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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. Everyone gets the hammer anyway. Wade's free on his chapter as always, and you can just trade it to someone else... Is Douglas really that useless, or is he just redundant by the time you get him? I guess he's not worth spending turns in 16x for anyway :P
  2. Obviously it's much faster and easier this time. And also we're done drafting already! That was fun and efficient~~~ Bids received: { 'Lorddomu': {'Cath': 43, 'Wade': 17, 'Douglas': 40}, 'Second Pronoun': {'Merlinus': 14}, 'Eclipse': {'Wade': 30, 'Merlinus': 25} } Only Dayan is left, so he gets banninated. Dayan is very sadface. Dr. Will: Lott, Lugh, Astohl, Miredy, Igrene, Fa Naglfar: Marcus, Allen, Rutger, Saul, Echidna Second Pronoun: Lance, Bors, Ellen, Dorothy, Zealot, Treck, Noah, Wendy, Barth, Oujay, Fir, Klein, (Ray), Hugh, (Zeis), Niime, Juno Eclipse: Wolt, Dieck, Chad, Clarine, Geese, Wade, Merlinus Lorddomu: Cath, Douglas (gl;hf!) Anyone else who wants to try: nobody (but you still get anyone who doesn't have to be fielded in the chapter, plus Roy and Cecilia. Also I am totally down for this. Yeah.)
  3. Another option is to zero out the RNG (that can be done with a simple RAM hack, rather than a patch). 1% hit guarantees a hit, 1% crit guarantees a crit Either way, it's basically lol PP-only mode.
  4. For FE7, This restricts you to Eliwood's tale, of course (lul 11H). I tried it. It's fun, but you're pretty much forced to either mine-glitch or else do massive amounts of stat-up RNG abuse and grinding for Ch13 because you can't buy a Steel Bow yet and Rebecca otherwise can't even dent Boies' armor with Iron. It probably works a lot better in 8.
  5. zahlman

    FE8 Hack

    ... Yeah, you really ought to do something about that before attempting to hack ROMs, honestly. You need to be able to take a technical approach to things and understand what's really going on.
  6. Because shenanigans. I think you missed the joke. (summary: zero availability = worst character regardless of stats.)
  7. +1, Mani Katti critical would be the best final smash ever. (Sorry, I'm just not feeling Great Aether...) Are you srs? Brawl has Mr. Game & Watch, which is even older than NES.
  8. People who are willing to sling either epithet are highly, highly unlikely to care about such logic.
  9. Lol just noticed Garm is +Speed, pwnage. Yeah, that's how I did it. Exactly ORKO both on turn 4 EP. I would have thought you'd want it to promote Artur as early as possible? I totally ran out of Lightning by Ch8 on my last attempt Sounds about right. Or with copious RNG abuse? :3 I guess you're also not getting the Energy Ring this way either, unless Colm pulls off some epic ninja backflips (even more abuse)...
  10. What exactly are the items, anyway? Does the Old Bracelet count?
  11. You can do any of: 1) use the Find button to look for text that's specific to the entry you want to edit. 2) Remember the indices of the text you're looking for. 3) Use the save/load feature to do the editing in a separate text editor; that way you can work on a huge file with all the text at once.
  12. I'm using NUPS. I didn't realize it had been updated, like, ever? I would have thought NL would get the actual patching logic right the first time... ?
  13. Also Jaffar x Nino trololol. I just noticed the SF character ages page doesn't even mention Jaffar.
  14. In addition to what everyone else said, have Tana and Cormag bust out the Pure Water and then take out the flying enemies to the north and south. You really don't want them joining the main battle later.
  15. Prologue: no RN burn in here? The RN is rigged on Easy, right? 1: Neat, having Eirika wait in the forest tile is nice and chivalrous of Seth. I was surprised that neither soldier attacks Eirika from the north, but I guess if she'd gotten blocked then Franz is still in range to clear the path. 2: What's up with the positioning of Vanessa on turn 3? It looks like you want her in range for a bandit that Seth then OHKOs anyway? Also, Franz and Eirika need a little luck against the mountain bandits, hmm? I guess Eirika doesn't need the crit though... 3: Turn 1 is very nice, a definite improvement over what I had. Nice planning in order to get as much treasure as possible (even if it's fairly worthless) and the support (may as well, hmm?) Also very nice level up for Seth. From your description of the Fomortiis battle it sounds like he and Gerik needed to be a little bit Speed blessed... or did they get the Speedwings? 4: Beautiful. I'm kicking myself for not thinking of (a) focusing on the snag instead of the enemy on turn 1, and (b) ignoring Lute's village and letting Franz clean up there since he does a better job than Vanessa. Even so, it looks like it takes pretty precise positioning to pull this off. 5: This one honestly looks really weird to me. I did work out a way on Easy (should work on Normal as well, if the enemy stats are the same as you say) to get all the villages in 3 turns, and really the whole approach is different (I ignore the far west path completely, for one thing). 5x: Having Forde pre-clear the path is a neat trick. I was doing it by trading the Javelin to Orson, which probably means the others don't get nearly as much XP. I should have thought of hanging Kyle and Forde hang back for treasure, they don't really accomplish anything otherwise. 6: Huh, I do it by putting Seth where you put Vanessa or Joshua. He has forest-free path and barely gets to Novala with a Javelin in time. He doesn't get to hide in a forest tile vs. Novala, but he's supposed to be able to survive a hit at that point :) Nice job by Franz in the north. You can afford to rush the other units (except Artur I guess, lol) a bit more aggressively on this map (in particular, try to have someone take care of the Halberd!Bandit on PP while he's still wielding the Hand Axe, so he doesn't have a chance to make Seth cry and so you can obtain said Halberd) and send someone for the Antitoxin as well; this isn't Hard mode and the enemies are better at dying. Why the staff-spam with both healers - you're not planning to use them as warpers are you? Armorslayer!Joshua is something I must admit never occurred to me. 7: Dat salesmanship. (Tana would really like that Secret Book for Ch. 12 IMO.) Oh, but it looks like you're actually trying to get Vanessa some levels, nice. I see you manage to get the Energy Ring by going the long way around, too. This is again different from my strategy (as well as Eirika's movement), this time I would say clearly better (more robust, if nothing else). 8: >mfw I realize you haven't used the Silver Lance yet. >mfw I didn't even know Franz can talk to Forde on this map. The bit where you ignore the Door Key!Knight on PP 1 and then trade-chain the key is also pretty slick.
  16. Durr. Have fun with status then :) Wait, this is normal so it shouldn't be too bad...
  17. Clarification: Because Fa joins up in the battle preparations and not on the map, she is not free in Chapter 16 since you would have to voluntarily field her. The underlying principle is that you can use characters that you don't have to field in order to use.
  18. Honestly, I assumed you were planning to do it with Cecilia, but that might still cost more turns than it saves :/ Under the conditions, I guess Saul probably has the best chance of making effective use of Warp...
  19. Because he appears automatically in Ch 21, therefore is free for that chapter for everyone, and then the game ends. OH WAIT NO, 21x is not part of the endgame. God damn it. Okay, but that's not a problem because you can just kill off Miredy or Zeis at the end (or earlier, since nobody drafted both... actually, do you get 21x if you just don't recruit Zeis?), and there's no benefit to doing 21x anyway because those turns count against you. Crisis averted Bah, you even do Ch 22 without collecting all the pokeymans divine weapons? Umm ok let's just ban him then, I'm sure nobody really cares that much? I promise I'll get it right next time >_<
  20. Yep! You might consider tactical suicide of some of those units on Ch 5 if it helps you plow through the gate faster o_O
  21. Wat? No trading. And a solid endgame team is probably a good thing to have on Ch 21, too, honestly. Seriously, Miledy ought to be a huge help the entire time you have her.
  22. Sain also supports Prissy, Serra and Rebecca who are all also underage.
  23. Yeah, to be honest this is pretty much what I was thinking with my selection. Bitches ain't shit without availability. Lolwut.
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