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Everything posted by Crysta

  1. Since the first amendment to me is like what the second amendment is to them, I'd be very opposed to this. The KKK and Neo Nazis would still be around, just not at all visible, and they would likely become even more bitter and resentful.
  2. I have friends and family who live in the South who like the flag and would be resistant to getting it banned or removed because it's their roots, but I have also told said friends and family that kind of easy to say when your heritage didn't include being enslaved by the people who sported that emblem while trying to fight a war to keep them in said enslavement. Then they go "oh I have a black friend who doesn't mind it!" and I sort of tune them out at that point. I think, by and large, they simply don't care what it means to anyone outside of their... well, clan. Politicians are disinclined to alienate them because they need their votes, so unless there's some kind of awakening that makes them care (this massacre isn't it, which is sad), it's staying for a long time. And, yeah, just one look at a thread on stormfront.org will confirm Gei's belief that the white supremacist bloc is much bigger than most people think. They're just not outside wearing white hoods and burning crosses any more (well, most of them aren't).
  3. I'm not sure how you can do that. The arguments from my southern friends regarding, say, the hanging the Confederate flag everywhere are mostly: 1) Heritage (and being proud of it I guess?) 2) The Civil War was entirely about State's Rights (lol) Personally I don't get it. Said State Rights involved slavery.
  4. Jane Elliot's blue-eye brown-eye experiments on YouTube are interesting to watch if you want to see how much in denial white people in general seem to be in relation to race issues. We love to ignore it. The Republican presidential candidates certainly are. Fox News certainly will, but admittedly I don't go out of my way to watch that drivel. Not surprised that they're trying to put an Islamist/anti-Christian spin on it instead. EDIT: And CNN and MSNBC aren't as bad. It's bad, but it's not equivalent just because you want it to be.
  5. Crysta

    The Well

    Interview over. Kill him. Have you been to the U.S., if so, which state(s)?
  6. If you wanna live in cruel reality, choose Nohr. If you wanna live in happy Mary Sue land, choose Hoshido. If you hate oversimplified binaries, go the third route and ride off into the sunset.
  7. Crysta

    The Well

    Coke or Pepsi?
  8. Megumi/Sanjiro Hopefully I won't discover that Garon did change his name.
  9. i will watch these potential games and make snarky commentary but i think my mafia game quota can only be one at a time with my current schedule and the dbz mafia game is gonna take awhile. edit: well, unless I die soon
  10. Crysta

    The Well

    What is your favorite book genre?
  11. Nohr has plenty of good in it. It's just the guy on the top who is the dick, it seems.
  12. Crysta

    The Well

    What makes you want to be a technical writer?
  13. I really would have preferred if they did it FE 4 style and just had half the story continue x years later with the kidlets if they were gonna have them, though I'm not sure how well that would fit with the two-sided storyline. Whatever. Kamui's kid looks dumb, imo. If there's a gender swap if you're FemaleKamui I hope it's better.
  14. Cyrus and Tsubaki so far. And I can have Cyrus on either route which is an added bonus. For the girls (when I play my male version) I don't know yet.
  15. Yes. I can like a man who gets off on killing my enemies.
  16. Camilla character design discussion #84379847487 with a side of Frederick's crotch. This topic is amazing. I'm not so much bothered by the design as much as I wanna laugh at it's ridiculousness. I know nilch about her personality other than she seems to be an over-possessive/protective adoptive sibling and I'm actually curious as to how they're gonna suddenly discard that if you join up with Hoshido instead. And no, I don't find Freddie's "exposed" crotch as ridiculous; if he was wearing panties, too, then I think that would be horrifying a better equivalent. He probably wants a cup or codpiece but I don't think enemies typically aim for the dick as much as... say, the abdomen or chest. I could be wrong, but I think his leg armor is ample enough to avoid chaffing. But troll on, it's awesome. EDIT: Looking at Fred's pic more closely, dude needs some chainmail at the very least. Ow. Still seems more of a thoughtless oversight than gigantic cleavage and panties, though.
  17. Dayvig Rapier for no content! The sooner you read it the better, probably. I try to read it bits at a time.
  18. Crysta

    The Well

    Makaze Baldrick Nightmare I realize I don't ask many questions but I like reading the answers. It's mostly because I lack creativity.
  19. Yay Fire Marth returns! He was one of my mains though I never fully played his game lol.
  20. The only god I worship is the sun because I can see it and it keeps me alive. On another barely related note, I do wonder what would happen if I tell my kid Santa doesn't exist, where babies came from, and Christopher Columbus was actually an asshole. How would others react to him? Fairy tales have more power than I wish they did.
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