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Everything posted by goodperson707

  1. A bit confused on if we are agreeing that the mt is on track or not. (For reference I wasn't going by braves I was going on that both are the effect(s) on top of base sliver) Mainly just want to know I'm not totally off base. But yeah It is pretty odd. As a side note I could see them intentionally laying off on an added effect for dire thunder for portrayal reasons but who really knows.
  2. I understand and yeah there's merit there but if we don't know we're getting a hypothetical different version I don't think judging a unit as if we are is quite fair. But just as a judgement. Comparisons, what ifs, thinking she's more RD, ect. No prob. (I do get a bit carried away overstuff like units and the like being decried as ridiculous or automatically bad because it didn't fit one way of doing it. I apologize if I came off too angry or something. Now I need to distance myself a bit from a hypothetical Micaiah as a heroes unit and the baggage she carries for me.)
  3. Well afaik it follows the line of what to expect with a legendary brave sword but with an added effect (that happens to lower it's downside.) On the one hand brave is pretty much an effect in and of itself so stat +3 and main effect seems in line with CYL. On the other hand I'll never claim to know their intentions and I can see reasons and precedents to effectively add an extra effect onto dire thunder. But I don't really know how strong a +3 stat or brave effect is relative to others nor have knowledge of the meta game so I'll leave that side to those better suited
  4. Almost like they're drawing from Radiant Dawn for inspiration or something. While I haven't played PoR I definitely think what your saying about PoR is quite logical and understandable (I don't think the in game performance is the only thing to draw on for heroes units so I more compare stats, like that's a damn sweet mag growth she has and heroes has no str/mag split) but I don't see an issue with drawing from RD. (and still wondering if a different version is anything more than a hypothetical) Is it a perfect situation? Well no but I don't think it has to be nor should a perfect world infringe on the one we have.
  5. An initiation skill ala deathblow and Amti for Elincia makes sense to me. (the exact choice of pure atk does have a bit of gameplay in it to me but that's more that swiftsparrow is a bit much) And I have a question, what RD version? Yes she has the appearance of PoR that dosen't mean she can't draw on RD now instead of forcing expectations on (afaik) some hypothetical. (And while she gets mercy in RD I don't see it as mutually exclusive with death blow or offence)
  6. Yes he has/had (there are two Robins to take seperate roles) the potential for it, but it dosen't follow that he must of been. It's that F Robin works as a GHB not that she and/or her counterpart absolutely had to be a GHB.
  7. While yeah rocks and the like are definitely interesting I don't think they're really judged on the same scale of interestingness as characters in a video game. (Now how much interest you get out of different scales....)
  8. I misread this as a Sothe pun at first. (Tellius dagger reps go! Plus sages with daggers will make everybody happy) Also aren't all swords just metal sticks when it comes right down to it man?
  9. Technically I think you can weasel your way out of the exact words you used. (Reffering to the last kidnapping with regards to Seliph but one of the possible earlier ones with Julia) But time travel is a good option, great for getting ideas for magical schools.
  10. He'd have more of a case if he actually won the fight though. And regardless a single Ni that get's charged up takes him down like a castle built in a swamp plus the holy hand grenade of antioch charges at the rate you could cut a tree down with a herring, I think the top tier reaches of Tim, the French units and that furry fellow from Caerbannog are pretty safe. That said I do think he's still very good and he'll be even better once they release fruit-breaker, (I've heard they're going to release a training vid and everything) only thing he'd have to fear then is pointed sticks.
  11. Well considering I'm pretty sure that that skill's heroes effect is completely theoretical (and that I don't think the exact effect is obvious) I'm going to have to say it depends entirely on what you'd think Nihil would even do. Though we do have evidence to what it most likely can't be I believe. (GHB units you fight have all their playable skills right?)
  12. You could say similar things about the voting gauntlet, and I'm sure lots of people (possiblly even most) agree/match with the sentiment but clearly people don't.
  13. A chance (I'll leave probability aside but it seems like a distinct if not likely possibility) for everybody but the winner (and maybe a close enough runner up) to get curbstomped seems like a pretty big risk for them to take. This also seems more like a whole format change than a fix and while a pro-con debate on formats is worth having I'm willing to bet this format was picked for good reason and that it pretty much defines the voting gauntlet regardless of what anyone thinks it should be. (Also I'll put a 5 star on switching teams being seen as a feature not a bug)
  14. Zephiel himself is a precedent for that not being a guarantee while Alondite is in a pair with Ragnell which gives it a bit more to go with. (Plus BK definitely looks like he has Alondite and is an Armour and I think has a pretty strong case for that beforehand, some if not most of the other possibilities have different ways they could go)
  15. So taking a family member's axe to use it is grave-robing and that means that someone who isn't family couldn't graverob it to use it because his dreams told him to later? (When it was most definitely used as a grave) Even in universe I think there is alot of wiggle room in how the portals and the like work. (To start just because Ike is apparently from PoR dosen't mean the Axe is)
  16. Just from a look at the wiki it seems to be translation tomfoolery. (Possibly going both ways language wise) But yeah that's unfortunate those games which do that sort of thing should be stuck down with both the legendary Sacred Twin Excalibur and it's counterpart Thoron
  17. Okay I understand. I still think Fiasco is an overstatement. (And that the issues with Tellius's Rexclalibur muddy the already existed part) As for inconsistenties I'll just say that Rexcalibur has company from all eras.
  18. And why is that a fiasco? (In both a scope sense and an objective and not opinion sense) Also Heroes not Awakening?
  19. 1 Those tomes, Rexcalibur especially have their own share of shenanigans and the like to consider 2 While I can't think of other "downgrades" of this nature, is it really inherently worse than other reusing and repurposing of previous established weapons? 3 What's such a fiasco about it?
  20. See this is why your avatar shouldn't have limbs to hit keyboards with. But yeah pretty sure that's true and that there's no Tana yet. (Think we just have half a dozen characters so far)
  21. ^^ Well Lucina emulates Chrom quite a bit already (not that the others couldn't also have that said about them) and she only really needs his shoulder guard or something to follow the trend, though most likely not intended mentions of cosplay and the like seems a bit weird with Lyn.(though I don't think we have ever seen what Hassar looks like so I suppose Lyn could of copied his outfit)
  22. Seems to lean alot more in the vein of Lucina (weapon/class change) than the others. Now the alternative presented or similar possibilities isn't suitable for everybody of course. Some thoughts of mine are apostle/empress/Sankai Micaiah, Takumi and Leo taking the roles of their older brothers, I think Leo becomes King of Nohr in the opposite game (and Camilla turned it down for a what if) so there's that as well, Robin's heritage is tricky but has several possibilities, I think the concept of dragon riding a dragon has a bit more potential than mage for Nowi and I think a different dragon type for her would be interesting, they could make the mark of naga more jugdral inspired for Naga tome Chrom or something, Parent or loved one inspired is of course an option for a few and you could also go future inspired (Their children for some, distant decedents for others, well Marth)
  23. Hassar was his name I believe and he was said to be skilled in the sword (teaching Lyn) as well as the bow. (There are other mentions of him of course) I'd say Nomadic trooper is the most logical existing class.
  24. ^^ Oh that's interesting to know, thank you. (The characters involved still seem fitting enough for the other definition though.) In general I'm not sold on the blue=light magic thing. (Being the echoes aura just seems to tie it even closer to regular aura in regards to colour, and Linde's case was never all that strong to me)
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