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Armchair General

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Everything posted by Armchair General

  1. I'll doubt if they'll actually care about cases like these, considering how all it would have took to fix it was adding a few more paragraphs to the abortion ban. Hopefully, the guy who got her pregnant is in prison, by now.
  2. Sperm cells generally don't live that long and even when they're used "the right way," only one or two out of half an billion actually gets to live afterwards. In the women's case, it's inevitable; but it's not her fault. Although, it's kind of chilling on how much control politicians have over all lives, but here we are. As for when life begins, it's kind of hard to say without making an shitshow out of it. I mean, the fetus is certainly isn't an mass of inactive cells; but I'm not exactly sure what's to gain by bringing in where it becomes conscious of it's surroundings.
  3. This is partially from them being taxed at an higher rate than us, in addition to some other things. I'm still going through this (Apparently, the Nordic model might be the best way to go, but it comes at the expense of everyone paying into it and the government actually providing these services.)
  4. I'm not exactly sure if this is an fair comparison, considering how European governments have an different set problems and policies to deal with this.
  5. Yeah, this is pretty fucked up; but it's kind of insane that they think people would willingly play along with this for the foreseeable future. I'm pretty sure that this goes beyond racial issues. Paranoia about immigration has been going on for decades, but this was mostly over job availability.
  6. I know that at least one of the vaccines was tested on an fetus; it's just that it shouldn't be that hard to look into how it's developed, especially if you're posting on Twitter. I was thinking about somewhere along the lines of making it harder to put the kids in foster care in addition to trying to prosecute people who are traveling out of state. Granted, it might not happen this year; but you never know, nowadays
  7. What happened to just handing out subpoenas to the vaccine manufacturers to ask how it's really made? As for the abortion ruling, it's too early to tell exactly how far each state will run with it. Granted, we're at the mercy of the people upstairs; but there has to be quite an few people amongst them who are willing to put the public before anything else. I mean, they all can't be this selfish?
  8. I don't know man, if it repeatedly gets to the point where either side refuses to back down, we all know what happens, afterwards.
  9. Why not just ban abortion as an topic? This is like the second time this month it happened.
  10. I doubt of that'll happen anytime soon.
  11. It was spreading to either Japan or Korea, first. As for where we fit into the timeline, it's hard to say; but it kind of took an while for it to become an full-scale pandemic. That's just fucking sad, man. To be fair, an minority of those leaders were actually elected. Well, it's kind of impossible to predict exactly what each political candidate would do. I knew Trump was an bit of an nutcase, put I wasn't really expecting an Jan 6th. While you aren't wrong, just know that we're not the only ones who are like this. It's kind of hard to care about the world when you have your own problems that immediately affects you. I'm sorry, but outside of voting and participating in the occasional protest; there's really nothing that the average person can do. This is true in the sense that something that barely works shouldn't be touched on the off-chance that you'll break it. But... It's kind of hard to come up with an textbook definition of fascism since it comes in an variety of flavors and trying to stamp it out through force is asking for someone to get shot. Plus, these kind of groups don't exactly have an foot in the door if we're ignoring the people who are already in office...Except for Trump, obviously.
  12. Exactly why is the rest of the world beholden to follow the trends that America sets?
  13. On Lunatic Birthright, I regularly had to cut through around 60 enemies, plus reinforcements.
  14. Oh, I remember that one. Apparently, people being hospitalized to the point where it became nearly impossible for them to have an vacant bed for anything else wasn't as big enough of an hint for them. Or how it's okay to walk around without an mask, despite the fact that people were wearing them during previous pandemics. I still think that we've should have held off on reopening schools, though.
  15. Without spoiling anything, is it just an rehash of the events of 3 houses or is it something completely different? I know that Lonato is an antagonist in Scarlet Blaze, I'm just worried if it'll fall back on most of the same missions from the main game.
  16. You've left out the part where they're authorized to serve for the rest of their lives. But at any rate, the Supreme Court have made quite an few beneficial decisions; of course, nowadays it's more about one's political beliefs than actual justice.
  17. True, but it kind of does deserves to be criticized. Also true, but the main goal of SW eventually turned into writing anything that looked good after LucasArts stopped making the films. Of course, outsourcing your projects to several companies without an long-term plan for the brand. Personally, I kind of hate the sequels on account that they keep bringing back some jokes from the previous series; and we never really had any drawn out duels that the series was known for. The pacing also felt kinda rushed, in my opinion. Yeah, Episode 5 is an bit of an dub and could have benefited with an more reasonable script. The duel against Vader felt kind of forced and it was basically an footnote in the greater scale of the series. This would have made more sense if Luke was an little bit younger when that incident happened or if he had a few of his students fall to the dark side like some of the Expanded Universe content showcased. Don't get me wrong, people do make some mistakes here and there; but it's kind of hard to believe that Luke almost settled on killing his nephew after being an teacher for at least 20 years. Personally, I blame the writers. Although it's not out of character for Kenobi to troll someone, but they aren't allowed to actually kill Grevious; come to think of it, this isn't the first time that they've used that joke. The great thing about that cartoon is that it didn't really tone down how violent an war actually is, since nearly everything else had to tone down the violence.
  18. Because it's funny. At any rate, it's one of the episodes that I haven't seen. I might have, but I'm not entirely sure.
  19. To be fair, he has his moments. But since the status quo is enforced by The Revenge of the Sith, he is not immune to Kenobi trolling him.
  20. In my defense, I stopped following it right after they stormed the White House and people were taking selfies inside someone's office. I'm aware that an handful of the protesters were killed and that several of them were already sentenced to federal prison. But my point is that if an disgraced real estate mogul whining like an child is enough to get people riled up enough to do something, then we're essentially screwed if someone comes up with an more convincing reason and actually tries to organize an coup.
  21. Mostly from listening to Trump crying about how the election was stolen from him. There's probably some other conspiracy theories floating around the web, but I really don't look into that kind of stuff. I think that it's kind of funny to see him whining about it, though.
  22. Mostly about people being convicted for trespassing because Trump goaded them into doing it, along with quite a few idiots openly believing hat they could overthrow the government. There's quite a few things that feels off about it, though.
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