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Posts posted by Kngt_Of_Titania

  1. A truck driver went three blocks the wrong way on a one way street and got away with it. How come?

    Hard to describe the answer in words.




    2|xxxxxx.| 4




    The truck went the wrong way on roads 1, 2, and 3, but the cop wouldn't know because it would be as if the truck driver drove the right way on road 4.

  2. first statement [was] irrelevant because the experiment attempted to replicate something that happened within a ludicrously large timeframe in an enormous space inside a small flask within a short time frame (and it was successful for all its intents and purposes)

    Dear Answers In Genesis,

    I have recenty noted your attempt to reproduce the events leading up to the creation of life as viewed by the theory of abiogenesis in a small flask in a short time, which is obviously sufficient to disprove the odds of it happening over 2/3 of the earth's surface over a period of millions of years.

    Inspired by your grand work, I have decided to perform a similar experiment. For the last two months, I have observed a 2 mile x 2 mile region of the sky nearby, checking for any of all signs of the hand of God falling from heaven and creating life. Against all odds (and my hypothesis), I found that there was insufficient evidence to say that this occured. While I will be attempting my experiment again (as this CANNOT be!), it suggests that creationism is simply bullshit; on a positive note, this is good news for one of my references, who shovels much of it for a living.

    Again, I thank you for your work. Keep it up!

    With Love and Devotion,


  3. Let's move on to a different one: There are 20 people in a square room. They are placed in a position that allows them to see each other person without moving a single body part (Except for the eyes). If one were to put an apple in the room, how would he place it so that at least 1 person could not see it?

    Easy...eat the apple. That way, it's still obviously inside the room (since you are, and thus so is your stomach), but nobody could see it.

  4. I need to remind you that killing edge has TWENTY USES. And since guy doubles and with the 50% crit rate, its likely that out of those only 10 uses are used up in criticals. He's most likely going to be killing 6-7 enemies with the killing edge crits and then at max ten enemies go to his blade. Maybe higher, but relying on critials is not good(and you're assuming he's using it as a SM, how does he get there in the first place?)After that his offense is PATHETIC- even for that chip damage you must put him at a risk of counterattack while Erk can do so a lot of times without facing a counterattack- btw, if you think iron blade is worth on Guy even if he doubles with it, you've ignored Guy's main selling point- his dodging. With huge AS loss he can't dosge good- his speed is as good as Raven's and he's certainly doing either as much damage as Lowen or maybe higher than that- I'm not too sure on that.

    1. The 50% crit rate is post-promo. It's closer to 35-40% pre-promo. Sorry if I didn't clarify.

    2. People seem to suggest that's the ONLY killing edge in the game. There are plenty available once you hit later mid- and late-game.

    3. Intelligent use between iron sword and steel sword allows Guy to balance dodge and ATK. If you don't need steel to ORKO or finish off an enemy, just go iron. That doesn't mitigate your point, I just wanted to say Guy isn't ALWAYS going to use steel (just a fair portion of the time).

    4. I generally notice Guy doing better damage than Lowen early-game, at least (and likely late-game too with the 15% crit boost).

    Now I think its safe to say Erk can get at LEAST two levels in LHM. Heck, it is definetly possible to get Erk to lvl 5, I just dunno how much it'd affect an S-ranked playthrough.

    Lvl 3 Erk-

    19 HP, 6 Mag, 7 SKL, 9 SPD, 4 LUCK, 2 DEF, 7 RES

    Lvl 5 Erk-

    21 HP, 8 Mag,8 SKL, 9/10 SPD, 4 LUCK, 3 DEF, 7 RES

    Base Guy(HHM)-

    25 HP, 8 Str, 13 SKL, 13 SPD, 5 Luck, 6 DEF, 1 RES

    Guy will most likely have a + 4 HP and a + 3 Def over Erk. It seems like a lot, until you realize that you face lance users who have good hit rates on Guy, who's AS gets weighed down a lot by Steel Swords and Iron Blades. And suddenly that impressive 13 AS is now gone to 8 AS and 6 AS respectively. Oh yeah, the so called killing edge weighs his AS to 11. Compared to Erk's AS with Thunder( 7/8), he doesn't have any offensive or defensive leads. Erk targets resistance too, and his speed growth will ensure he gets over those few AS problems he has. Guy's stronger weapons and Lower con will NEVER be solved.

    I have no disagreements about level 5 Erk coming out of LHM. That's hardly unreasonable.

    We're ignoring both the fact that Erk has a higher starting level than Guy or that Guy has a 20% higher SPD growth than Erk. Guy CAPS SPD by 13/--, Erk still has 16.5 SPD at 20/--. Never mind that Guy should be getting a level, maybe two, in 13x (I would like to mention he's a good candidate to kill the boss in that chapter, allowing Marcus to focus on the rush of enemies from the north; the boss alone gives Guy something around a full level), so it should be 4/-- Guy or 5/-- Guy versus 5/-- Erk in C14. Guy's AS is notably higher than Erk's in almost every other chapter but C14 or maybe C15.

    Yes Raven is much better than guy. Better Str, better con, Ditto Spd and overall better AS. Hand Axes on promotion, or axes in general make him more awesome. He doesnt need a kiling edge to function and can do more damage using a killing edge( while unpromoted of course.) His bases are superior to Guy's and he comes slightly later but not too late, making Guy moot.

    I'd prefer a Magic user over asword user who can't do damage or dodge well. Erk actually does some good chip damage and is not a real bad unit to use even lategame.

    I never said (or, well, meant to say) that Raven wasn't better than Guy, just that Guy really benefits from his promotion and does catch up to Raven a little bit. But you just can't say Guy can't dodge well (even in HHM), and he has enough durability to take whatever hits do manage to land. While there are occasions where I might want 2 good sword users (Raven and Guy), Erk is worse imo than Lucius and Pent and there aren't nearly as many reasons to field 3 magic users.

    EDIT: Of the early-game chapters:

    C13x: Large number of sword users and axe users in the bottom-right corner. Notable number of nomads.

    C14: Alright, lance-fest. Most lance-users are taken care of by Marcus or Hector...you can have Guy take care of the mercs.

    C15: About halfway through the chapter, massive waves of axe-users come in for the throne. Guy can solo them with ease (their hit rates of him are balls) and gain a level or two in the process.

    C16: Mix of all three. Guy is prefectly fine in this chapter (his high defensive bases for a myrm carry him through without trouble), although he can die if you're reckless with him.

    C17: Bow-fest. Archers, more archers, and nomads. There are a few knights, but Hector/Marcus take care of them without breaking a sweat on their way to the boss.

    C17x: This chapter SCREAMS sword users, with one lance user to deal with the swordslayer and Damian.

    C18: Mostly filled with sword users and pegasi. Pegasi have the odd feature of hitting Guy hard but having a low-ish hit rate against him. It's a bit of a gamble, but it's not like fielding Guy is a bad idea, especially since HHM bases + the levels from 13x, 15, and 17x make him rather strong by this point. Raven suffers similar issues.

  5. KoT, if you're assuming a strength blessing on Guy, give Erk a speed blessing, and he wrecks shit.

    Fair enough, but Erk's always been high enough in my playthroughs to double practically everything with roughly average SPD, much like Guy does. Let me double check.

    EDIT: Yeah, Erk has enough AS to double almost everything in the game by like level 18/--. It usually takes Erk until 20/2 (since he gets no SPD from promo, make that 15/7 or 10/12 for effiency or whenever you feel like promoting him) to double 8 AS enemies with Elfire, which are around what they are in C22-24, right before Pent comes and outshines Erk.

    EDIT2: Right around midgame, Erk needs to be around 3-4 SPD blessed IIRC to start doubling (<=7-8 AS) most enemies with Elfire. This gives about 4 more damage per round, but won't work against faster enemies (mercs, myrms). Guy gets around 4-6 more damage per round from 2-3 STR blessing assuming no crit boost weapons, and it works against practically every enemy (unless this extra STR makes him still tink them -- very unlikely -- or they can't be doubled by Guy -- again, very unlikely)

    EDIT3: Lumi, I meant more on an axe vs. 15% crit only issue. I mean, the differences in stats between Guy and Raven exist even before promotion, and Guy goes a vital 2 STR on promo. That being said, 15% crit is brutal, but so is hand axe. Hmm...I still think promo helps out Guy more than Raven, simply because it increases his STR AND his STR scaling, but not by a whole bunch. I didn't mean to discount the awesome-ness of FE7 1-2 range weps.

  6. So you're assuming that Guy is going to be str blessed. I don't need to point out what's wrong here.

    Woosh. I say Guy benefits more from being STR blessed than Erk does from being MAG blessed, and both are hard to justify fielding when notably STR/MAG cursed due to sharp competition from similar characters (Raven for Guy; Lucius for Erk). So when one character benefits more from being blessed and both suffer roughly equally from being cursed, then wouldn't it make sense that it weights it in one character's favor?

    And don't give me "average only" bullshit. I've yet to get a character that exactly hits every average in every stat, and there's a significant chance that Guy/Erk will be blessed/cursed. When even small blessings/cursings dramatically change the performance of a character (1 STR = ~4 dmg/round for Guy), why is it wrong to not mention them in a fair comparison? It's obviously not appropriate for many comparisons, but it seems apt for somebody like Guy.

    This is coming from the guy that thinks that Wil doesn't have trouble doubling enemies.

    Erk doesn't need Elfire. He loses no AS from Thunder after promotion and Thunder only has 2 less MT than Elfire.

    No, Wil is fast enough to double a fair portion of the game. It's not that Wil isn't slow, it's that enemy AS in FE7 doesn't scale for shit until maybe the last few chapters, where it mildly rises as promoted enemies start to become semi-common. Wil also gets the Brave Bow in Dragon's Gate to ensure he'll basically have two attacks every round until his SPD is high enough to double, which should be right around the time you get killers. For anybody who's not Dorcas or Oswin or Wallace or possibly Bartre, SPD in FE7 is simply a measure of how long it'll take you to double, not whether you WILL double. But what does this have to do with Erk v. Guy?

    Also, the point was that Guy is fast enough (his AS is SO much higher than the enemy's) to double with even heavy, higher MT weapons, whereas Erk cannot. Guy is "sufficient" with a steel sword like Erk is "sufficient" with thunder, but Guy still gets the option of a higher MT weapon against a fair number of enemies (or killing edge), whereas Erk doesn't even have that option because Elfire will almost always be a worse option than Thunder because it's simply too heavy in FE7.

  7. lol

    Still no~

    Care for a hint?

    I've looked up ONE answer to this riddle, and it's stupid. Mainly because it assumes he has something we think he doesn't. The other is the obvious "Well, you never said one horse to a stable..."

    Oh, there's a third, but that's kind of weird too (I won't give it away).

  8. Yup, I knew it'd be easy.

    Here's another one: A man has ten horses, but only nine stables. ( [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ) How will be able to fit ten horses into the stables?

    He rides one. Or the 10th horse is his wife.

    On a more serious note, he can always fit the 10th horse in one of the stables, since you never said only one horse can fit in a stable.

  9. Not really. Guy's superior offense lasts about as long as he still has the killing edge. Assuming Erk doubles, of course. Not to mention you might want to conserve the KE for later use. Both can't really be used as a front liner, because they've both got crappy defensive stats, but at least Erk's got 1-2 range to make life easier for him. Not to mention potential longer term use; even if we do replace Erk with Pent, that gives him a good chunk of LHM and then from re-recruitment (chapter 14?) till chapter 26, when Pent is recruited. Compared to Guy who technically joins one chapter earlier, but practically the same chapter (because he sees maybe one fight in 13 if he's lucky) and will probably stop being deployed probably some time before that.

    Erk is superior.

    Guy is fine in the front lines with HHM bonuses. He has a high base HP, HHM helps his DEF/STR, and he ends up notably more durable than Erk. Erk also has the issue that Lucius tends to be better than him most of the time (Lucius is pretty insane offensively), doubling more reliably and hitting harder; Erk only shines when he can survive something Lucius cannot or in Living Legend, where every flier and magic user is deployed in S-rank or efficiency runs. The reasons to use Erk dwindle to near nothingness when Pent comes on to the scene, since he's just SO...MUCH...BETTER (unlike Raven v. Guy, where Raven is better, but not really by much honestly, especially once Guy gets the 15% crit) and Lucius will likely take the second caster slot.

    Like I said, Guy's performance is really reliant on his STR. Since growths allow for variable values of STR, and Guy scales really well with STR (he doubles and rocks a 50%+ crit chance post-promo with killing edge, so every point of STR is worth like 4 damage per round on average), Guy can be either really good or really mediocre. Erk doesn't get nearly as much from being MAG blessed and has no real +30% crit option; both suffer from being cursed in their main stat. Also, Guy's SPD is so high that he can double some enemies with an iron blade despite the massive AS loss. I don't recall Erk doubling doubling with Elifre except against knights or really, REALLY slow enemies.

  10. Not to mention I find it fucking bizarre Erk seems to get lower scores than Guy, someone who is definitely a worse character than him.

    No, you have it mixed up. Guy > Erk. Simple mistake.

    @Elieson: Don't worry about it. About 5 months ago I was off to a medical college that looked wonderful, was located on a secluded tropical island, was recommended to me by no less than about 4 doctors who went there, and was offering me 1/3 off tuition as a scholarship for my MCAT scores & GPA; due to a completely fucked up series of events and a terrible first week there, I now find myself working as a host/waiter/bus boy (weird mix of all three) of a small club that hosts events for the military waiting to shadow a doctor and applying to attend medical schools in Fall 2012, trying to be a little wiser with my choice this time (and hoping I'm lucky enough to get in again).

    Life is funny like that. You seriously never know what's going to happen next.

  11. Random Tolerance Stuff

    The problem is that the Haradis in this instance are the ones not being tolerant -- I mean, spitting on a woman for dressing slightly differently than they would like or segregating buses because they're taking advantage of the situation. I could make this point akin (although this example is a bit extreme compared to the Haradis, but I have no better examples atm) to saying that you should have been tolerant to the views of the KKK in the early- to mid-1900s because they are entitled to their own view of life and condemning them is wrong, despite the fact that allowing them to exist ultimately leads to more intolerance. Making informed and fair judgments about a group of people based on their actions and beliefs is not wrong -- you can't paint all such judgments with such a broad brush and call it intolerence, because sometimes it's just a simple combination of logic and personal morality.

    I think, reading this article, that it's obvious that Israel feels great pressure to stay unified under the threat of common extinction by the hands of Iran, and the more radical sects to impose their vision of what Israel should be. It's the same old song and dance that's been done for...well, forever, like when a country goes under martial law in times of crises. You could point to hundreds of books and movies that address this same issue: Fear drives many people to compromise their own beliefs in favor of what they think will ensure their survival, and while they may personally be against the series of events, they dare not speak out against it. And once the sects get in charge, they also get the power of authority on their side. I bet the government backs them simply because they think they'll anger their constituents if they don't or will look like they don't support the Torah or something akin to that. It's a bit of a vicious self-sustaining cycle.

    I hardly believe that most Isrealis agree with segregation and spitting on 8-year-olds, but Cocaine hinted at their viewpoint -- they feel like they can't overthrow the current religious regime because a civil war (or hell, even a civil conflict) will be the sign of weakness that ultimately leads to the end of the Jewish state. And if you think I'm wrong, look at that first article...how many anonymous quotes are in there, despite the fact that what they said is hardly controversial?

    Realistically, it may be entirely possible that the Islamic states that want Israel to disappear off the map could win without even declaring direct war with the country. The threat of destruction may cause the state to rot and crumble from within if the Isrealis aren't careful -- and no military support from countries like America can prevent that from happening; only the Isreali people themselves can.

    Of course, maybe I'm just blowing this out of propotion. It's hard to make a truly informed decision without actually being there.

  12. Elieson, I hope you don't mind if I introduce today's character, seeing as it's been 24 hours since Guy was released.

    Erk has...issues, I guess. He's purely outclassed by Nino and Pent stat-wise and offensively crushed by Lucius (and Lucius has the ability to reach physic use by late game, whereas Erk just won't), but his durability is definitably better than Lucius (which actually comes into play when my Lucius was facing being OHKO'd by wyverns in Living Legend, but Erk was not). He can reliably double and his MAG stat isn't super high, but he always does respectable damage and has good availability in both LHM and HHM. He's about as "average" as a mage can get, but sadly has practically no use once Pent gets into the scene, who is better base than Erk is ever going to be by Final...with a A staff rank to boot.

    I like his personality, but I'm rating the unit, not the character, so I think a fair rating is 5.5/10. I'd honestly pick Beccy 90% of the time over him.

    P.S. I'm not stupid enough to make Wil the Unit of the Day. laugh.gif

    Current ranks (in order):


    Rebecca-3.13 (...the irony)










  13. Yeah it's pretty easy to LTC chapters when you rig the level ups and the crits to get the results you want. That's basically what I learned from this thread.

    First, there's only one crit involved in all 8 chapters and I listed two separate strats with and without it. And it's not about "easy", it's about "physically possible".

    Second, C1 6 turn could probably be done with a more average Merc!MU if I had rainbow pot (which I don't, because the rainbow pot save file acted up on me for some reason). Merc!MU gives a higher SPD MU who can wield steel swords and comes equipped with +2 DEF, allowing him to dodge the brigands more readily and make it possible to be 3HKO'd by them and ORKO in kind, which would be far more difficult to do with Fighter!MU or Armor!MU.

  14. I'm not sure about two turning Ogma. Would MU be able to take two hits- one from Ogma, and one from the archer? Unless we rig the chapter such that the archer has less attack, hrm...

    MU would need good defence. Too bad the designers had to make the defence growth inferior. >.<


    IIRC, I had Merc!MU take the southern bridge, and then killed Ogma with 1 or 2 hits with MU + Merric chip. Caeda and Athena combined for a kill on the cav. Ryan pulled archer (and was not doubled) and Cecille helped to finish the archer off. Turn 1 is a little vague, though.

    It looks like Merc!MU needs somewhere between 9-11 DEF to pull this off, since he looks to be damn near dead. I'll have to check (I'm re-doing prologue with Merc!MU as I write this up for more screenies and more accurate strats/reqs).

    Also, remember that MU has 7 DEF base w/ Clergy's, so 9-11 DEF isn't too hard with a little rigging/luck; he'll have around 9 DEF on average and that means you'll only have to rig a DEF level or 2 realistically.

    EDIT: As a random side note, after trying out past prologue on this Merc!MU, I noticed I was actually able to 6-turn C1, so the benefits of this strat spill over into the main chapters. With Clergy's Child and a little luck on DEF levels, MU was barely reaching 3HKO'd status by the 27 ATK brigands as a cav (and they only had a sub-70% hit rate on him), which made it possible for Marth to bee-line and hit the village by turn 2.

  15. Knight MU can have a base Speed of up to 3. For this strategy, it seems that MU needs to get a Speed of like 17 by the end. On LTC, those 14 level-ups needed for Knight MU to have even the slightest possibility of making it to that amount simply do not exist. No matter how much RNG abuse you do, some classes just can't reach the stats they're needed to for a given strategy.

    Also, things like movement and weapon access can't be RNG abused, period.

    I pretty much couldn't put it more eloquently or concisely if I tried.

    As a side note, I haven't even gotten into the surprising turn counts yet. And the great part is Merc!MU has already made up its rocky start compared to Fighter!MU if you decide to 3 turn P-3.

    3 turn P-5?

    2 turn Ogma?

    3 turn Cain (Alright, this one isn't THAT surprising)?

    7 turn P-8?

    Yes, they're possible, and I've got the screenies and the strats (for the most part). NewYearsEmoticon.gif

  16. Your main point selling point is the quality of a merc's rng abused stats? that is absurd. any unit is will turn out strong if you rng abuse. common sense.

    No, you're not quite understanding what I'm trying to say. One of the selling points of Merc!MU is he has the real possibility of doubling the fastest enemies in the later prologue chapters because of his far superior base SPD to Fighter!MU and Armor!MU and enough STR/durability to take advantage of it.

    You can't get Fighter!MU or Armor!MU to do the same thing, which is why you don't see suggestions to rig good levels in their general strats past like P-3 or maybe P-5. While you can get Fighter!MU to double slower to average SPD units, even a higher-than-average SPD warrior isn't going to double (and thus ORKO) crucial enemies in P-8 and struggles to not be doubled by Ogma, whose P-6 you want to go to for LTC because I find him way more helpful in P-8 than Draug. P-6 Ogma is kind of evil for Warrior!MU, but it's hardly a big deal for Merc!MU.

    The difference between average Fighter!MU and blessed Fighter!MU isn't that large (maybe shaves 1 from turn count) simply because you can't get him to double enough for his gonzo STR to shine on Lunatic. Merc!MU doubles everything except Athena/Ogma if you do it right, so every point of STR Merc!MU gets is doubly potent, making a blessed Merc!MU amazing for turn counts. As I go on with this guide, you'll see I hit turn counts which are simply not possible with any other MU as far as I know.

    The problem with LTC prologue in general is mostly that it's very dependent on MU performance in general; it's notoriously fickle. The difference in turn count in a level can simply come down to a single stat point in a single attribute for MU, and it can be difficult to find a good baseline for what's "fair" and what's not. So, if we're going to do LTC for FE12, we just notice that prologue chapters are extremely short, MU doesn't gain that many levels, and we can easily manipulate them without savestates, so we might as well go for the best turn count physically possible without random 2% crits. I'm doing this guide mainly for efficiency runners coming out of prologue (or, I suppose, even more casual players) who would like to have a viable option for MU with a good sword rank (Armor is lance, Warrior is axe) or who like the mercenary class in general.

  17. Dude, he wasn't being serious -_-.

    Are you sure? It's possible, but it didn't strike me as sarcasm or tongue-in-cheek.

    I read it as "She's not worth it in HHM", whereas I say "No, I've done HHM and I found her to be fine."

  18. ~Making Your MU~

    Alright, there is (AFAIK) only one set-up for Merc!MU that will work for LTC Lunatic. I'll show you my choices and explain why I picked each one.

    Past: Clergy's Child (+2 DEF)

    - So even Merc!MU, while durable compared to Myrm!MU, has serious issues staying alive in P-1 and P-2, before HP/DEF levels kick in. You need it to stay alive from Jagen, saving you 1 turn in P-1, and keeps you out of 2HKO range IIRC in P-2, saving at least 1 turn there.

    Present: Beautiful (+1 SPD, +1 SKL, +10% SPD/SKL)

    - You need 1 SPD above base to double Jagan, and I think you need it to double the thief in P-5 and it helps immensely to reach the "double everything" benchmark in P-8.

    Future: Recluse (+15% STR/MAG)

    - So, yeah, technically, you don't NEED this, and you can choose +30% HP or +15% LUK/+10% RES if you feel like being a complete moron, but we all know a class that doubles everything in prologue and has a low-ish STR base MIGHT possibly enjoy 15% more STR growth. Or at least...I hope we all do.

    ~P-1 (4 Turns)~

    Rather simple strat.

    Turn 1: Attack the soldier. Clergy's Child means he should only do 9 damage to you, allowing you to survive both the counter and EP with 2 health left. The soldier should die on EP.

    Turn 2: Stand next to Jagen and use a vulnerary. This allows you to survive EP and counter. Clergy's Child again makes him do 10 damage instead of 12, allowing you to live.

    Turn 3: Same as turn 2.

    Turn 4: Finish off Jagen.

    IMPORTANT! In order for P-2 to work, you need to get +HP/+DEF/+STR on level up. You should also get +SPD on every level up until P-5 for that strat to work (you need 16 SPD by P-5 IIRC).

    ~P-2 (4 Turns)~

    Turn 1: Move Ryan down to the bottom fort. Move MU 1U, 1R from Ryan. Luke should attack Ryan.

    Turn 2: Move Ryan 1D and attack Luke. Move MU to the fort and attack Luke. Ryan should have 1 HP left after EP.

    Turn 3: Move Ryan 2U from Luke and attack him. Have MU finish Luke off. MU must get a +STR (+HP or +DEF highly recommended) level up for him to be able to finish off Rody on turn 4. Rody will attack MU on EP and be countered.

    Turn 4: Have Ryan attack Rody. Have MU finish Rody off. MU would die on the counter, but he should just barely kill Rody so it doesn't matter.

    ~P-3 (3 or 4 Turns)~

    Well, the 4 turn strat is exactly the same as dondon's (do the whole T-formation in the top-right corner on turn 1, take care of the units that attack on turn 2, pull Caeda on turn 3 with either Merc!MU or a 19+ HP lance wielding Luke, finish off on turn 4), so I'll go in much more detail on the 3 turn strat.

    Turn 1: Have Ryan attack the enemy merc from 2R and then have MU finish off the merc, attacking from 1R. Have Rody and Luke switch weapons, and then have Luke move 1D 1L from MU. The end of turn 1 should look like this:


    The closest enemy fighter will attack Ryan and Caeda will attack Luke, from my experience. Note that Luke's position prevents Caeda from reaching Ryan and ORKO'ing him, and the fighter just happens to be by a fortress coming into turn 2.

    Turn 2: This turn is why I list either 3 OR 4 turns for P-3. You see, MU must go to the fort and ORKO the fighter with at least one crit -- he doubles and has a 6% chance per hit to crit, so the odds of this happening are roughly 11.7%, a bit low for my taste. I think if you can have 14 SKL going into P-3, making it 7% crit and a 13.5% chance, but that's not much better. As a note, this is the only time I'll ever mention critting as part of a strat. Anyways, just have Ryan attack Caeda and have Luke finish her off. Move Rody 2U 1L of MU and have him lure the last fighter. The end of the turn should look like this:


    Turn 3: Have Ryan attack the fighter and then have MU finish him off. Again, make sure MU is getting +SPD level-ups (and you can give somebody else the merc kill so that MU's crit kill doesn't coincide with a level-up if you're savestating) and preferably +HP/+STR/+DEF (he'll need enough health to deal with Katarina in P-8 and enough STR to ORKO everything if he doubles, be mindful of that). This potential 3 turn clear is the first of many turns that Merc!MU can get over Fighter!MU.


    ~P-4, Athena (4 Turns)~

    I came so close to 3 turning this, but the best I could do was leaving the last enemy with half health at the end of turn 3 enemy phase (and this requires a slightly different strat than I give because Caeda dodged a myrm's attack on turn 1); mainly the inability to double Athena makes this take longer than it needs to. Needless to say, this isn't hard to 4 turn, but I will give you the set-up anyways. Multiple strategies work past turn 1's set-up, so long as you aren't reckless enough to get somebody killed.

    Before Battle: Make sure that the enemy archer has 18 ATK. This allows him to not OHKO Rhys, which is vital.

    Turn 1: Caeda goes 1D from the enemy myrm and doubles him. Rody then goes 1L of the myrm and finishes him off. Ryan then goes 2L of the bottom soldier and attacks him; MU goes 1D of the same soldier and finishes him off. Rhys goes 1L of MU and heals him. Luke finishes the turn by going 1U of Rhys to form a blockade and protect Rhys (Do NOT Attack!). Your final positions should look something like this:


    The enemy archer will attack Rhys, preventing MU from taking damage, and the soldier will attack Luke, causing Luke to counter. If Luke had attacked on turn 1, he would have died on EP.

    Turn 2: Ryan attacks the archer, and MU finishes him off. Luke then trades Rhys for a vulnerary and heals himself. Rhys moves 1D and heals Caeda, who turn flies 2U 2R but does not to attack the myrm. The turn ends so:


    Turn 3: Luke kills the soldier, MU moves 1L 2U and attacks Athena, Ryan moves 1D 2R and finishes off the last enemy myrm. Caeda moves 1U, and Rhys moves to the space below her and heals her. The turn concludes as such:


    Turn 4: Caeda kills the enemy merc, Luke moves down some, Rhys heals MU for free XP (why not?), Ryan moves 1U 1R of Athena and attacks her, and MU finishes Athena off to end the chapter.

    More to come later! Next: P-5 (3 Turns)!

  19. ~Introduction~

    So I assume many of you already interested in LTC (Low Turn Count) Lunatic have already heard about the whole Fighter!MU vs. Armor!MU debate (which I can have no real directly informed opinion of, because I've never done Armor!MU prologue). IIRC, it was eventually determined that Armor!MU is easier and allows for more flexibility, but Fighter!MU has a one turn advantage overall (and free axe weapon level). After doing a couple of runs, one with Archer!MU and one with Fighter!MU, I got a good idea of how the enemy statistics grow between each chapter and just how massively important MU can be for turn counts. As a demonstration of the latter concept, let me show you my best prologue turn counts for Archer!MU versus Fighter!MU:

    [spoiler=Archer!MU]Chapter: Turns for Chapter/Cumulative Turns

    P-1 - 7/7

    P-2 - 6/13

    P-3 - 5/18

    P-4 (Athena) - 6/24

    P-5 - 4/28

    P-6 (Draug) - 3/31

    P-7 (Cain) - 4/35

    P-8 - 10/45

    [spoiler=Fighter!MU]Chapter: Turns for Chapter/Cumulative Turns

    P-1 - 3/3

    P-2 - 3/6

    P-3 - 4/10

    P-4 (Athena) - 4/14

    P-5 - 4/18

    P-6 (Draug) - 3/21

    P-7 (Cain) - 3/24

    P-8 - 9/33

    This means that the choice of MU results in a TWELVE turn difference! Now obviously much of this is because Archer!MU has poor EP and loses large numbers of turns in P-1 and P-2 when it's JUST him, but hopefully the spirit of the idea got through.

    So after these runs, I got to thinking. dondon's and my turn counts for P-8 are odd in the sense in that it didn't FEEL like the minimum for the given chapter -- it was more like you felt like you had to artificially wait for reinforcements to end before you could charge down and finish the chapter. I then wondered if it would be possible to get a much lower turn count for P-8 if you could somehow have enough offense to charge down while reinforcements are still spawning, which seems like (and is) an extremely difficult and risky venture. I couldn't do it with Archer!MU or Fighter!MU, so my thoughts intially wandered to Armor!MU; however, the issue is it would be difficult to get Armor!MU to not be doubled, which really would put a hamper on his overall effectiveness, and P-8 is long enough that Armor!MU's move could be an issue.

    But what if you could make a MU that could double the thieves? Now, at first glance, this seems ridiculous -- I mean, the thieves have 12-14 SPD...and you wouldn't even be out of prologue yet! So what does this mean? Myrm!MU? Possibly, but Myrm!MU has serious issues with STR/DEF/HP, and you'd have serious issues staying alive, let alone not hemorrhaging turns.

    What about Merc!MU? Well, Merc!MU doesn't reach the SPD needed on average...but what if you rigged growths just enough to make his SPD high enough? Well, depending on how you view it, it may be RNG abuse, but you don't need savestates to make it work, since the chapters are so short (30-60 seconds) you could re-do the chapter if the level isn't what you want, so it passes my "it's fine if you don't need savestates to make it work" rule...

    And so my experiment began. How low can Merc!MU go turn count wise? Can it compete with Fighter!MU or Armor!MU? And if it could, how would it even work? If you're curious at all, read on!

  20. ;/

    I have a thing for recruiting everyone and usually want to promote him soon so he can level up for Karla and also being Swordlocked isn't that great for my usual teams.

    Fair enough, I suppose; Karla kind of sucks, though, and isn't worth recruiting unless you really want the feeling of 100% completion.

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