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Ice Sage

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Status Replies posted by Ice Sage

  1. Love the Sophitia sig bro! I wish i was good with her lol

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Pretty good! Just got back from work. tired lol. You bro?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Love the Sophitia sig bro! I wish i was good with her lol

  3. I found the bo staff vid

  4. Hey Aura got skype? it would be really cool if we can play smash again once i fix my internet lol

  5. Hey Charlie. How's everything? been a while.

  6. Hey Rfof! How's everything? Just wondering if you can play smash today? Its fun playing with ya!

  7. Hey Doofina how's it been? I miss you :(

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      2nd year now! thanks bro :)

      yeah, that's sad :( if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm always here for you.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hey Doofina how's it been? I miss you :(

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      medicine~ and oh...I'm so sorry...

      I'll be praying for your grandpa and your friend's grandma. that's so sad to hear...

      Hopefully things get better!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hey Doofina how's it been? I miss you :(

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      been doing alright. just trying to improve in smash and school. sorry to hear about that bro. hope things get better.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. oh man i missed your birthday im sorry. : ( hope it was amazing~

  11. Since when did you start using Shulk

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      man, smash is hilarious. I can't wait till Impy finishes that montage. we gotta do team battles lol.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Since when did you start using Shulk

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      sadly no :((. tho i did save a match where we did michael bay smash. refa went from 15% to 102% LOL. i can send you that! oh and one match where shin dair suicide as ZSS but killed me when i was sonic

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Since when did you start using Shulk

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      oh i've done it haha. horace, shin, refa, and i did it in the same match LOL. I swear i backslashd to my death more than little mac side b

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Since when did you start using Shulk

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      after playing with Febro and seeing his really good shulk, I decided to try to learn him lol. if i can become really good with him he might become the main

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. im super late! im doing pretty well! snowed again in NY tho : < glad to hear all is good with you bro. : D

  16. So many quotes lol

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Joining Sf was a great choice. I got to meet you guys. you guys are the best :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. So many quotes lol

    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Indeed lol. I can't believe its been almost 3 years since we started doing skype and saving quotes. time flies haha.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Merry Christmas~

  19. Ha, I'm posting happy birthday after you thanked me, i'm so ON TIME

  20. Happy Birthday!

  21. Happy birthday, dude

  22. Happy Birthday!

  23. hey Silver how you been?

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