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Posts posted by GrandeRampel

  1. 17 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    It's not though. The thrust of the game's incentive is the summoning aspect. The story exists but it is not the most developed, most played or most focused on aspect of the game. In fact I'd go as far as to say it'd be difficult to make a game that is less focused on its story while still actually having a proper story.

    I find what you said confusing. The game incentive is the summoning aspect? But if you were only able to summon without other modes to play (such as the story mode) nobody would keep "playing" this game just to collect pngs and equip some accessories or something. What you said sound to me like somebody saying that the incentive of a FE game is to be able to move the units around on a grid. Like... while technically correct being able to move units around on a grid would be pointless if there was no story progression, and summoning new heroes would be pointless without a story mode to use them in.

    And the "story" doesn't only mean story mode. Forging Bonds is a mode with some story in it. Same with Tempest Trials, Hero Battles, even Grand Conquest technically in a minimal way. Even Mjolnir's Strike and Aether Raids/Resort technically have a story even if the story is there only to give context to what happens (hey, Thorr will keep attacking every week to test our strenght, hey we found this floating island. It would a bitchin' place for a resort).

    There are some modes with no story whatsoever like Summoner Duels and Arena. And maybe some people would consider them the main point of the game. But others ignore them entirely.

  2. I used my second vote on Elena from Path of Radiance but woooah...

    Revealing the top 8 early? I'm not sure if I like it. Now I feel really conflicted if I should continue to vote for characters I want added in the game or just try with al my might to make Bernadetta win. 

    Anyway I wouldn't exactly call this list surprising if not for Azura making it and Soren whose popularity I clearly underestimated.

    1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The difference is that both Gaiden and Echoes are listed (under the same heading) whereas TMS♯FE is not listed at all for whatever reason, so Gaiden/Echoes is listed chronologically in Gaiden's position, whereas TMS♯FE Encore is listed chronologically in Encore's position. The logic is sound given the givens, but the givens don't make sense, so... yeah.

    It's also notable that the original order of games in CYL was unchanged in every new version. The Heroes version was added in CYL 2 placed after all the others, and in CYL 4 they added Three Houses and TMS placed after all the previously votable games.

    As weird at it sounds couldn't it be that they simply didn't want to place TMS between Fates and Heroes simply because in CYL 2 and 3 there was nothing between the two games and they want to remain consistent?

    Like they for some reason consider changing the existing order of games different from simply adding to the existing order of games at the tail end?

  3. I absolutely agree that Cipher, Warriors and also the Champion's Blade while we are at it deserve to be votable. I also agree that the Maiden Chrom can marry and Pamela, Ullr, St. Elimine and Jiol are all more notable than some of the characters you can already vote for.

    But the biggest and weirdest blind spot in Cyl is Fleche from 3H. Every single other character with a unique portrait is votable (even one-off bosses) but not her when she is at least memorable for her role in Azure Moon. It makes no sense.

    Other notable characters missing are:

    -Uhai from the Black Fang, and also the rest of the morphs such as Denning and Kishuna,

    -Sigune from Binding Blade,

    -the three mage sisters, Lamia and Lachesis' knights from Genealogy,

    -Pheros (you can vote her TMS version but not her base one), Garrick (same reason as Pheros), Raimi and Old Hubba all from Awakening,

    -Cassita, Kotaro and Felicia's dad from Fates (if you can vote the random singer girl every  character with a unique portrait in Fates should be votable),

    -that one cat laguz boss Kehzda, just because we need all the laguz we can get. Add Pain and Agony too for the same reason. Heck, add Soan and Reyson's dead sister too even if they don't have designs.

    -add Anri, Artemis, Iote, Nada Kuya, all the remaing Crusaders, 8 legends and the legendary founders of Magvel. Add the first exalt from Awakening and the king of Valla. Add Celica's dad and Nergal's wife. Get wild with it. But I better stop before i propose they simply add every boss in the series' history.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The wiki has all of them listed (machine translations for everything other than Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish):

    Brave Edelgard's title:

    • Japanese: 炎の女帝 (honoo no jotei), "Empress of Flame"
    • German: Kaiserin v. Adrestia, "Empress of Adrestia"
    • Spanish: Emperatriz ígnea, "Igneous Empress"
    • French: Emp. Flammes, "Flame Emperor"
    • Italian: Imp. Fiamma, "Flame Emperor" (indeterminate gender due to abbreviation)
    • Traditional Chinese: 炎之女帝 (yán zhī nǚdì), "Empress of Flame"
    • Portuguese: Imperatriz ígnea, "Fiery Empress"

    Flame Emperor's name:

    • Japanese: 炎帝 (entei), "Flame Emperor"
    • German: Flammenkaiser, "Flame Emperor"
    • Spanish: Emp. del Fuego, "Emperor of Fire"
    • French: Emp. Flammes, "Flame Emperor"
    • Italian: Imp. Fiamma, "Flame Emperor"
    • Traditional Chinese: 炎帝 (yándì), "Flame Emperor"
    • Portuguese: Fogo Soberano, "Sovereign Fire"

    They are identical in English, French, and Italian. German and Portuguese are completely different. Japanese, Spanish, and Chinese use different words.

    As far as I can tell, only English and French specifically use the masculine "emperor" instead of the feminine "empress" for Edelgard. Italian is debatable, as the abbreviation is the same for both. Flame Emperor's name is presumed masculine for abbreviations, as I assume it's not abbreviated in the original game's script.

    Thanks Ice Dragon, you always deliver when it comes to translation and adapation. As far as I can tell the English, French and Italian versions are completely obvious, a foolproof way to spoil the reveal, for the other versions I could easily see someone not connecting the dots.


    2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Nothing about I what I said was a joke. You can’t call the English translation an “error” when you don’t know whether it was intentional or not.

    But even without certain translations of FEH literally spelling it out, Edelgard being the Flame Emperor barely qualifies as a spoiler because of how much Edelgard has been talked about. At the very least, good luck finding a conversation about Edelgard’s character and/or motivations that doesn’t bring up the fact that she is unavoidably an antagonist in Three Houses (which will lead to the fact that she is the Flame Emperor).

    According to the bolded part we might as well don't care about preventing possible spoilers at all, which is something I don't agree with.

    Of course if you are looking up discussions about a character they are going to spoil things for you, but the point is that someone might not be looking up discussions and get spoiled in a completely different way, such as simply reading the title of a unit they pull in a Gacha Game. Those kind of spoilers I would very much like to avoid.

    A case I really love is the party member Seven from Xenoblade Chronicles. Simply googling the name of that character would spoil everything for you in a few seconds, but the lengths the community went to try and hide the spoiler as much as possible are admirable.

    Anyway, what's important is that they are no longer votable. Whether they forgot to remove them last time or intentionally waited a year matters little.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Othin said:

    In Japanese, Legendary Edelgard's title is "炎の女帝" (Empress of Fire) while Flame Emperor's name is "炎帝" (Fire Emperor). Slightly different, but still with a clear resemblance and using two shared characters.

    Still better than the English version where they are both called the exact same two words in the same order. But I guess we would have to call a Japanese player who didn't play Three Houses and ask them if they were able to connect the dots easily.

  6. 12 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    What really, I was about to ask that?

    I thought there might be more wildcards like how Kasatai got in the last one?

    At least, Lekain, Levail and Shihiram are in, right?

    Yeah all three are votable, don't worry. It is disappointing that we didn't even get the likes of Pamela as votable, who now that Dithorba is in kinda feels like a real possibility for a future unit.

    10 hours ago, Tybrosion said:


    IS literally did this in April 2020.

    They had no excuse for leaving Flame Emperor alone last year.

    I'm sorry if I'm answering seriously to what could be a joke, but I will answer seriously anyway.

    It would be a mistake to overestimate the importance of the English version of a Global game like FEH.

    I know for sure that the German title for Legendary Edelgard was "Adrestian Emperor" or something similar. If other versions of the game (like the Japanese one, the most important one) were less blatant with the spoilers, then it make perfect sense to keep Flame Emperor around a while longer to prevent spoilers.

    It's a case of "it really sucks to be an English speaking player" but there's zero reason to drag all the other versions of the game down because of an error of the english version.

  7. Voted for Dorothy right away.

    A bit disappointed there were no additions other than OCs. Not even Ullr...

    47 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Flame Emperor is now added to the "can't be voted for" list.

    It's now clear what happened. If they removed them right away it could have spoiled things for new players. Doing it now, it's less clear why it happened.

    Look I'm not saying that the true identity of the misterious FE is Marianne. But they were removed from voting after Marianne was removed. Pretty sus...

  8. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    You're right.  While Fates had a lot of its main cast in the game, it actually has a lot of potential for ghb. Without resorting to generic catupre bosses they could still give us as ghb 

    *Fallen Gunther 

    If anything Fallen Gunter would be a GHB unit for a fallen banner, not a Fates one.

  9. IMHO the problem with Fado, Shiharam and the likes isn't that they have low chances to be added. They still have more of a chance than some playable characters like Dolph and Macellan due to having a strong conncection with popular characters at least. Plus this is the same game that added Mustafa, Dithorba, Veld and Riev no problem.

    The real problem is deciding where do you put the line. Do characters playable for just one map count? Then you have to count Orson and Black Knight.

    Do characters that don't really fight but you still get to move around count? Than you have to count Merlinus.

    Do characters you get to use but after a convoluted process that makes them feel less like characters and more like a gameplay mechanic count? Then you have to count the capturable bosses from Fates and the substitutes from Shadow Dragon.

    Do characters you have to buy count? Then you have to count Anna from Fates and Three Houses, the 4 Cipher OCs from Echoes and the Ashen Wolves.

    Do characters you can only play in a bonus mode count? Then you have to count Creature Campaign and Trial Maps.

    Do characters you can only use in a DLC count? Then you have to count the assassins from Archanea and Fernand from Echoes.

    One method you could use is basing it on which precedents Heroes itself set.

    Like Creature Campaign and Trial Maps yes because we got most of them already, while capturable bosses no because there is no precedent from them.

    DLC characters yes because we already have most of them, but substitutes no because we don't have even one of them.

    At the end of the day it all depends on the definition of "playable" and I'm sure I missed some weird fringe cases that could be considered as well in this long franchise. There is no real answer.

  10. I have mixed opinions on this banner. Starting with the good:

    I love Neimi and Colm, not so much Rennac but I find him funny. Plus they gave us another enemy only in Riev, which is a trend I always want to see continue. I can forgive them if they disregard enemy units from a game like Archanea that has few remaining candidates who are either Mythic level (Medeus) or very minor (Jiol), but a game like Sacred Stones? Yeah no, let's make sure to finish off the Rogue Gallery of villains first.

    And @Sunwoo @Fire Emblem Fan if I can offer my persepective on the matter, even if Riev is unpopular and not many people care to use him, what many people care about is complete sets.

    Bryce is not really a popular character but now that he is the last Daein Rider not in FEH many would want him just to complete the set. Laurent has never been a popular character but now that he is the only Awakening kid not in the game... he is the only kid not in the game, so it feels wrong not to add him (see also Ignatz). Pamela is not popular at all, but now that we have Annand, Erinys and Dithorba, wouldn't be neat to complete the set? Ashunera is the least popular of the three incarnations of the Goddess but we have the other two already, surely they can spare a mythic slot for her, right? And Solon was unpopular but they couldn't complete TWSITD without him, so they added him.

    Of course this is also true (and even more so) for characters that complete sets and are also popular. Boyd is the only one missing from the Greil Mercs and he was always popular. Murdock was always popular (relatively since we are talking Binding Blade here) and he is the last Wyvern General missing. I suspect riots would occur if he is skipped for Jahn or something.

    In the case of Riev he was one of the two generals of Grado missing, so the objection that they culd have picked Glen is fair since he would have helped to complete the set too.

    But it's not really a big deal IMO. Either Glen was the GHB this time and Riev the GHB in 2023, or Riev is the GHB now and we get Glen in 2023. Sure, Glen fans would rather not wait more than a year, but there is an argument to be made for saving the best for last.


    As for the bad: Ascended Joshua.

    Okay let's be fair here, Joshua is not bad at all. If we compare him to other normal pool alts (Cav Chrom, Mage Eirika and the likes) he looks cooler and more unique. The problem is that we lost a unique Sacred Stones character for this alt. If we got Ascended Eir or something, we would have gotten Dozla as a direct addition or Kyle, or Garcia, or whoever else.

    Now since they can pair Joshua with the others in Forging Bonds, they are using it as an excuse to not give us an instant demote which is WHACK!

    This is one of the worse decisions I have seen in years from IS. Feh Pass spark is nothing by comparison. We are still not sure if we will actually complete the roster of even a single FE game before FEH shuts down, let alone multiple games. The last thing we need is to slow down the addition of new characters.

    Not gonna lie, I will send feedback about this. It sucks because if it's annoying for a game like Sacred Stones, it will be TRAGIC for some games like Thracia, Radiant Dawn and Binding Blade who still have a lot of characters missing who are not popular at all. Nealuchi will either get in as a direct addition or will never get in, same thing for Trec and many others.

    Now I have to actively hope for the next Binding Blade banner to be paired with a Mythic OC, or Ascended Eir, or another kind of OC, because if we get Ascended Zephiel we are screwed.

    What a way to sour me on the idea of main pool alts. WHACK I say! This is WHACK!

  11. In no particular order (except first place):


    1. Dorothy FE6

    2. Soan FE10

    3. Niime FE6

    4. Tina FE5

    5. Phila FE13

    6. Mozu FE14

    7. Ladislava FE16

    8. Reina FE14

    9. Monica FE16

    10. Pamela FE4

    11. Ayaha TMS

    12. Jeanne FE4

    13. Cath FE6

    14. Sigune FE6

    15. Gilliam FE8

    16. Nuibaba FE15

    17. Medeus FE3/12

    18. Meg FE10

    19. Fiona FE10

    20. Heather FE10

    But as usual, what I want most (perhaps even more than Dorothy) is for other FE media to get representation. Warriors, the Champion's Blade and Cipher are my actual most wanted.

  12. In no particular order (except first place):


    1. Dorothy FE6

    2. Soan FE10

    3. Niime FE6

    4. Tina FE5

    5. Phila FE13

    6. Mozu FE14

    7. Ladislava FE16

    8. Reina FE14

    9. Monica FE16

    10. Pamela FE4

    11. Ayaha TMS

    12. Jeanne FE4

    13. Cath FE6

    14. Sigune FE6

    15. Gilliam FE8

    16. Nuibaba FE15

    17. Medeus FE3/12

    18. Meg FE10

    19. Fiona FE10

    20. Heather FE10

    But as usual, what I want most (perhaps even more than Dorothy) is for other FE media to get representation. Warriors, the Champion's Blade and Cipher are my actual most wanted.

  13. Last year I voted for Dorothy, Dithorba (YAY!), Phila and Malice (YAY!), with 3 votes for Eirika in order to secure her victory.

    The year before it was Ladislava, Dorothy, Lilith (YAY!), Petrine (YAY!), Heather, Mozu and Bernie.

    I'm really not sure this year. I could either keep voting for unreleased faves who are missing from the game like every other year, something like Dorothy, Mozu, Phila, Heather, Ladislava, Elena, Nuibaba.

    Or I could just go all-in for Dorothy who is the character I want the most and by a lot. I guess the next banner could be Binding Blade and she could be on it, which might shake things up a bit so I will have to wait and see.

    As for who will win the whole thing. I'm hoping for Bernie (and for Heroes OCs) but I'm pretty sure the ones who are guaranteed are Chrom and the Byleths which I don't mind winning at all.

  14. 5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

    Every FEH original should not be entitled a seasonal alt just because they’re a FEH original, especially when they’re as woefully unpopular as Otr.

    It’s also hella unfair to actually popular characters (Ayra, among many others, sends their regards) from the main series to keep getting denied alts just so the likes of Mirabilis, Hrid and Ylgr can all have one

    You may as well be preaching to the choir, since I prefer variety in picks for seasonals too. But even if they don't "deserve" one I am totally sure they will all get one. I realized it with Pirate Surtr, Santa Mirabilis was just expected to me. It only make sense from a marketing perspective. While characters from other FE games were originally ment to be characters and they are just now trying to sell them, Heroes OCs are made to be sold, so it makes sense to try and sell them multiple times. And since each book gives us about two seasonal banners worth of characters, they can easily give alt to all of them and Heroes would still be the third or fourth game with the most alts for that year, which is acceptable (it's them being the game with most Mythics that people are up in arms about).

    Though to be fair Otr is in a bit of a weird spot because no Heroes OC has ever been THIS unpopular. So they might not even bother trying to salvage him and just drop any plans for his alt.

    I still believe it more likely for all the OCs to get an alt, but if not that I think it will be all the OCs minus him.

  15. On 12/18/2020 at 6:05 AM, GrandeRampel said:

    In no particular order:

    1. Dorothy FE6

    2. Saul FE6

    3. Niime FE6

    4. Tina FE5

    5. Sonia FE7

    6. Mozu FE14

    7. Nyx FE14

    8. Reina FE14

    9. Marianne FE16

    10. Ashe FE16

    11. Constance FE16

    12. Jeanne FE4

    13. Cath FE6

    14. Orson FE8

    15. Gilliam FE8

    16. Nuibaba FE15

    17. Medeus FE3/12

    18. Marcia FE9/10

    19. Fiona FE10

    20. Heather FE10

    Other than that I would also love to see characters from Cipher, Warriors or the manga get the TMS treatment and be added to the game.


    An 8/20 isn't bad at all.

    Looks like I will change my list a lot for next year. But what's certain is that Dorothy remains my number one want and Medeus + Nuibaba are hard locks.

    If anything my next list shall include even more bosses and NPCs.

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