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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. p.s. I didn't recognize who you were for a second so I might have gotten excessively hostile in my response post. I apologize.

    Other than that my other points stand.

  2. the last dj employs deliberate injury gambit in single stroke battle

  3. oh hey btw was that guy in the chat room correct in saying you have a DotA 2 beta key?

    if so, what's your Steam ID? let's get some games =D

  4. lol i don't get what i just watched. are you going to facepalm at ALL of my posts? -.-



  6. bring the alarm man call me the sandman when i ace your squad i'm the one man clan man

  7. Ahh I feel you. That's why I have my Windows clock set to show two extra clocks in whichever timezones I please =D

  8. How do you visit my profile at 11:11 and forget to make a wish?

  9. lol i'm on fb at the same time i'm on sf and i just received the notification that you accepted my friend request

  10. Ahh, my desktop background is an artist's depiction of three characters from FF3/6: Relm Arrowny, Setzer Gabbiani and Terra Bradford.

    Setzer is somewhat of a womanizer and excessive gambler and probably my favorite character from the game so I naturally wanted a wallpaper when I was playing it ^_^

    I also use an Alienware theme for icons etc.

  11. I have to add you since we have "sorta" similar musical tastes. I don't think anyone else on SF likes any genre or variation of Electro.

  12. So I heard you like to dance. Let's Tango~

  13. Yooo haven't seen you in awhile bro.

    I got my gaming comp back so I added you on Facebook ^_^ (Taki Hashem)

  14. haha you posted the response on your own page =P

    i'm trying to make the patch changelog first and then "reverse engineer" the hack from that so that's what i'll be sending you in a PM within a week or so.

  15. Thanks ^_^

    Have you played Final Fantasy 3 / 6?

  16. ahh you got cut off after "making"

    mm i'm not really interested in any current projects i just wanted to run some ideas by an experienced hacker

  17. Do you do patches / hacks for the SNES FE's by any chance and are you currently working on any patches / hacks?

  18. i took too long with the topic and you were gone when i came back to chat =/

    here's the pic though =D http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g349/trikmastatak/temps.jpg

  19. Yo bro I got my gaming comp back and it's running at full speed.

    Hit me up if you want to play LoL, Rift, any Steam games or even emulators / ROMs over netplay (I have a private Hamachi server which I'll be posting on the forums later but we can get on it early if you're down)


  20. Please keep wondering whether or not I'm "that" kind of guy =)

  21. "I hooked up with a gamer girl this weekend. She told me I have a pro tip."

  22. i'm glad i could be of service ^_^

    update us on how your second generation goes =D

  23. let me know if you're interested*

    the characters remaining thing isn't really accurate :O

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