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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Ah, Dmc~ My fav list goes 3-1-4-2. I really enjoyed 3, 1, and 4. 2 was okay. The anime was also good~ iirc its before dmc4
  2. Geez, so many rolls lol. That was great Rey. We gotta play again :D
  3. Yeah, it takes a while. I have 15 mains now, but that took months to get really good with them all. For now i'd say focus on Mario and Marth and then branch out to other characters. You'll improve faster like that~ I hope this helps!
  4. Fighting better players definitely helps. I improved much after playing with PKL and Nairo. You'll get up there =)
  5. Aww it's over now. That was super fun~! Def might pick this up now.
  6. man this game is so much fun. i wasn't expecting that i would like it so much lol
  7. Ggs Knife. that lag messed us up at some points, but overall that was fun~ Nice Link bro.
  8. I'd say like maybe 2-3 days a week. It's what i usually did. but now with work and other stuff I haven't been able to play much lol. Now I'm rusty again. and yess Jedi. we got to play again =D
  9. Oh man. metal shark player stage is bringing back memories of me dying do much lol. Indeed bro lol.
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