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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. nice !

    it might be boring / you might dislike it but it's actually a really hilarious book if you can decipher the undertones.

  2. haha that reminds me of a book that will probably come up in your english classes soon: cat's cradle by kurt vonnegut.

    a question comes up regarding what would happen to society / people if all original sources of writing ceased to exist (the original point being journalism)

    not saying i wouldn't nuke it though =P

  3. ^_^ i like your style and unfiltered thoughts => writing

  4. Thanks for the add ^_^

    I really respect your strategical opinions and ideas when it comes to FE.

  5. you posted the same link i did =P

  6. yahhhhh

    didja get that new thang i sencha? (your e-mail)

  7. check your e-mail for dat new thang i sencha

  8. i rewatched something i originally saw in my early teens tonight and heard this track again because of it.

    it's another one of those really low key everything is subtley masterfully done productions so i suggest headphones =)


    enjoy =D

  9. i know you didn't respond to whether or not you'd be interested but i decided to link it to you anyway


    (click the dialogue to continue)

    Lionheart was the character I was reminded of when you posted the Lancer picture.

  10. i swear you write more words in strikeout than you do normally.

    i don't even know what you mean to say anymore.

    but here, you should study this, young padowan.

  11. what do the numbers at the end mean though? style points?

    characters remaining isn't precise -.-

  12. lol that's some badass shit. it really was like hokuto / nanto style fighting from the anime.

    the first one where he stares them into submission though is kinda dominatrixxxy though. no homo.

    the last one though is totally sick i agree with you; reminded me of hiei's dragon of the darkness flame attack (yu yu hakusho.)

    what do the numbers at the end mean...

  13. it's not free. i got the hook up from a friend of mine on the ends of the internet forum, i think it's also known as luelinks. what's your e-mail? i'll send it in an attachment.

  14. since you prefer reading to listening, would you be interested in a trilogy of works by fantasy author brandon sanderson? the series name is mistborn.

    a friend of mine introduced the books (readable right on your computer) to me a week or so ago and i must say i'm hooked.

  15. ^_^ let me know if you like them. i already know which mix i want you to listen to next if you do XD

    i was afraid i killed your online presence from all my spam ;/

  16. so i just played a game of dota 2 with a guy named ShoMeYaMoves

  17. was i correct in my interpretation of your ethnicity though?

    i have a thing for trying to guess things about people (the other day i got kay's age right on the first try)

  18. XD

    i'm sorry. i didn't mean it like that =/

  19. in case you're still confused on what a flow is

  20. if i could have it my way though i'd want something in between messy and neat, i have just the perfect photo for you.


    she is sexiiiiii


    my b bro i had to update my SF / FB status before i headed out for a cig

    i looked at them both, the first one is neat and proper (sim to sheeda / marth) and the second one looks like she's a hot mess. i like them both but probably leaning towards hot mess.

    i i could have it my way though i'd want something in between messy and neat, i have jus...

  22. drop you like a needle on the record flick my switch go around in circles hit the beat

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