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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. tb.hotsauce

    has a spiral type red & black avatar

  2. add me up on steam so i can send it to you broski

  3. in case you miss the status update i just posted a second ago: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52437880/Club%20FG%2008-14-2010.mp3

  4. i don't know if i linked this one to you before but:

    it's probably one of my favorites of his recent mixes simply because of the transition / drop at 37 mins in

  5. happy birthday ^_^

    p.s. don't listen to your friends if they want to buy you a pack of cigarettes

  6. haha no, i'd never have the time or day for tumblr

    a friend linked it to me, we go back and forth linking cute kitty pictures to each other and she found this the other day.

    the chef kitty cookin dat bird is so boss

  7. lol Tango~ banned me from IP.Chat for some stupid reasons

  8. haha what kind of houses were they

  9. chillin like a villain at the Ho-liday Inn

    what's up with YOU~

  10. lol the only black mamba i know of is kobe bryant, #24 on the lakers

  11. lolwat

    he wasn't even playing last night vs the hornets because of a shin injury..

  12. one more profile comment and you'll take over my entire first page (like i just did yours now, no homo)

    if you ever want to build one from scratch, let your boy know, i can make a mean rig within budget.

  13. sup baby, i got that wobble, you got the bass? let's shuffle

    1. buttmuncher.ops
    2. Blitz


      not another one of your youtube vedios (I am complaining cause I am missing plug ins and the care taker blocked install of plug ins)

  14. lol gg

    if you upgrade to a gaming desktop (even an average one) let me know, i got beta access for days

  15. i'm sitting on like a million beta keys if you want to start playing

    got steam?

  16. lol word

    but i'll probably change names every time i change up to a new team (i've always been a man of many aliases)

  17. i might add a lens flare when i win a tourney or something

  18. yus

    it's pretty shitty tbh

    i only have access to paint and never invested in photoshop or stuff like that

  19. haha yeah, we might later on if we get big.

    i honestly just want to splash into the professional scene and have shoutcasters tell 1 million viewers "HOTSAUCE OF TEAM BAUCE JUST JUKED AND BROKE ANKLES OF EVERYONE ON THE ENEMY TEAM" in a professional playoff tourney

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