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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. haha thanks

    you know what they say about the number 23

  2. thanks, but what does lightli have to do with my bday

  3. thanks bro

    is that a hat off? i'm confused on the emoticon lol

  4. lmao thanks

    you broke my profile

  5. thanks bro

    tiltyu in a cake for my bday pls

  6. i'm only 5 seconds into the game but i think i'm in love with mia

  7. happy birthday bro

  8. New profile photo & theme song because BIG PLAYS BATMAN

  9. lol yeah ive been watching a lot of the new animated series and just got halfway done with season 2 of justice league

    batman carries so hard with the clutchness which is why BIG PLAYS BATMAN

  10. crazier dance moves

  11. haha i'm sorry i don't remember if we did.

    i properly looked it up on urbandictionary and a lot of what you say makes more sense now. it sucks that you're disappointed so much ;/

  12. yeah it will get to NA but no official date yet i think

    and that's kinda harsh =P

    p.s. am i confusing jersey speak for something else, because i always thought OTL = over the line

  13. lol that's a really really good question that i want to know the answer to myself

    it's rare to find you on here when i'm actually here, too bad i'm headed out for bball in a minute though ;/

  14. happy birthday =D

  15. yeah it sucks to be the fat kid in that scenario

    i haven't read the books but i assume he doesn't survive and get paired off with gillay ;/

  16. cliffhangers noooooooooo

  17. haha

    i wonder how they're gonna top last week's episode tomorrow for the season finale

    my friend compared it to a "LOTR movie in one hour"

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