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Everything posted by goodperson707

  1. Well to be fair, what you describe at the end isn't universal across all games. Of course weapons never breaking at all, eating food to heal wounds instantly (being just as or more effective than the medicine) and using magic rings to increase strength (and sometimes magic) is hardly more realistic. Heck magic rings should cover it.
  2. Generic outside the series? Yeah maybe, sure. Contained in the context of the series? Yeah not really, to my knowledge they're pretty unique beyond being a hat for mages. I'd say Generic is the similar hoods/hats that we had (well I can't account for thracia. and I guess the saga games outside the series) in varying degrees for the 22 years before hand.
  3. Those are the only answers, really? Anyway was trying to say I don't understand the scope and it being a dealbreaker in it's own (yeah sucking and performance can be a dealbreaker but then is staffs really the point then, staffs could of and might become OP as could other weapons/roles, isthe reason Xavier shouldn't use bows is because of Mehbecca?) not that I didn't understand it bieng an issue at all.
  4. Oh sure I know the stuff , dosen't mean I'll get it. Good or bad Performance isn't a reason that stands on it's own for me, and not everything about a unit is going to get represented in a game like this.
  5. Yeah sure, but I said it's not necessarily out of nowhere. (now out of some pit of semi solid weirdness sure. unless it really was a misconception/change on what classes Faye had access too which so far I think is a possibility) With a game like fire emblem there is often reasons to find below the surface. I'm honestly not sure if I'll ever quite get why Lucius and Lachesis are put as the prime example of this sort of thing, mechanically they have a better ground than Raven and recent Ceada. (Personally I like going back to the roots though, and I'm glad to have the concept of axe heroes represented, Raven being very low on the list of who I would go with be darned) Is healing (and not solely as such, attacking is represented) really that big of a deal breaker for people?
  6. On Faye using a bow, yeah it's weird but Faye is a villager (and seems to be part of her core concept) so I wouldn't rule out a relatively recent change in echoes or some form of reference. It's not necessarily completely out of nowhere and ignoring the source material is what I'm saying. (Stuff like the original game's villager class having archer access/being just the male version , and not using villagers as an infinite level and class change system for all units is where I'm drawing my thoughts from)
  7. Minerva would most likely have been my second choice (definitely will switch to her if it follows estimated results,) but yeah Minerva is the one she said she'll choose now, Minerva was her first 5* too. And hey if I went the war agasint Camilla angle nothing wrong with fighting in both fronts.
  8. Decided to go with Cordelia. I think my sister is likely to go Minerva. (And that's initially, the other two she mentioned interest in most likely aren't going to make it to the next round) I just need to get off my butt and find/get her 4 more friends, I've been procrastinating on that.
  9. While I understand complaints/people's stances on players jumping on bandwagons despite liking other units, (Don't quite think it works without that last part though) I do think it is rather prone to going a bit too far or at least appearing that way. (Of course I'm pretty sure a good amount of that is intentional exaggeration, meme art, certain posters which I hope isn't overstepping, ect) Mainly in regards to assuming things about other people. I also think there are/could be more factors involved in how the gauntlet works than I see people address.
  10. Concern with using GHB units and banners that should logically include them seems like a pretty strong possibility, why there aren't any others in game is a tad trickier. (Though I think it makes sense enough, that female tendency is probably more female slanted with the games that they used for default content. Plus the awakening kids that aren't set in some way may not have been an option for Jerome as well as the GHB thing for units that would most likely be put there)
  11. Great, know I'm curious if that's true or at least could be true. (I'm of course ignoring any implications of species in the text given) Unfortunately none of them stick out at me so I'll have to look into that after I get some sleep. (Also ignoring what it means by here, ie in the tournament. Though that does make me think of potential confusion with their being two participants with the same name. )
  12. The reason? (Citation from the offical source as well but I'm guessing that wasn't quite your intention)
  13. The recent skill fusions a sign of things to come on that front? Omni blow, Fortify/Goad/Ward/Hone All, Weapon breaker, ect, ect? That's less crazy skill combos, but I think it could be worked in especially if they also work in special weapons. Everybody gets distant/close counter weapons for example. (They could even look to fates for that)
  14. True and I don't quite expect them to do so, but why would they be restricted into one difficulty level each in this case? Yeah it's cleaner going one each especially when the added one is a one star, but I don't how it goes against anything mechanical or why a fourth difficultly level need play into it.
  15. While yeah some people seem to be using redundancy as a big stand alone reason not to have the class at all which I disagree with I don't think you can eliminate it as a factor. As I said earlier different games handle classes differently and I don't think that's an inherently bad thing. Some games don't use many classes primarily for flavour, especially if they can't fit them into their system. (Branched promotion, reclassing, third tiers, anything else I'm missing) Plus the flavour part of them isn't always appropriate to the setting anyway. I do enjoy the concept of approaching pirates to villiages when it is in the games though. (But then I enjoy the concept of alot of things which aren't going to be in every game, though maybe I should reflect a bit on why my go to thought was giant spiders eating defenceless villagers)
  16. Again ignore (and ignoring) the Jagen and focus on the original part (particularly in regards to the brave weapon) yes a brave weapon was a preference weapon of a unit who can be considered a Jagen and that unit was in a previous game where the brave weapon wasn't a preference and he dosen't fit the Jagen type as easily but I don't see how that relates to the orginal comment or that comment being true. ^^ I get where your coming from now, but I don't agree with the intial statement and I think you overdid the connection . (Though I get how those games would lend themselves to do so)
  17. I'm talking more along the lines of what Othin posted above. It's not the Jagen part it's the brave weapon part, both that Finn's was the original (wouldn't that be Lex's by chronology?) one and that it is a preference weapon in regards to originality.
  18. That was the only possiblity that made sense, but it still isn't true with how I'd clarify original.
  19. Yeah generic units with Wo Daos surprised me. Took a few to encounter one that had it's effect actually matter, though I belive killers do that too. Huh? Could you clarify that last part?
  20. Glad the Odin thing got out of the way before I got here. And hopefully we got to the point that light magic dosen't really exist so far, (Linde is technically a thunder mage and and Julia a wind mage, for what type light magic might be Linde has a connection to thunder magic while if Julia had a connection it was to fire not wind) While I'd appreciate and enjoy Light magic if it was put in the game, I'll be fine with and wouldn't be that surprised if they didn't add it. How many units could even be affected by this? Lucius is out already, Ced is more associated with wind at this point, I'd love it if Homer went Light but I wouldn't say it's a necessity and well they'd have to add him on the first place, Hawk is probably even less likely and again not a necessity, only playable pre-promoted bishop type I remember who I think wouldn't go staff over light magic (or a different weapon entirely istead of a staff, like a physical weapon for Renault or Fire tomes for Cyas but I'd still put staves over light) is Oliver but he could still go staves (might help joke value), Deirdre doesn't promote like Julia (To get access to other tomes like she did, frankly I'm not thay hung up on default weapons) but I think she could go staves, Linoan could go with staves, Micaiah I think is a/the big one (they could reference awakening a couple ways but that's not her own game) , Artur I think has less reasoning to go staff than Lucius but then Lucius covers monk turned staff user but yeah just a redundancy thing. Okay I think that covers playable units, important non playable there's what Riev, the senators (Lekain mainly) and Sephiran? Anyone I'm missing feel free to mention them, the ones I think are most affected are Lucius, Micaiah, Artur and Tellius villains as a group. (The others are more fringe cases and the non Deirdre Jugdral characters have access to anima and could be covered by a Gronn/Blar/Rauorlight spell) I wouldn't be surprised if they thought Light wasn't worth it (Staff magic exists already) especially since they could figure out an idea for the major stumbling blocks ahead of time. (Ie plans for Micaiah to not need light and either plans for others or no plan to include them) ^ Is it coincidence that Pelleas went blue when he could of kinda done that anyway without different types of dark magic? (Having thunder magic access and all)
  21. Pretty sure that would cause alot more inconsistencies (Targeting res doesn't really work for most, and a Falchion weakness if they got a colour would just be silly) than a gaggle of characters not having access to tomes, and if they remove those I don't think you can really consider it the same category.
  22. Well that probably means they weren't looking at that type of thing, which isn't that surprising to me. I think it's possible they went with the whitewings (and the eldest one, plus Est is a former whitewing right?) and minerva to play into the retainer thing Fates (and thus half the gauntlet has) but regardless I see why Palla would be the default.
  23. I was trying to stick to the weakness of the op's arguments instead of style of of play and what definitions people use. But I think this thread is pretty much a different beast at this point. I don't really see the point in separating them too much, let Oifey be a sub category. (Of course Jagen would then be the broad type and also a sub-type) While yes how they end up working is different I don't see how the general and initial intent isn't there or that Oifey isn't a natural extension of the Jagen concept (And I think it blurs the Jagens that handle later game differently, I'd say only 1, 3 and 6 play it straight and I'm not that sure about 6 Marcus, while 5 and 14 handles that part differently) Jagen (however it's spelt) is the first and most likely the more recognizable term. Yes the Oifey distinction is important for some topics and general statements about Jagens can ignore/misrepresent Oifeys but then general statements do that, they can also ignore differences in age or wether the archetype rides a horse or comes with a sliver weapon. So yeah put me down for all Oifeys are Jagens but not all Jagens are Oifeys As for style of play, frankly I can't help but feeling that topic is (deeply) embedded in the previous one.
  24. Hmm, not sure if it's going to be another Lucina situation. Personally I think the results of the previous involved more than just popularity, but some of those factors require info we don't have yet. (mainly the exact details of the line up, though we can speculate on that) Might be a bit more favourable mix, still 3ds stacked but with Birthright instead of Heroes and Mystery instead of Magvel (no tag word that I know of) On characters chosen, the awakening pair is the only one that couldn't be considered a retainer and lord thing. (Subaki is a stretch of course) Any thoughts on a pair they could have used/introduced to fit the theme? (It'd be a pegasus and wyvern, maybe pegasus lord to keep it even, but it's a hypothetical so rearranging seems fine)
  25. Just did a round of summons and got the best character in the game... Carrot Xander's horse. (I'm only partly joking, didn't pay attention to the map sprites in the video, so the carrots in his/her mouth was a surprise) Hmm the gauntlet is interesting, I'm actually going to need to think about this one.
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