon idea they could even have Lilith be that sibling Corrin takes with them to Halloween. 
    -And if Duma and Mila remained on the banner then you'd have the emerging theme of siblings(or surrogate siblings) going trick or treating together. I think that's a lot more appropriate than just sticking a bunch of random dragons together. 

    With this and the ninja banner beforehand they're doing well to reinforce the fact that male Corrin is a very endearing dork. 

    The problem is that the Flame Tribe banner actually sold well enough, but would have certainly tanked hard with no Lyn. You called her the "obvious marketing department pic" so you must be aware of the fact she was NEEDED for that banner too. What they could have done IMHO (if the objective is to have someone paired with Nils) is put Eliwood on this banner.

    He is also close to Nils and a nice guy who would take him trick or treating. This way you can have a cute partner for Nils without completely ruining the previous banner's hopes to sell.

    3 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    It really feels like IS is beginning to remember to show some love to their men! Sure, it's still technically heavier on the ladies' side of things, but Naga was the demote (still surprised about that), Duma is the lead for his duo, and counting Nils (even though he's not on the banner) we have 3 guys this year! (And, counting Mila, 4 ladies, but still a fairly even split.)

    I'm sorry, what? Naga, Corrin, Mila... Who's the 4th lady?

  3. Oh, it's Ninian for real. They really wasted no time using all the GBA Manaketes which means they lost another type of character to pull from in case of emergency (unless they make something like Legendary Nils for real, OR legendary Adult Tiki which would be kind of weird) instead of simply spacing them out better. I would say that M!Robin, M!Corrin, either Kris or Elincia (the remaining lords and avatars) have to be next, but at this point it wouldn't surprise me if they just decide to finish off the remaining love interests (now that I think about, Ninian also counts as this not just as a GBA manakete) and wait for Engage to release in order to have another excuse to delay them even more.


    20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    There's absolutely no excuse for male Corrin to not get a legendary alt now that Xander has one. Since female Corrin so blatantly represented solely Nohr, and Ryoma is the oldest Fates legendary.

    There was no excuse even before that. Since the other Avatars and Elincia have a bit of an asterisk next to their Lord title, Male Corrin is the last character we can call a Lord without causing some arguments to arise and has been for a long time. They keep ignoring him for no good reason and I'm tired of it.


  4. Just give it time. If she isn't the very FIRST DLC announced for this game (with Dimitri and Claude right after) I will eat my hat.

    All FE games since New Mystery had DLC and all FE games since Fates (or Awakening if you count the spotpass characters like Priam as free DLC) had DLC characters.

    There is no way they won't give us DLC characters and there is NO WAY they will give priority to ANYONE, even the likes of Tiki, Azura, Alm and Chrom, over the House Leaders.

    They are so much more popular than any other character that it's not funny and IS certainly doesn't dislike money. I will tell you this, if they decide to sell the characters individually and they do a decent amount of DLC characters (like 10-15) I fully expect the sales data to show that the Claude's DLC sold more than all the other chracters DLCs (who aren't also from 3H) COMBINED.


  5. There is no character I actively hate but I would be miffed if some random character I don't have a real opinion about gets in for no real reason.

    Like if all the Emblems are main characters and REALLY popular characters (I'm thinking the likes of Felix and Tharja) AND a random Rickard for no reason I would be pissed.

    "If they added a random unpopular character couldn't it have been one that I personally like?" would be my reaction.

    5 hours ago, PrincessAlyson said:

    They probably won't appear but I'll throw in my two cents: Peri, Camilla, Faye.

    You are probably right about Peri but you are being way too optimistic about Camilla and Faye, since the two of them have actual fanbases.

    IMHO if the total number of Emblems (including DLC) is in the 50-60 range there is no way we don't get both of them. Especially if they decide to treat all games equally or even semi-equally.

    Like, if they decide that Echoes gets 5 Emblems there's no way one of those isn't Faye. I could easily see IS only add ONE character from Alm's Part 1 army and that character being Faye (R.I.P. Lukas and Clair).

    11 hours ago, Yexin said:

     well to be completely honest  i'm quite positive that not a single non-protagonist character will appear in Engage, except maybe as DLC Emblems

    anyway, i don't want to see Camilla and pretty much anyone else from Fates in general, and i'd say Lysithea, Bernadetta and Edelgard

    I'm sorry but there's no way the Three House Leaders don't get into this game. They could make them DLC and make it one of the most over-priced DLCs ever and people would buy it anyway because they are that popular.

    I would go so far as to say that if they don't make the Three House Leaders DLC (and they aren't base game) than we will simply get no DLC Emblems for this game.

    Because there is no other character that would sell as well as them, so why bother?

  6. 2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    Oh man. Okay, so I know whether or not Heroes is a "real" FE game has been debated before but I just learned that IS counts it as a mainline game, not a gaiden game like what they count, for example, Warriors as. o.o The more you know...

    If you want my 2 cents, the reason the other games like Warriors and TMS are considered spin-offs is because they belong to completely different genres of videogames (Musou and turn based RPG).

    Meanwhile Fire Emblem Heroes is a Strategy RPG on a grid like all the other FE games. It makes sense to count it as a mainline title.

    Same story for Mario Kart Tour. It's a mainline game because it is a multiplayer focused kart racer like the others. While something like the AR Mario Kart is a different type of game.

  7. Absolutely love this new banner and I wish to personally laugh in the faces of all the doomers who said we were never getting Warriors characters in Heroes.

    Now we just need the Lemon Twins and I'll be happy. And perhaps them bringing up the TMS heroes again is a good sign of things to come? Like being more willing to use spin-off characters in the future? I can only hope.

    I am neutral on Rearmed characters, or to be more precise "apathetic".

    4 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    A nice lineup of Heroes. 

    But its so weird that Holst of all people is something as basic and probably underwhelming as a Grand Hero Battle rather than a Legendary Hero. A prince who spend all of book 2 sitting on his ass gets to be a Legendary Hero, but the strongest warrior in Fodlan somehow doesn't?

    Legendary Heroes are always alts of characters that already have a base version in the game (Fjorm's family is an outlier and they should not be counted) so I don't know why you would expect anything different.

    We can still get Legendary Holst in the future as his first alt.

  8. 2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    Sothe was seriously shafted. Cath should have been the demote. Honestly, Rickard is one of the best things about this batch, because he's at least a new character that may not have gotten into Heroes otherwise.

    If Cath was the demote she would have been the demote in both her versions and we all know that only Xane is allowed to do that.

    Leila should have been the demote.

  9. I will give credit where it's due, I was not expecting them to switch things up with the Pirate banner.

    I was thinking that while one-off seasonals could happen if they did a seasonal two years in a row it would mean that it was a new staple, but clearly that's not the case.
    I'm happy to know this because it means we are not 100% getting a new Crusaders' Festival, Ninja and Desert banner and those slots could go to new themes which is awesome for two reasons:

    1. It keeps things fresh.
    2. Some of my most wanted seasonals do not exist yet. I'm talking Cooking, I'm talking Sports, I'm talking F***ing Victorian Maids and Butlers.

    Pretty good FEH channel all around.

    18 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    What really wounds me about this thief banner is that Leila got an alt before Matthew. They could have at least made Leila and Matthew the duo unit, it literally would have been the most perfect thing they could have done aside from maybe Julian/Rickard.

    I agree. Leila without Matthew feels wrong. There's a reason we have exactly 2 Pents and 2 Louises. I do not demand they be the duo unit because I don't think either of them are popular enough even compared to other FE7 characters, but they should have thrown out Sothe/Cath for Matthew.

  10. 2 hours ago, Sasori said:

    My interest in SOV banners have really fallen off a cliff recently. They seem to have so little faith in the cast that there always must be a Archenean tourist and or OC to accompany the banner. So thats two spots that I don't really associate with SOV.  Resplendent Celica really wasn't needed either. I'm mean with how little resplendents mean they could have picked literally anyone else, but they decided to play it really safe.

    Which leaves the two actually new SOV characters with the table scraps. 

    Well more orbs saved for the pirate banner I guess.

    I feel like you are letting the fact that you and me are in the 1% of the FEH playerbase who is passionate enough to post on a dedicated website blind you to some factors that should be taken into considerations and would explain why the Valentian Whitewings and Zeke were released in Heroes.

    You are one of the few who have enough knowledge about Archanea to associate the Whitewings and Camus with it in their mind, but if we take into consideration WHEN the Fire Emblem fandom exploded there is a realization to be made.

    The 4 Archanea games were released before FE exploded with Awakening with the exception of the re-release of FE 1 for Switch that was a limited time offer for some dumb reason.

    The second Valentia game was released after Awakening and even with Heroes itself doing advertising for it. Which means it's likely the majority of FEH's playerbase associates Palla, Catria, Est and Camus more with Valentia than Archanea.

    And even if it isn't the majority, even if it's just 50/50 it doesn't mean that the 50% who wants the versions they are familiar with to be added in the game are in the wrong.

    Fates sold more than Awakening, which means it's possible that more people are familiar with Laslow and Selena than they are with Inigo and Severa. Doesn't mean that people that want Inigo and Severa to get in the next Awakening banner over NEW characters like Laurent and Gregor are in the wrong, they just have a different preference.

    Obviously the fans of the Whitewings who only played Echoes already had content for their faves and they can't act like they were starving (Zeke's fans have more room to talk since they are likely to be also fans of Tatiana and that's another can of worms) but they obviously can be happy for the new versions whose existence is very justified if you take everything in consideration. Just as much as Kid Sothe and young Bartre are justified and should happen IMHO.


    But I agree with you that they clearly don't have faith in SoV characters selling at all, not even Est, since they felt the need to include and OC and a Celica alt.


  11. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    That's not a "good" example. That's the only example. Every New Heroes banner since the introduction of Florets has had an Ascended Hero on it except for Ash's banner and the Fallen Heroes banner (which gets a pass for the same reason the upcoming CYL banner gets a pass).

    It's unlikely that they'll release another New Heroes banner (other than the aforementioned banner themes that get a pass and possibly banners for newly released games) without a Floret because of how valuable they are to players. Even if every New Heroes banner (other than the aforementioned passes) gets a Floret going forward, that's only 10 Florets per year, which is already extremely low.


    Yeah, I agree that now there is no more hope. The Ash banner didn't have to be the only example. If only they made a different choice for the Letizia banner and this Ymir banner it would be a different story. There was a time when IS released direct 3*-4* heroes regardless of OCs or Ascendeds being on a banner. Then they changed their mind. This is pretty much the same thing.

    I accept that Ascended + OC + 2 heroes is the new status quo. Doesn't mean that I like it.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Othin said:

    FE2 Est was called for based on precedent that characters who've appeared in both Valentia and Archanea get separate versions of each.

    Personally I was hoping that banners with OCs would skip Ascendeds until Florina established last month that that's not a thing.

    That's a good point you are making. Without this alt Est couldn't be used for stuff like FE2 Resonant and Limited Hero battles despite being an FE 2 character among other things.

    But I predict that this good point will soon be countered and I honestly can't wait to hear the scientific explanation as to why ALL the characters who appear in multiple games (Inigo, Severa, Owain, Bartre, Karel, Merlinus, Nanna, Leif, Finn, Palla, Catria, Camus, Tiki, Anna, Ced, even the entire PoR cast) DESERVE to have a version for all their appearances in various games EXCEPT for one character: Est.

    Est is the only one that doesn't deserve to be treated like the others and should be ashamed of herself. Because reasons.

  13. 53 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Between another alt for Est that she didn’t earn and getting literal Brigand Boss as the GHB, it’s almost like they wanted me to hate this banner. 

    And I kinda do hate it even though Ymir and a Celica alt are neat.

    Sorry not sorry, I can’t this seriously when you’re simultaneously hyped for an Est alt. Unlike Ascended Celica, Est being here did deprive us of a new Valentian character.

    If it wasn’t Celica as the Ascended Hero, it was probably going to be someone else who already had an alt or alts (like Faye or Delthea).

    First of all, I can't take your argument as being in good faith when in the same breath you have admitted that you hate Est and you used the dumb "alts need to be earned" nonsense.

    Oh, just noticed that you actually said "another alt", meaning you believe her first alt also shouldn't exist and she should have 0 alts.

    So in a sea of reasonable people that sometimes complain about a seasonal banner being disappointing and list the things they didn't like saying stuff like "I don't like character X, I wanted somebody else to get that slot. But at least it was their first alt so good for fans of characters X" you are the rude one that forgets manners and says stuff like "character X should never get an alt. Even if the game lasts 10 years. Because characters X just objectively sucks so much and everybody knows it".

    Very classy. Even when criticizing BRIGAND BOSS I made sure not to be rude towards people who voted him, simply questioning if they couldn't have waited a couple of years to add him.


    Since you have plainly stated that you have a bias against Est and you also don't care about being rude to her fans and me being an Est fan happy that she got some new content which still puts her behind her sisters (which is strange and unusual for the series since EVERYWHERE ELSE, meaning Cipher, Awakening DLC, being the only TRIO unit in FEH and other appearances in other games, IS always treats them as a package deal because of their closeness and how iconic they are which is a FACT that you can't change) somehow means that I can't be taken seriously when I get mad at something unrelated (like IS putting Ascendeds where they aren't necessary and starting to use Lords as Ascendeds) and I must be some kind of moron... I have to admit that all of the above doesn't exactly put in the mood for a civil discussion and an exchange of opinions.

    At the very least, not with you.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Every time we get an original character on a normal banner (starting Book IV, which is when they started putting original characters on normal banners on a regular basis), they make sure to add an off-banner demote so that we still get the same number of units from the banner's game.

    • Peony's banner had Tanya.
    • Mirabilis's banner had Emmeryn
    • Reginn's banner had Knoll
    • Nott's banner had Tatiana
    • Nifl's banner had Benny
    • Muspell's banner had Balthus
    • Ascended Fjorm's banner had Vyland
    • Ascended Laegjarn's banner had Tanith
    • Ash's banner had Miriel
    • Letizia's banner had Guy
    • Ymir's banner has Atlas

    So no, we didn't get one less Echoes character. If Ymir weren't on the banner, then we would've just gotten a banner with Ascended Celica, Est, Kamui, and Atlas and not gotten an off-banner demote, which is still four characters.


    I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I wasn't talking about Ymir not being on the banner. I was talking about CELICA not being on the banner.

    I can accept Ascendeds existing for the sake of banners that have no Stars left to sell. But OCs are Stars by default (ignore Otr) so why did CELICA need to exist on the banner?

    It's not like after introducing Ascendeds they haven't done New Heroes banner without a Floret.

    A good example is the Awakening banner. In that one we got an OC (Ash) three Awakening units on the banner (Basilio, Flavia and Priam) and two others given for free (Yen'Fay and Miriel) for a total of five new Awakening characters.

    They could have easily done a banner with an OC to sell (Ymir) three valentian characters on the banner (Est, Kamui and Atlas) and two others given for free (Nomah and Brigand Boss) for a total of five brand new Echoes characters, instead of just the four (Est, Atlas, Kamui and Brigand Boss. Valentian Est counts as a brand new character for the same principle of Zeke and Adult Tiki).

    In hindsight I should have been more clear that we got one less BRAND NEW Echoes unit because of how this banner was made. I am not mad at Ymit at all. I am VERY mad at Celica.


    At least since we are probably getting Ascended Eir next it means the Fates banner (if it's Fates) will be more lucky and we will get A!Eir + three Fates brand new characters on the banner (let's say Mitama, Dwyer and Sophie) and two more given for free (Kiragi and Zola).



    I swear if they put TWO Ascended heroes on the same banner... I will get really mad...

  15. 1 hour ago, AlteanGeneral said:

    God can I please just get Oswin or gilliam in the game? they're my favorite characters in the series, I feel like im the only one out there that likes them a lot

    You are not alone buddy. I also LOVE Gilliam and wait for him to get added. Do not care much for Oswin tho, or to be more precise there are many playable Elibe characters that I'm waiting for and he isn't one of them.

  16. Valentian Est LET'S GOOOO!!

    I know she was expected but it's still makes me so HAPPY seeing the bEst pegasister given her dues. Just one more and she can have a full emblem like her sisters.

    Maybe a bridal alt? It would be appropriate.

    It's also nice to finally have Kamui and Atlas, moreso the former since he is a unit you meet super early on (so is Mycen who's still missing -.-) and as such should really have been introduced way earlier.

    The Ascended Hero really annoys me tho, for two reasons:

    1) Just like last banner we get an Ascended even with a tie-in OC that could easily sell the banner, which also mean one less Echoes unit added.

    2) Celica sets a precedent I really don't like. Legendary Heroes shouldn't get Ascended alts too. This could have been Mae, Genny, Boey, Saber or Sonya. And this alt means a proper seasonal alt for Celica is pushed even further away... 

    Brigand Boss is funny but man, did we really need him so soon? I would have prioritized some of the actual important bosses such as Jedah, Nuibaba, Slayde and Desaix.


    But overall I am happy with this banner just because Echoes didn't have to wait an eternity for a New Heroes banner AGAIN. Now if we could do something about TMS and RD...

    7 hours ago, Medeus said:

    Other then that, this is a weird banner. It reminds me of Thracia's first banner except worse since we got two alts plus an OC rather than just the alts. Granted, I understand why they did it as Echoes is really low on characters and they set the pattern of the Pegasus sisters with Catria, but it's still a little disappointing to see us only get two proper characters out of this.

    The last Echoes banner was the same. Two alts (Zeke and Palla) and an OC (Nott) with the only new character on the banner proper being the demote (Luthier). 

    They really don't believe Valentian characters can sell on their own. Unless they are called Alm, Celica and Berkut.

  17. Can I say that I find it funny that just a few months ago someone noted that it was strange how we never really get lords on summer banners (just a couple in 4 years: Corrin and Lyn) since they are the most popular and you would expect IS to give them the most popular seasonal theme.

    And this year we get 5 lords all at once (Dimi, Edel, Claude, Micaiah and Eirika) and even a sixth one if you count Elincia. LMAO

    Talk about overcorrecrting.

    Anyway I have to spark this banner since I really like OCs, Loki f*cking winks at me (my heart) and Nifl looks really adorable.

  18. 22 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Right now, the number of units with Resplendent outfits by game, counting only units from the standard summoning pool from Ophelia's banner and earlier, is:

    • Genealogy: 7/14 (50%)
    • Thracia: 3/6 (50%)
    • Tellius: 6/13 (46%)
    • Echoes: 7/16 (44%)
    • Blazing Sword: 8→9/21 (38→43%)
    • Binding Blade: 4/13 (31%)
    • Akaneia: 7/25 (28%)
    • Sacred Stones: 3/11 (27%)
    • Awakening: 6/27 (22%)
    • Fates: 7/41 (17%)
    • Heroes: 0/1 (0%)


    I was scratching my head trying to remember who was the Heroes summonable unit, who isn't a legendary, that came before Ophelia till I remembered...

    Oh yeah, Brave units count for this. Stupid Resplendent Brave Ike, why did he need to exist?

  19. On 6/22/2022 at 1:06 PM, Mercakete said:

    Yeah, that seemed like the rational solution (though I almost feel like this was written by Sain, forgetting that male units exist again.)

    Well it's not like they could have done the gag with another unit instead of Kjelle since we don't have Kellam or anyone else with the dumb Awakening general design yet.

    Lute and Amelia could have been any other character tho.

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