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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Yeah! i'd main him lol. I can't wait for Ryu and Roy too. mhm~
  2. BUSTA WOLF man, terry would be so much fun
  3. Yeah, that discussion was cool! I just still think Sheik is better than Rosalina, but besides that it looks solid~
  4. I like using Cody in SF4 dudley too
  5. Those vids make me want to play those games again haha I remember as a little kid having trouble against Vega. when i picked him i thought you could climb the walls in his stage :((
  6. Super good :P SF3 has great music~
  7. That's ridic LOL oh SF3 and its weird hitboxes haha
  8. Been doing decent! Got a job and I started going back to the gym. Trying to get better at smash and learning italian atm Glad to hear things have been well~ indeed bro.
  9. GO! Man, its been a while. How's everything? And whoa Charlie. yea he looks ridic Rei Rei
  10. Wow Palutena's grab range is much better Diddy's up air got nerfed. Does 6% now. knock back reduce
  11. [spoiler=SumiaxFred] cute fanart~ https://40.media.tumblr.com/7a0d465d8c7e5e2ad6345fee68e095bc/tumblr_mornfwKvbG1r9y49po1_500.png
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39lOlWTWPo4&list=PL6730AFF6349DB595&index=129 <3 win waker
  13. I think I got Red back in 1998 when i was 4. My brother got Blue. Iirc it was my first rpg lol. Charizard was my favorite as a kid and I overleveled him so much. He was like somewhere in the 60s while the rest of my team was in 30s against the E4. I didn't win haha.
  14. Haha, that's def how it went lol. You might be right!
  15. Yeah! Bros for life lol. I wonder what Hector's crew will be.
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