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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. would you like carmel or creame with that, or both

    1. Esme
    2. buttmuncher.ops


      here you go


      the barista would like your tip btw, if you know what i mean

    3. Esme


      oh he's getting my tip alright ;)

  2. happy birthday =)

  3. i'm losing my balance on the tightrope

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      oops meant to write a message too: "in case you missed it"


    2. Loki Laufeyson

      Loki Laufeyson

      Is that a Cersei fanart? Or is it Shae?

      Its good doe. (Valar Dohaeris)

    3. buttmuncher.ops


      i dont think it's either? XD i didn't make it obviously

      my first guess was mew was painting marjorie. melisandre is the second guess since red dress but i think the bust is too big :|

  4. your avatar is amazing

  5. happy birthday jaegerbombs

  6. i didnt want to post off topic in your music thread, but that's pretty much the reason i said decently laughable. they really re-incorporated a lot of humour into joel schumachers versions of batman, going away from tim burton in the first two batman films of that era.

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      if you couldnt tell im one of those batman fans that really buys into christopher nolans vision in the most recent reboot

      always preferred the movies to be carbon copies of the gritty comic book styles, a la sin city and the spirit

    2. Anacybele


      Oh, I see. I only know what I've read online, it's been years since I last saw the movie. I also saw Batman and Robin and I have to agree that it sucked compared to its prequel. I didn't like how they made the two break their partnership the way they did, especially after they saved each other's lives! I mean, I know that in canon Dick Grayson eventually leaves and becomes Nightwing, but...the way the movie portrayed it was just ugh.

  7. i have to know who the cutiepie in your avatar is, modelic redheads are a dying species

  8. happy belated birthday icarusu

    1. Icarusu


      tks black ops ii

  9. happy birthday =)

  10. happy birthday =) one year before you get to do all the fun stuff legally !

    1. eCut


      Thank you. :)

      And the legal age where I live is 19 so I already could, hehe~

  11. happy birthday =) hope you have a good one

    1. H-Bastaki


      thank you so much!!! :D

  12. happy birthday you inactive person. when you come back you'll probably have another kabillion notifications

  13. happy birthday moeyawn

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