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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. The first rule of Top Gun Academy is that we don't talk about Top Gun Academy.

  2. D: thanks for the add

    but i'm not so sure it was a good idea..

    btw, people get a notification that you responded if you post on their profiles, otherwise there's a chance that lancelot didn't see your comment below =)

  3. i see that you'd rather forfeit than challenge the Ace


    :Amelia: =P

  4. i listened to the entire thing and was not disappointed.

    a superb quality remix. 10/10 would listen again.

  5. vanessa laine ordered the fish filet

  6. i know you don't trust links on SF, but if you ever get up the nerve to check this out, you'll find that it's unbearably cute.

  7. sup.

    just so you see the pun used in a professional setting.

  8. ;/ you left before i finished my game so i could tell you another joke

    Why was the chicken afraid of playing basketball?

    He was afraid he'd foul someone.

    don't forget to catch the black mamba tomorrow on ABC at 2:00 pm PST =P

  9. Happy holidays ! If you haven't checked out the Diplo mix I linked on my status update awhile ago you should because he mixes a lot of those fidget vocal tracks you like =D

    But I mainly came by to share some funk with you: http://soundcloud.com/bart-b-more/bart-b-mores-back-in-europe

    Enjoy =)

  10. before you ask yourself if i would, you should know that

    i sho wouldn't


  11. drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum it's what makes me (who i am)

  12. as promised, i'm upgrading you to mixes


    headphones + loud =D listen to it while drawing or homework etc. since it is an hour long.

    i'm obsessed with the intro XD

  13. haha school will be like that. surely there are classes in the artistic fields that promote fun and laughter? such as drama / improv / dance / band. those types of classes usually have a small tight knit family type of community as students that's nice to be a part of.

  14. happy birthday faggot

  15. happy birthday broski

    i find it funny that your profile says "showing 50 random friends of 50"

  16. yeah. it's a subtle play on the current state of man. which is the best type of humour, because anything that's too obvious is just slapstick. so you actually have to think about it to understand the author's points ^_^

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