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Ice Sage

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Status Replies posted by Ice Sage

  1. Hey Tang hope things are going well for you~ how are you these days?

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! hope it was great bro :)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! hope you had a good one :)


  5. DOOFINA how goes?

  6. yoo bro! whenever you get your ps3 again, let's try to play! my PSN is Ice_Sage776, what's yours bro?

  7. yoo bro! whenever you get your ps3 again, let's try to play! my PSN is Ice_Sage776, what's yours bro?

  8. Someone has been reading or watching Kenshin!

  9. Someone has been reading or watching Kenshin!

  10. Someone has been reading or watching Kenshin!

  11. Someone has been reading or watching Kenshin!

  12. Someone has been reading or watching Kenshin!

  13. Someone has been reading or watching Kenshin!

  14. Hey XINNY~ who's that in your avatar? reminds me of petra~ from attack on titan lol. is it her?

  15. Hey XINNY~ who's that in your avatar? reminds me of petra~ from attack on titan lol. is it her?

  16. yoo Zak how have you been? its been a while

  17. who's that in your avatar? its nice!

  18. who's that in your avatar? its nice!

  19. who's that in your avatar? its nice!

  20. hey bro! what's up? :)

  21. hey bro! what's up? :)

  22. hey bro! what's up? :)

  23. hey bro! what's up? :)

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