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Posts posted by GrandeRampel

  1. On 12/18/2020 at 6:05 AM, GrandeRampel said:

    In no particular order:

    1. Dorothy FE6

    2. Saul FE6

    3. Niime FE6

    4. Tina FE5

    5. Sonia FE7

    6. Mozu FE14

    7. Nyx FE14

    8. Reina FE14

    9. Marianne FE16

    10. Ashe FE16

    11. Constance FE16

    12. Jeanne FE4

    13. Cath FE6

    14. Orson FE8

    15. Gilliam FE8

    16. Nuibaba FE15

    17. Medeus FE3/12

    18. Marcia FE9/10

    19. Fiona FE10

    20. Heather FE10

    Other than that I would also love to see characters from Cipher, Warriors or the manga get the TMS treatment and be added to the game.


    An 8/20 isn't bad at all.

    Looks like I will change my list a lot for next year. But what's certain is that Dorothy remains my number one want and Medeus + Nuibaba are hard locks.

    If anything my next list shall include even more bosses and NPCs.

  2. Really happy with Lyre and Kyza as they were two of the characters that risked not getting in the game ever. Kyza almost misses out on Cipher since they got a card at the last possible moment in the last set. 

    I gotta say, I'm kinda happy about the new sparking system as I basycally want everyone on thw banner.


    And for those lamenting the lack of Otr, don't worry.

    Literally all the OCs from the first V books have an alt with four exceptions: Thorr, Hel, Eitri and Otr. I fully expect the four of them to get alts sooner or later. 

    And also Elm, Ash, Letizia, Nifl and Muspell in due time.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    This game was never going to have the full roster regardless because that was never one of IS's goals here.

    If it was truly a goal, then IS wouldn't have added 30 Three Houses units just this year while leaving Thracia with just 25 units overall (and that just accounts for 17 different characters after factoring alts, pirate Lifis not included, out).

    That's true but what I meant was that the game would have ended with less of the overall roster represented if not for this trick. If Winter Artur was Winter Seth or something it is very likely that we would have never gotten a single Artur in the entire lifespan of this game.

  4. I'm very very happy with this banner. Not only we get another Lute alt, but we also get three more characters added to the game (Manuela, Ignatz, Artur) I said it before and I will say it again, this game will never have the entire FE cast unless they add a large number of units as seasonals and leave them in seasonal hell forever. I already made my peace with it and I honestly don't mind, because the most important thing is that all FE characters get a voice actor and modern art. Everything else is not that important (including good stats/skills).

  5. 17 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

    I didn't mention this yesterday because I didn't think about it until earlier, but Letizia's existence is kind of hilarious.

    As of now, it looks like Heroes hates men so much that they decided to just create a new female relative for Veronica instead of confirming the return of Bruno, who could slide in really nicely here because it's Embla-focused. Of course, he could come back later, but still, not sure we needed another Embla royal when Bruno already exists. (P.S. The answer is that we never actually needed more OCs.)

    This implies that Bruno should be the one to plot against Veronica instead of being a good brother for her, which instantly makes me hate the idea. Bruno is a good guy, I would rather see him sacrifice himself and become the next useless death scene like Nott than become a villain (but please let's not do that either. Enough useless death scenes).

  6. Man such a disappointed. I screamed when I saw Letizia in the trailer because I thought she was Embla's current queen or something, but nope it's just Veronica's big sis.

    What's with this game and telling us a queen exists just to never show her to us? Fjorm's mom, Embla's current queen, Eir's real mom, Nott and Dagr's mom, even a little one second long tease of the existence of a mom for Laegjarn and Laevatein.

    The only one to actually escape this grim fate is Henriette and even she isn't playable in her base form. WTF? This game hates Milfs, smh.


    Anyway I can't believe we got a literal cow girl lmao! But she is pretty tasteful for a cow girl so I can't complain. And getting a free colorless beast is awesome. Does this mean we have a free 2 play friendly beast unit of each color now? 

    For a second I thought the bat boy was a bat girl too but he looks pretty interesting. I can't wait to see him transform into a bat.

    And the Awakening banner was pretty nice. With Priam and Yen'fay they finished the spotpass units to use so they will have to give us a Validar GHB next time, right?

    With the remaining gen 2 kids I would think. They have a better chance of selling than the remaining shepards. R.I.P. Ricken, Vaike, Gregor and KELLAM! I fell sad for them.

  7. 5 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Fallen Ike doesn't spoil anything because he doesn't even exist in Tellius (which is why it totally should have been fallen Greil instead).

    Actually that makes him better. It's a fake spoiler that will throw players for a loop when things don't go that way in the original game. More what if units like him would be nice. And it's not like there are a lot of candidates left for Fallen Banners (I mean, there are all the morphs and dealords but only a few of them are zombies of popular characters).

  8. I am still holding onto my theory that Loki will actually play everyone like a fiddle and turn into the real Final Boss of the final book. From a writing perspective it makes more sense to make someone we have actually known for a long time the Final Villain rather than just the Surtr of the book with probably even less screentime but he is supposed to be somewhat better just because he is the last one? Lame.

    I might be high on hopium tho, and if that doesn't happen, yeah she will probably betray Alfador but to help us, and we will easily forgive and forget.


    Honestly I wouldn't even mind the decision of making Laejarn in love with Fjorm. Thus far the only kind of romantic attraction in this story (other than Lif/Thrasir) has been towards the summoner, ended tragically (Henriette and Gustav, Nifl), or just plain awful and toxic (Freyja, Otr and Nott). So it would be a nice change of pace to have a wholesome crush between two characters that are alive without involving the self-insert.

    The only problem is that it would have to be well written, and it seems like it won't be, so it's better to just drop it.

  9. 12 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Still on the topic of Bertram, I just noticed a subtle interface spoiler.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Instead of being grouped with the Daein characters, his placement in the Catalog of Heroes is after dancer Nephenee.

    At that point, they might as well have put his spot after Elincia’s.


    IMHO you are overestimating how much of the casual playerbase (which are the ones to actually protect from spoilers) actually reads "meet some of the Heroes" and thinks that deeply about it, to then connect the infomation teased her to his placement in the catalogue. Even if a casual player noticed that Bertram is placed with the Crimeans the only thing they would think is that they are from Crimea, which is just as big of a spoiler as revealing that Soren is from Daein.

    Their birthplace isn't that much of a spoiler because you have to actually have some context about other characters and events to figure it out and it's perfectly possible that a random player doesn't even remember who Elincia is because they never pulled her and she never appears in Forging Bonds and TT+.

    Compare that to the spoilers that requite no effort at all like Zelgius, Nemesis and all the Fallen units. You don't even need to read their lines, their appearance alone spoils some events of their games.


  10. 14 hours ago, kradeelav said:

    Tanith looks surprisingly good!  Was afraid they were going to mess up her slightly tomboy look and make her into a waifu.

    Implying that a tomboy look means you are not a good waifu, when the opposite is true. SMH.

    15 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    Colour aside, there isn’t really anything to complain about regarding Astrid. The bad implementation is Marcia/Tanith. The former is popular enough to fill a premium slot and the latter is already in the game. By being free units, they are reducing the capacity to fill the roster.

    Are you sure about that? Personally after the Jill fiasco of a character hugely requested that's also a cute girl failing miserably as a carry and after even banners with multiple cute waifus (Charlotte, Nyx, Hapi, Constance) needing an OC with them I'm starting to think IS changed how they view the remaining female characters, and they might be right.

    Think about it. How many of the remaining female characters are well known and plot relevant enough to carry a banner? Maybe Lucia, Nyna and the 3H women, but that's it. And how many have a design that can be easily transformed in a big titty waifu with a chance to attract a certain demographic even when they are completely unknown like Igrene, Karla and Malice? Maybe Sonya's sisters, Maiko and Heather? 

    But for the remaining ones? They aren't well known and they aren't "sexy" enough so what chances do they have to carry a banner? I say this as a fan of Marcia and a BIG fan of Tanith but they can't fulfill the "waifu" quota for the majority, so they might as well demore them and treat them as they would most male characters. 

    I'm going to predict that IS will bank everythinh on 3H, fallen banners, OCs and alts for popular lords/characters in the future because the female characters left that can sell a banner are few, and the male ones are even fewer.

  11. I will do the banners in the order I think we will get them:


    Binding Blade: Cath (colorless dagger infantry), Douglas (axe armor), Dorothy (blue bow infantry demote), Gonzales (axe infantry direct 3*), Jahn (red breath infantry GHB)

    Awakening: Miriel (red tome cavalry), Phila (lance flying), Vaike (axe infantry demote), Kellam (lance armor direct 3*), Validar (red tome infantry GHB).

    TMS: Touma & Cain (blue lance cavalry), Yashiro & Navaree (sword infantry), Maiko (colorless dagger infantry demote), Tiki (green breath flying), Barry (axe armor GHB). No direct 3* for this banner.

    Three Houses: Dorothea (red tome infantry), Sylvain (lance cavalry), Raphael (axe armor demote) Ignatz (red bow infantry direct 3*), Miklan (blue beast GHB).

    Thracia 776: Misha (lance flying), Linoan (green tome infantry), Perne (blue dagger infantry demote), August (blue tome infantry direct 3*), Raydrik (sword armor GHB).

    Fallen banner: Ayaha & Aversa (colorless tome flying), Risen King Chrom (sword armor), Draco/Eyvel (blue bow armor), zombie Scarlet (axe flying), Gunter (colorless breath cavalry GHB). No demote or direct 3* for this banner).

    Sacred Stones: Gilliam (Axe Armor), Vanessa (sword flying), Artur (blue tome infantry demote), Franz (sword cavalry direct 3*), Vigarde (lance armor GHB).

    Echoes: Est (sword flying), Deen (colorless dagger infantry), Mycen (lance cavalry demote), Kamui (sword infantry direct 3*), Jedah (red tome infantry GHB).

    CYL 6: Felix (1st place), Chrom (2nd place), Female Byleth (1st place), Bernadetta (2nd place), Galzus (sword infantry GHB). No demote or direct 3* for this banner.

    Genealogy: Tine (blue tome infantry), Scatach (sword infantry), Arthur (green tome cavalry demote), Lana (staff infantry direct 3*), Hilda (red tome infantry GHB).

    Fates: Scarlet (axe flying), Kiragi (blue bow flying), Asugi (green dagger infantry demote), Mitama (staff infantry), Kotaro (colorless dagger infantry GHB). No direct 3* for this banner.

    Radiant Dawn: Edward (sword infantry), Nolan (axe infantry), Fiona (lance cavalry demote), Leonardo (colorless infantry direct 3*), Jarod (lance infantry GHB).

    Three Houses 2: Manuela (staff infantry), Hanneman (blue tome infantry), Cyril (green bow flying), Alois (axe infantry direct 3*), Thales (red tome infantry GHB).


    Blazing Blade and Archanea will be skipped but they will be the two banners that start book 7.

  12. The leaks were true, what a shocker.

    Anyway salty AF that Tanith will not be given as a quest reward (unless I missed it. I hope I missed it) since it means it might take me months od red pulls to even see her.

    Volke as his Thief self and Marcia with her Est hairstyle are very odd choices considering their other designs are more liked. Maybe they are coming soon with a RD alt for them like Shinon? Pretty please?

    And Laegjarn is her usual awesome self other than the clear winner of the banner. Gonna pull/spark for her.

    And man definitely looking forward to the forging bonds event. Sanaki and Sigrun both missed out on it for various reasons. It's time for Tanith to set things right.

    3 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    Volke is pretty cool. It's interesting that he doesn't have Baselard as his Prf, guess they're saving it for a potential Legendary Sothe or something. 

    Heather as the 5* star of the next RD banner let's go!!!

  13. 8 minutes ago, Kori said:

    Soren definitely has a bias against laguz in particular (in addition to his misanthropy), but I could see the argument that it's for "less racist" reasons than what we typically associate with racism, in that his prejudice seems to come from experience rather than from an ideology that beorc are superior. From that angle, someone like Shinon, who iirc calls them savages and beasts in the conversation where we learn about their existence, comes off as worse.


    Eh, I'm not sure if that's the real problem with Shinon. I think is lack of growth in Radiant Dawn is the biggest problem compared to his casual racism. Definitely one of the places where RD's writers dropped the ball.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    True, he didn't attack the villagers, but the reason he tried to attack Lethe and Mordecai was because he thought Ike was in danger/thought they hurt Ike (I can't remember which right now.) Ike had to call him off. Normally, Soren just keeps his distance, but he does violence for a living and isn't the most compassionate of the mercenaries. So, when his emotional support person came under threat, he reacted. Also, I'm not sure if he knew it was a slur (like how Ike didn't at that time; they're about the same age and mostly grew up in the same environment after Soren's horrific early childhood.) Basically, you need to be able to identify why someone does or says what they do. Someone isn't a racist for using a racial slur once. Any "-ist" is indicative of a mental state which results in consistent behavior. I'm not saying Soren should be excused because of his past, I'm saying that he isn't displaying a racist mindset so much as just being prickly to everyone and emotionally dependent on a handful of people (especially Ike.) In short, the source of that outburst wasn't racism, even if the actions were racist. You see what I'm saying?

    I mean.. I guess it's possible that Soren didn't know it was a slur. A bit strange since he is the thinker of the group, knows the world way more than Ike (he actually leaves the mercenaries at the beginning of the game to go study for a little while or something) and as a Branded he has a built-in understanding of racism since he suffered from it directly.

    I really don't get why you think the fact Soren doesn't open up to anyone but Ike means he can't possibly be racist. He can be two things at once.

    It's not like rotten mentalities such as "I don't trust anyone other than my closest friends. People are all scumbags out to get me. ESPECIALLY Muslims" are uncommon in the real world. Someone can have trouble socializing for deep personal issues and ALSO hate a specific race for the same issues or correlated ones.

    And you have to remember that Soren isn't real. He is a character and all of his scenes were written with a goal in mind: to further the plot and the themes of the game, as well as flesh out his character.

    What is that scene in which we see the Laguz for the first time meant to teach the players? That racism towards the Laguz is a big problem.

    "Look, even Soren is racist towards them. Just like Shinon before when he called them beasts. Oh no, even the good guys are racists towards them". And then a scene shortly after "oh no, Lethe is racist towards humans, and she is also one of the good guys. It's a widespread problem."

    Racism is like THE theme of the Tellius duology, and the devs had a limited number of chapters to develop that theme. So if an action CAN be interpreted as racist, that was probably the writers' intent. Personally after seeing Soren's supports I connected the dots and went "OH, that explains why he was racist. Poor Soren", but you seem to have gotten the opposite impression, that his backstory explains why he wasn't racist.

    At the end of the day, that scene was the first major example of racism being shown to us, so it was kind of an important moment.

    What do you find more likely, that the devs wanted to introduce the theme by showing us a good guy being racist, or by showing us a good guy being racist on accident? To me the former not only seems more likely, but also makes the story more nuanced and interesting. One interpretation shows that a character has a flaw and needs to get over his prejudice (prejudice with a given explanation no less). The other shows that a character said the wrong thing on accident and made a clown of himself.


    TBH you are the first person I met that doesn't think Soren was racist, so if nothing else it's good to see my beliefs challenged. It gave me an excuse to re-examine the character and put down my reading of him into words. I hope, I'm not coming off as annoying or anything since my responses keep getting longer. I really hope this doesn't turn into a confrontation. If someone thinks it's turning into one I'm dropping the thread. There are better topics to turn into heated arguments than the possible malicious intent behind a fictional character's actions.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Whats the likelihood of that though? Is there any seasonal that exists, or could be likely be invented to cover that, while not being unusual for almost nobody except the Hoshidans, b/c they're one of the very few non-European-influenced FE groups around (and Saceans, and maybe the Issachans)? 

    Well we could get Maid and Butlers who used to be a Nohrian thing (now it's also a Three Houses thing) or they could do a festival in Nohr similar to the Plegian banner or the Festival in Hoshido dance banner.


    Okay, we may be getting into way more complicated stuff than inteded but IMHO there's a limit to how much something can be excused as "he is an edgelord/asshole towards everyone".

    And that limit is when you say something incredibly sexist or racist when you could have just insulted the other person in a normal way instead of such a specifically scummy way. When Soren insults Mordecai, he doesn't accuse him of being "selfish like all the others", "willing to betray them for his own gains" or something equally nihilistic as usual. He drops a slur and tries to attact him for no reason. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't think Soren tried to attack the beorc villagers after berating them for being selfish pricks. The difference is entirely there.

    If the way Soren acted in that situation isn't racism than what is racism? What differentiates racism from just being mean to someone?

    There's a reason Ike told Soren to cut that shit immediately and never speak that way again, but let's him say what he wants in other occasions. The other occasions were just Soren being himself, that one occasion was Soren being himself + being a huge racist.

  16. 21 minutes ago, Morgan--Grandmaster said:

    Finally, someone else who gets it! Ninja Elise let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Even if I didn't know that, it would still be awesome. The Hoshido/Nohr switch-up cards are some of the coolest I've seen in terms of concept. Same goes for Female Corrin btw.

    Ah, a fellow person of culture. I personally don't mind at all the absence of hoshidans in the Ninja banner. It's way more interesting to see them in classes exclusive to Nohr anyway.

    I like maid Kagero a lot for example. More of that IS.

    31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    We get philanderers in practically every game, we get the occasional pickpocket thief, AnnAvarice is nowadays, Fates gave us Peri and the courtesan that is Charlotte, what's the problem with one arrant snob?  

    To be fair the entire point of Charlotte's character is that people fall in love with her for the fierce warrior she really is, not for her fake cutesy act. It's a pretty cut and dry lesson in being yourself because faking to be something else won't get you anything good like you foolishly think it will. At the end of her character arc she changes for the better, which puts her closer to someone like Jill, Lorenz and reformed villains like Aversa rather than assh*oles who never really change their ugly ways like Makalov and Anna.

  17. 1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

    Thanks for clarifying that it was a joke. It can be hard to tell with people actually having that kind of stance out there. And it's not really that I've come across Shinon-haters so much as this sort of reasoning is all too rampant online regarding accusing actual people of being racist when such behavior wasn't even displayed. Not at me personally, by the way, but I've seen some dumb stuff on the topic and was unsure of if it was coming up again. Ah, and I can't actually recall Soren ever being racist. I recall him being mistrusting and scathing of just about anyone and everyone, though.

    Yup. This.

    Don't worry, I should apoligize if the joke wasn't clear enough. It's often the fault of both the speaker and the listener when there's a misunderstanding.

    About Soren being racist. In PoR the first time Lethe and Mordecai show up to save the Greil mercenaries and guide them to safety in Gallia, Soren has the brilliant idea of antagonizing two powerful Laguz warrriors, daring them to attack him and also dropping the equivalent of the n-word unprovoked. 

    Outside of Jill and the literal villains, no character acts anywhere near that level of racism in the two games. It serves as a clue to his backstory as an half-breed, so there's some justification, but it's still a pretty impressive showing from Soren.

    For comparison's sake, Petrine who has the same exact Freudian excuse as him never acts THAT racist and she is a villain.

    And yet Shinon became the character to meme over for being the CEO of Racism. The fanbase works in mysterious ways.

  18. 39 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    Evidently, what's hype for you is "meh" for me and not even worth mentioning. I never could really get onto the Elise hype train. I just never understood it. She's okay, I guess? Kind of annoying, imo.

    Also, Shinon's a skeptical and cynical guy toward everyone; it's just easy to push buttons with the Laguz. I have no idea how he became the poster boy for racism. It's not like he actually represents it, or is even nearly the worst offender. Izuka is a lot worse, for example, not to mention what happened with Begnion on the whole. And that's even ignoring all the anti-human Laguz out there. If you ask me, Shinon's basically on the Beorc side of the conflict just as much as Lethe is on the Leguz side of it. And making a Shinon alt is hardly "supporting racism." Of course, this is all assuming you're serious about that and not making a joke.


    Yo! Merca, my buddy, you alright? It was very clearly a joke. It would be like saying that if you like Narcian/Lifis you support sex offenders. Or if you like Sonia you must support abusing kids.

    Plus, even among the playable cast of Tellius there are worse racists (like SOREN who everyone just forgives for his sad backstoty).

    It just became a meme that Shinon is the posterboy for racism, I guess because he wasn't a major character with a lot going on and Jill was already the "reformed racist" trope so the role fell onto him. Nothing deep.

    Let me guess, you had to deal with some obnoxious Shinon-hater on some other site today? I feel you, that can get annoying real quick.

  19. 1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

    Mostly Fates characters and not one of them is an actual ninja. RIP my ideal banner (which I've posted several times already so I won't put it here now)...and New Years drunk Shinon + New Years drunk Manuella, all in one blow. Ow. Also, kudos to those who guessed Shamir. That really looked like a high ponytail to me, but clearly that was not the case. Usually, I'm better than this...hm. Ah, and then there's Hawkeye's daughter who seems to be here mainly for her chest (as per kunoichi tropes.) Urgh...

    Anyway, the line from M!Corrin about trying to blend in with a crowd but his siblings calling to him was pretty good. XD Glad he's the demote. I may try to get him. (I seem to have unintentionally amassed a M!Corrin collection...but hey, people keep drawing him pretty, and I like the clouds in his crit art.)

    I hope Shinon and Shamir get some interaction. They're pretty similar (expert archer mercenaries who are realistic and don't feel the need for pleasantries.)

    So, all in all, hoping to nab M!Corrin and Shinon, but haaaa my wimpy orb supply... I still need Zihark (and maybe Navarre) from last year, too. Bleh. Oh well. At least I managed to get Halloween Byleth Sothis and Kurthnaga, even though it looks like I'll be waiting a year for Halloween Fallen M!Robin.

    You commented all the characters added except the actual HYPE pick that is Ninja Elise with her outfit from Cipher, smh.

    But seriously I love when this game pulls from Cipher original stuff. It's a way to keep the memory of it alive. Risen King Chrom soon?

    Anyway, I will pull for the duo and than save for next banner.


    SMH at IS giving Shitnon an alt. Are they really supporting racism just like that?

    They need to create a seasonal Claude as compensation.


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