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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. i understand it was somewhat of a TLDR so i don't blame you. i like to think i give some pretty good advice tho haha =P

    i'm replaying FE4 again and i made two text files with pairings, item inheritance and details about holy blood + skill sets. one set is for max phinora conversations (i <3 story) and the other is pre-promote pursuit for an easier start in SG. let me know...

  2. i thought i would get in a preemptive comment before you ask who i am

    you're one of the few people in chat who actually "lol's" at my lame jokes so i wanted to add you ^_^

  3. oh wow link got cut off, here it is, sorry to spam your profile


    hit me up if you want more ^_^

  4. that was actually a close, personal friend of mine that DJ's regularly and has a live show every monday night on rwd.fm

    he sometimes also uploads his shows along with tracklist to his soundcloud account.

    now i'm gonna drop a professional artist's mix on you, it's a little different sound, same genre. TURN YOUR BASS UP.


  5. Check out my FE4 Reinforcement Run, all parents except Sylvia became Level 30. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=28453

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. buttmuncher.ops


      (Screen shots in Post #11)

    3. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      I feel like getting Tiltyu to 30 would be tough for me to bother with. And the fact that you didn't get Sylvia to 30 just shows your lack of commitment! (or your alternative commitment to low turns)

    4. buttmuncher.ops


      at the end of chapter 5 i was at about 40 turns and could have spent the next 90 turns having sylvia dance her way to 30 but the elite ring was already bought by sigurd at that point (so he didn't have to waste extra gold on repairing tyrfing so celice doesnt receive it broken) and wouldnt have been able to buy it back. besides i don't really bother with leveling utility. i'll try it on this run if i can though.

      what do you think of the stats tho?

  6. then i'm gonna pull out the big guns and pull out some mixes on you. you can have more fun searching for good points on these as the DJ's spend a lot of time and effort into their transitions / mixing / mash ups of separate tracks.


  7. -.- you didn't read the paragraphs before the list when i put so much time into it lol =P

    i stated that items in parenthesis are what automatically start in the kid's inventory and have the inherited items structured around them so no one goes over 7 items in their starting inventory to have them battle ready

  8. I made a mistake on the Fire tome. It's been edited to update the change now. Sorry about that =S

  9. you disappoint me, blue martian kitteh.

    you might recognize this track if you ever watched transformers: beast wars (the second series)

  10. good luck on your second generation run ^_^

    i posted an item inheritance list to the best of my ability to help you out

    also, happy belated birthday =D

  11. have you been listening to the station? =D

    just a taste of what my weekends are like:

  12. all these job applications ask me "Position Desired." i wrote "Reverse Cowgirl." let's keep our fingers crossed~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. buttmuncher.ops


      lol. i leveled up that stat in high school =P

    3. ThatOscarDude


      I'm still not going back into the education system. No matter what parameters they increase.

    4. buttmuncher.ops


      yeah. i think i'm going the successful college dropout myself.

  13. =( it seems you don't want to humour my innocent question. i'm disappointed.

    it's okay, i haven't given up on our (potential) friendship.

    i'm gonna work on you, until you're feeling right ;D

  14. ^_^ thank you, i'm honored.

  15. =) humour me.

    if i was starving to death, would you feed me a Tangerine?

  16. haha alright. to each their own. so it's because of you that stone cold (fire) fox de friended me :O

    i think i'm going to go smoke a pack of cigs and /wrists =S

  17. oh i forgot to add that it's because i'm black(.ops) isn't it.

  18. ahh. that sucks. i thought we had something special going on here.

    oh well, i guess it'll never work out between us =P

    haha but seriously i just added you because you're funny, interesting and we've had a conversation or two so i figured we "knew each other" just a little bit =D

    i'll leave you alone though if you prefer ^_^

  19. lol nvm it's still being weird. i show up on your profile, you show up on my "manage friends" list but not on my profile.

    i give up. we'll be friends in spirit, which is the best kind anyway =D

  20. lol is that yes to my question in the new moderator topic?

    i went on a friend adding rampage yesterday but the only one i really wanted was you. so i was disappointed when i logged on and didn't see you on my friend's list but "remove me as a friend" was on your profile.

    so i de-added and re-added and it was fixed ^_^

  21. may i have your permission to add you as a friend now, my lady? ^_^

  22. :O we've posted a bit in each other's topics and i find your sense of humor very likable. i'm sad you have to question me. three times =(.

    :O we've posted a bit in each other's topics and i find your sense of humor very likable. i'm sad you have to question me. three times =(.

    :O we've posted a bit in each other's topics and i find your sense of humor v...

  23. of course bro i respect people with a sense of humor ^_^

  24. ^_^ i for sure thought you would defriend me. since i'm only worth chicken soup to you =S

  25. got a nice dnb track for you. i was gonna save it for our duel but it just came on my pandora station and it's my favorite dnb track so i couldn't pass it up. no vocals =)

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