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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. lol i meant when you fight / play mr. game and watch in super smash he has a move where he takes out a frying pan and throws stuff out of it at you. i could never tell if they were pancakes, bacon or sausages.

  2. So I need to know. Are you flippin pancakes or flippin bacon at me in game when I'm trying to roll dash in yo face?

  3. i wish i spoke spanish so i could know if what you wrote had a double meaning. i can't sleep at night now because i keep thinking about it.

  4. don't mention it.

    you're a man and as such i expect you to defend yourself (and family and friends) at all times. whatever happens, happens and no one ever has to apologize or make excuses for any action as long as long as they hold themselves solely accountable / responsible.

    ^ that's just what i believe in, sorry if it sounds like another one of my lame lectures.

  5. Please don't be mad at me =(

    I'm sorry if I offended you with anything I said. I just get really hyper with adrenaline after an all nighter so I talk a lot sometimes. I don't really have a way with words so I'll just post music that will be just as confusing.

  6. like you know..applying a theme to facebook or AIM if you're familiar with those.

    sorry, i pulled an all nighter so i'm at the hyper adrenaline stage where i feel like i'm coherent but i'm not.

  7. what are your other themes besides my little pony

    maybe you should upload them so people can apply them to their profiles !

  8. nooooooo..what happened to pinkie pie sig ;/

  9. hindsight of the day where the end of your life began disguised within good intentions

  10. attempting to aim at someone but purposefully hitting the surrounding air isn't really aiming at someone. aim_24_7

  11. nice. i've never watched the original OVA's. let me know if it's any good i might look it up.

  12. When I take over the world I'll put you in charge of the secret police.

    Do me a favor and don't die for at least the next 20 years.

  13. yahhhhhhhh

    where are you at in Area 88?

    the english dub is just as good imo (it's the one i started off on) they add stuff like military code to the dialogue

  14. i'm controversial like the Afro pic with the black fist

  15. You're a funny girl.

    You should stop stalking my profile though so I don't do the same song & dance:

    Before you delete this you should at least listen to the track =)

    P.S. I really like how you exercise control to the utmost over the things you do have control over =P

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