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Everything posted by zahlman

  1. What in particular do you like about Yodel that sells the game to you?
  2. There are ways to arrange things so that the unit she drops faces all the EP combat. For details, watch the videos. And no, she doesn't need to proc much to do well in the desert, for example, as long as you keep her away from the enemy-dense areas (which you're doing anyway with the flier utility: carting thieves around or getting to the weak peggy reinforcements). Things don't get really tough for flier survival until right about when you can start warpskipping. My experience (lol) from trying to LTC Easy mode/Eirika route (lol) is that Tana and Vanessa are pretty close to interchangeable once Tana arrives, except that you're going to need to pick one to favourite the hell out of (I mean feed boosters to, you obviously don't have time to train) in order to meet three key objectives: 1) Being able to not get 1HKOd by the ballistae in 10A (there's something weird going on with the AI: it seems that if she isn't 1HKOd, she doesn't get targeted any more O_O) 2) Being able to take out That One Bael in 12A without getting pwned by the Gargoyle reinforcements 3) ... Ok, obviously you're going to use the better of the two against those desert peggies And seriously, with everything else that's going on to make the game so fast, those are the only times you ever need Tana or Vanessa to not suck at anything other than having a pegasus, which it is impossible for them to suck at. Flyer utility really is that ridiculous because this is a team game. You can give Seth the Swiftsole but that appears fairly late in the game and he'll still "only" have 10 move and not be able to take any shortcuts. Fliers = massive shortcuts (Ch 7 is the most obvious example) in a few key places, plus they can rescue-chain as well as cavs do even if there aren't any shortcuts. The way I have 12A planned out, they shortcut Seth and one of them takes out a unit on a rout map that you'd otherwise have to wait for, for 2-3 turns, because it's literally inaccessible. ---- Yeah, and as General Horace points out, Vanessa is going to be clearly > Tana in a Seth-less run, because of availability and because she can actually gain exp during that extra period of availability. BTW, even without Seth OR Warp/Rescue, 3 fliers (I had 2 promoted but that might not be needed) + Tethys + a manry Myrrh + a bit of planning + a bit of luck enables a 3-turn on Ch 20 in which Myrrh is really the only one that faces a lot of combat.
  3. Looks like a lot of that comes from 16/17, where in the HHM run you only take out one of the reinforcements. Also in EHM you can presumably do a bunch more in 13x.
  4. Dudley's theme goes with Guile's theme btw.
  5. Jeeeeeeeez. For comparison, all the Python source files used for nm3 make about 82k (just counted it now. Of course, there's a whole bunch more in documentation, sample modules/plugins, etc.) One thing you could do to justify the half-bodies-on-skill-screen thing is, when you implement that 'tactical advice' feature, have the text on the same screen, in a speech bubble connected to the half-body.
  6. Yeah, when you do it my way, the draft runner doesn't participate, or else participates with no drafts and basically lord-solos for lulz. Not necessarily such a bad thing imo.
  7. Lucius: I did your sister. Raven: WTF, that's my job - wait, you're a guy? God dammit Also, Seriously, explaining the joke is, like, SO inefficient. Don't you care about low post count? I know I do, which is why I edited these posts together instead of double-posting.
  8. Because hating on existing tier lists gives people something to do when they can't find someone to argue new tier lists with, obviously (Seriously though, if you just want to have fun, then what good is a tier list to you anyway? Pick who you like and make your own fun.)
  9. ... The point is that "more content" != "longer game". :| Some of us don't play the extra content in a game just because it's there, and think of the length of a game as the length of, well, the actual story mode "Typical" is maybe poor wording because of definition issues, but if I can get through the story mode of FE6 in X turns with Y level of skill, then I can get through the story mode of FE8 in way fewer than X turns with Y level of skill. I don't even see how there's an argument here.
  10. ugh, I get so pwned every time I pretend like I know art or anatomy or any of that stuff... The tales aren't really ordered any more, really. At least, not as strictly. There are 3, then 2 more, then 2 more, and they aren't numbered in chapter titles. I like it better that way btw.
  11. Are there really enough of those to have a meaningful discussion?
  12. I think I'm just expecting him to scowl moar. I have to admit the hair is badass. Also dat bicep.
  13. He looks... not angry enough to be a bandit. :/ Heroic rather than villainous imo. Very nice work overall though.
  14. He has no problem with unit A being better than unit B at X and worse at Y. He has a problem with unit A being worse at both. There are enough meaningful classes in a given FE game that one character per class wouldn't be too small of a cast IMO. That would get rid of the problem entirely. Although personally I would prefer 2 of each class, with fewer classes. Honestly it seems to me like some of them are just redundant. E.g. in FE7, if it weren't for the lack of FE8's choose-your-promotion-class system, Guy being a Myrmidon and Raven being a Mercenary would become pretty much just flavourtext. Their bases and growths are attributes of the characters, not the classes. The fundamental attributes of the class, really, are "use swords only; Move of 5; foot movement; not a Lord." The same for both. The growth rates for enemy Mercenaries vs. Myrmidons are much closer to each other than Guy and Raven's specific growths are to each other, too. I'm biased because in more general game design talks, I prefer skill-based systems to class-based ones anyway, at least assuming humanoid characters Anyway, having read the last few pages, I feel like we need to take a step back here and define what our possible goals even are... - LTC - Ranking in a more general sense (for games that offer an explicit ranking, unless we want to make up something of our own) - Satisfying conditions of a challenge run / drafts / whatever (i.e. with standard drafts we are trying to put together a team that will work well together, even knowing that we won't get all good units, and that we might have to make last-minute substitutions, and whatever other zaniness) - Building up a pwnsome endgame unit for the sake of watching that unit pwn enemies (or for link arena or something? idk) - Subjective factors ("This character has an awesome personality / is important to the plot / has amusing support conversations / is sexually attractive / has awesome hair / etc.") What else am I missing?
  15. You should be able to use a command like `mono whatever.exe` in a Terminal window. You might have to recompile/rebuild the project first, though.
  16. Excellent idea IMO and I bet many other hacks, like GhebFE, would have turned out better that way too btw. Let me know if I can help in any way.
  17. Umm... Duessel? Seth? (like suggested earlier? Seriously, unless you're leaving Seth out for challenge... don't tell me you let Duessel die last chapter?) Try to keep your ground forces together, and flank weaker units with stronger ones.
  18. More or less guilty as charged. I've seen others in action but not played them. But still, "not all your opponents are necessarily even vaguely humanoid, even discounting the final boss" is unique to FE8, isn't it? I meant longer in the expected/typical turn count sense. I'm totally not counting CC either. Having 300 missions you can do in FFTA doesn't make it "omg longest game evar". Hell, AW has a map edit mode; does that make it infinitely long? You can totally "play the game differently" with different generics.
  19. Being bad at something doesn't render you incapable of trying.
  20. If it's any consolation, all the tools I'm currently making/maintaining are in Python, which should work out-of-box on any Mac in the OS X era. They're all command-line stuff, though.
  21. Interesting. Also no legendary weapons or fliers perhaps? I mean, seriously, pegasi and wyverns? Make-believe nonsense amirite That's not even as restrictive as "no shops", which seems pretty trivial in 7 for example (although arguably anywhere from annoying to hellish in 6).
  22. Well, the button labelled "Find" is at the bottom of the window, where there are also two text boxes labelled "Input text to find" and "Input text to replace". You type in something to find into the "Input text to find" box, and click Find. Not rocket science. The only tricky part is thinking of something good to look for. Try to remember a key word or phrase that's in the text you want to edit, and unlikely to be seen anywhere else. Remembering the text indices... well, I hope you don't need to be told how to remember stuff. The save and load options are actually labelled "Dump..." and "Insert...". If you click "Dump...", you'll get a save-file dialog. Save the file and open it with Notepad or whatever. It should be obvious how it's formatted and how to edit it. When you're done, save the file, then go back to FEditor and click "Insert..." and select your edited file. If you did it right, it should update everything according to what's in the edited file, and then you can save your changes normally.
  23. I think he asked that question the opposite way around from what you were expecting... : Anyway... IYAM, it's not "visiting the village" that's the problem (because that's just moving to the square), it's collecting an item. Since you explicitly can recruit with undrafted units, I would say that should apply to Lugh and Karel as well, making one village anyone can visit and one village that undrafted Fir or Bartre can visit. (I mean, I guess you could say "they weren't explicitly allowed to select Visit in the menu", but then the same logic applies to Talk. Maybe undrafted units are supposed to recruit just by standing there and looking awesome? ;P)
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