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Everything posted by Sikker

  1. No reset challenge: No resets allowed at all, if you lose a character it's gone forever and if you lose your lord it's game over.
  2. I'd like to join, I've never played FE2 and never done a draft before(not 100% sure how they work, will read the sticky) but would like to try it out.
  3. Hmm..did you use the tower or skirmishes to level Amelia? Because you get her like 2 chapters before this one? Pretty hard for me to level her without using the tower or skirmishes. She's only level 4 now :(
  4. Well, Dozla starts a few spaces above l'Arachel so he usually goes for the flyers that come from the north, l'Arachel starts close to the other ship so they usually go for her, and as I said before, 1 javelin is enough to kill her. During my tries I lost twice because of l'Arachel dying before I reached her (well technically I didn't lose, but I want to use her later so I restarted the battle)
  5. Yeah I do have Duessel but I kinda don't want to use him...don't really like great knights. And Seth is weaker then Ephraim. Anyway, I finally won :) I didn't do much different then the previous tries (except promoting Lute) but this time only a few eyeballs managed to reach l'Arachel and they don't really hurt her... I guess it was about luck, near the end Tana's pure water was running out and she only had 2 HP left, but she managed to dodge an eyeball attack, which saved her life.
  6. I tried that attacking their ship first few times, Ephraim is probably my strongest unit (lvl 16 or 17 I think) but he just end up dying, same thing happened with Forde.
  7. I haven't leveled Vanessa so won't bother using her but the pure water for the other flyers works great, they won't die so fast anymore. Only problem is the enemy flyers come from 4-5 sides so its kinda hard to get them all. I was very close to victory and had most big enemies killed including the boss, but sadly l'Arachel died again before I could reach her, one javelin is enough to have her killed :( and now I am actually using Neimi to block one of the "bridges" between the boats, she's great because she dodges almost all attacks and can't counterattack, so instead of killing them and freeing space for more enemies to come, there will just be a huge line of monsters standing there playing with themselves out of boredom. I intend to do the entire creature campaign on this file, possibly getting all secret characters, can I still do "premature promotions" or do I need 20/20 for the ruins?
  8. I'm kinda stuck on this chapter now, I tried many different tactics, I tried rushing into the enemy ship but I usually end up getting killed, and when I tried staying on my own ship and letting them come, they just went for l'Arachel to kill her... But the worst part has to be their flyers flying right past my armored melee units just to kill my weaker ones (Amalia, Neimi, Natasha) in 1/2 shots. I try to keep them safe but it's kinda hard when you have 11 units and more then half of their flyers have ranged attacks. I don't have any promoted units (Don't use Seth), but plenty of them are around lvl 16-17 and have the option to promote, I just wanted to wait till they're lvl 20 but maybe its better to promote them now?
  9. Just finished the game, took me 1499 turns =D It's'a trap! alone took 498 turns. Fun times, first fire emblem game i've finished.
  10. Im using this map: http://www.gamefaqs.com/gba/921183-fire-emblem-the-sacred-stones/faqs/60522 I took eirika's path so it should be in s2 on the map right? But I went there with Rennac with the member card and there's no shop :S is the map incorrect?
  11. I've seen alot of talk about turn counts, does this actually do anything or do people just want low turn counts for bragging rights?
  12. I recruited Joshua but I never bothered using him, he seemed kinda boring and I have plenty of other sword users... And thanks for that list, I was wondering why those units with 25% chance to hit would miss 10 times in a row...I thought it was just luck.
  13. Actually, that is exactly what I was talking about earlier : I was asking if using an archer to shoot, and then avoid any damage by rescuing her and moving away is a valid strategy or "cheating". Oh, and here I am at the next level, and I get a unit that can dance for 10 exp without even having to face an enemy? I can easily just dance her way to level 20. I won't do it but I just wish they didn't make these things so easy to abuse.
  14. Well okay, maybe waiting 5 minutes for enemies to break their weapons isn't as fun as real battle but I'm used to it, I've played MMO's before and this is nothing compared to real grinding. I've decided not to do it much anyway. As for the other strategies, I really don't know if I should be proud of coming up with these kind of tactics or if it's just a lame way to play the game. I think the reason I do it is because I'm kinda perfectionist in these kind of games and want to do everything the best way possible. For example earlier when I tried to do this chapter I didn't get to recruit Amalia (or whatever her name is) and even though I have no intentions of using her, I still restarted the chapter, just because it didn't go perfect and I want all characters. Hell I've even restarted chapters because I accidently used a powerful weapon when it wasn't neccesary and didn't want the durability to be wasted. Yeah I got 2 pegasus knights who are pretty useless against this boss, and Kyle, who does decentish damage but has the same problem, he gets hit way too hard by this boss. In any case, I managed to take him down with Colm who kept dodging his attacks...still kinda feels like cheating cause I tried it with Garcia earlier who died so I just loaded state and did it with Colm instead. But whatever, atleast I'm done with this chapter.
  15. Either I haven't trained my other units enough or Binks is just really powerful. He only has a steel axe and steel bow but his stats are really high. 43 HP, 16 Str and 12 Def. Eirika can do max 2 damage to him with steel sword or rapier, but he has a 36% chance to kill her instantly. Franz can do 4 damage to him and loses almost all HP to his counterattack which has 44% chance to hit. Only other sword user I got in this map is Colm, who actually does the most damage (6) but still loses all but 1 HP to his counterattack (35% chance to hit). Neimi can do pretty decent damage but I'm sure he will kill her with his bow. Garcia is the other guy who I trained alot and he would kill him in 3 hits, however the boss kills him in 2 hits.
  16. If you mean the game entirely, then yeah, I definitely enjoy the story and making up strategies and figuring out who to use. If you mean the "cheating" part, I don't really enjoy that cause it kinda feels like cheating. But it's not tedious or anything (thanks to the aforementioned turbo button)
  17. Its the boss in chapter 9, Eirikia's path. I didn't take Seth or Gilliam and he does alot of damage to my other characters and it would be pretty risky to fight him. Shooting him with my archer and rescuing the archer would mean he can't fight back at all. I thought it was a good strategy to fight him but its kinda lame...especially because he can't move.
  18. I mean as a way to kill him cause fighting him head on would probably get some of my units killed
  19. What about this: Shooting at a powerful boss who doesn't move, then rescuing the archer and moving them away, and repeat next turn? Is that a clever strategy or just lame?
  20. Alright, I think I'll continue to occasionally do this during this playthrough, and when I play it on difficult mode I won't do anything like this (and maybe I won't use Seth at all) Thanks for the replies everyone!
  21. I'm not sure where I can check that, I'm at chapter 9 right now and I would guess around 250-300 turns spent. I haven't done this on every enemy unit yet but was thinking about doing it. In previous chapters I did it to 0-5 units per chapter. Either way my emulator has a turbo button so it doesn't take that much time. I used to do it on the game cube without turbo and that did took ages...I got bored around that time and quit... But yea, with the turbo it takes about 5 minutes per enemy, and if I do multiple enemies at once its still the same speed... plus I can watch tv while doing it so I honestly don't mind the time wasting...
  22. Basically, Seth has very high defense so what I do is, I send him unarmored into the enemies, who waste all their weapons hitting him but dealing no damage until their weapons break. This way, Seth gets lots of exp so he becomes even stronger and the enemies will be unarmed and easy to kill for my weaker units. I avoided the arena and tower on purpose because I didn't want extra exp but I get loads of exp doing this too... I also did it in other Fire Emblem games.
  23. It's not cool that you don't! Just kidding, thanks for the welcome.
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