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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. nj

    that reminds me that i have to head over to hustler casino sometime soon and (get) blown off some steam. this pun would would better if i had strikeout.

    are you on a hiatus? come back to me brah

  2. lol you guys changed the name of the team? or is it another tee-hee~ joke i'm not a part of

    where can i find a current progress report of the tourney

    or is it already over?

  3. i had a higher tier badge is all i'm sayin

  4. wat did u do 2 my badge u ho

  5. team clipseykittie :3

    good luck !

  6. Drinking champagne under a starry sky on a patio overseeing a clear blue lake in the south of _____

  7. ahh sorry was in a game when you left

    but ily moar =D

  8. do you have a picture of your tree or the tree out by the lake?

  9. i can't help it if i'm an attention whore :3

  10. lol don't worry i checked your wall anyway at the time because i'm stalkerish like that.

    so i got them =P

  11. hmm, the ears make it look like a cat to me.

    not saying it's not kawaii or anything

  12. is your profile pic a cat instead of a fox now? D:

  13. yo what server do you play on / what's your summoner name?

    steam / valve servers go down occasionally at odd hours for maintenance & patches so i play a few games for lulz

    mine's trikmastadon on NA or w/e the US server is

  14. D:

    i demand an eloquent description of the rest of what you heard. because the first few sentences were simply fascinating.

  15. lol since you seemed the most curious, i'll give you a hint, but you should know i like to talk in riddles and puns.

    "i used to balance both my personalities at 50 percent each. but one of them suddenly became a little more dominant than the other. so now i balance both my personalities at 51 and 50 percent each."

    and that's all you get =P

  16. remix, we just, busy over here. no sleep, we stay up on the grizzie over here

  17. who's LSP

    and how are you gonna bounce from chat when i try to explain my comment ;/


    but i just saw a really weird episode where fin and jake save princess bubblegum from a deer


    has left the room


    princess bubblegum says "that deer wanted my sugar, but i didn't give him any, if you know what i mean"

  18. jake could you tell me why princess bubblegum is such a slut

  19. he might have changed his name but i think the best player was Luumis. he had to make a smurf to carry his friends from vodka because they couldn't handle queuing ranked with him at high ELO lol

  20. a week after open beta was released

    a lot of my friends got in the first batch (being creme de la creme in HoN / LoL as well as being in the #1 US WoW guild vodka) plus my cousin's a manager at playdota.com so i had to get in

  21. you asked for a post so i posted a link to my profile and you activated my trap card

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