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Status Updates posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. wow bruh way to ignore my questions

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. buttmuncher.ops


      it matters to me and my feelings. i take internet interview threads very seriously. i'm going to label you as a bandwagoner if you oppose my views

    3. peener weener
    4. buttmuncher.ops


      damn was hoping for at least a lol. i guess the satire was lost over text

  2. didn't want to clutter your intro thread; but having a matching theme between name & title is how it's post to be :x

    1. Rabbit


      Sorry about that

    2. buttmuncher.ops


      lol it was a poor joke referencing the song..if anything i should be sorry

  3. i didn't want to derail your thread with posting this video, but i had to let you know that your latest creation reminded me of this

  4. happy birthday bro

    1. Jedi


      Thank you dude.

  5. Ludipom: It works. Let me play it for a bit.

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      *disappears into the wonderful world of magic forever to never return*

    2. Fateborn



      i miss you ludi

  6. "I love mounting those dragons" that's what she said.

  7. my devil's advocate comments were directed at TMK who made the intial statement, not you, btw. it was hardly a shitstorm =p

  8. happy birthday ana =)

  9. icarusu~ do you have an art thread on SF?

    1. Icarusu


      Not really i think no one would care

    2. buttmuncher.ops
  10. you actually host parties? and all this time i thought you were just another nerdy neckbeard

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    2. Integrity


      also i deeply respect your ability to take your avatar and sig to just barely within restrictions, that is the mark of an honest man imo

    3. buttmuncher.ops


      i'm barney..wait for it..stinson irl

    4. Integrity
  11. happy birthday bro

    1. Replica Model

      Replica Model

      Thanks, uhhhh... buttmuncher.ops! :D

  12. jagerbombs~ happybirthday

  13. happy birthday bro !

    1. Raven


      Thanks, buttmunch!

  14. happy birthday levity~

  15. i unlock you in 4 chapters

    1. Melissa


      Make you have Vylon be next to my dad in Chapter so I can get my sword

  16. gryzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz why do you hit so hard

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buttmuncher.ops


      i agree. farming a defeat axe (correct weapon?) or moon slasher right before dark force to use a favorite character makes the player all worn out

      is your avatar a HQ filtered close up crop or drawing? i played on kegafusion using normal filter so it looks really nice by comparison

    3. Gryz


      I don't bother with the Defeat Axe since it's not much stronger than the Laco Axe, and I prefer double shields on Kyra.

      It's a drawing based on his status menu mug.

    4. buttmuncher.ops


      it's an excellent drawing, you have some real talent =)

      i personally screenshotted a few of the cutscenes to use rika's mugs as a steam avatar, but they were taken on a shitty laptop :|

      i might replay the entire game again to get good quality now that i'm back on a proper rig lol

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