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Everything posted by Crysta

  1. A good FE would include Female Lord with Female sub-protagonist. Frozen-style. How many people would complain?
  2. I didn't mind the C and S Chrom support. It's the middle supports which are laughable.
  3. I pre-ordered DA:I. Why the fuck would I stand in line for it? But fair enough. EDIT: Digitally I mean.
  4. Nino.* *With an ample amount of babying
  5. Do we mean "broken" as in insanely OP or "broken" as in actually unworkable?
  6. No, probably not. But the fans here also count, not just the hard core Fire Emblem Japanese fans, and they would also make up part of the sample. It would at least adequately mirror the trend for that group, even if it may be smaller (but getting considerably bigger). And I have a really, really hard time believing it would yield and 80:20 ratio overall like in Mass Effect (apparently). I don't think that's a realistic ratio for most games nowadays, in spite of the litany of "omg bejeweled players don't count" in YouTube videos concerning the growth of the female gamer population.
  7. Using your group of friends probably isn't the most accurate sample. Mine played F!Robin by a large margin, male and female. But I can understand why you would think it may be an accurate representation. If I were to make bets, I would put it at 60:40 in favor of M!Robin... just based on the M:F ratio I seem to find here lol.
  8. you'll get the latter in fanart, at the very least. guaranteed.
  9. I think people tend to just believe this more than it actually is. I would be curious about actual numbers. I'm not sure if Fire Emblem shares the same fanbase as Mass Effect, either. It is a FPS as well, which does tend to skew maleward. EDIT: Has anyone done a M!Robin versus F!Robin poll here? I would be surprised if they haven't.
  10. This was the first pairing I shipped. Then it was a whole lot of "OH GOD WHAT I HAVE I DONE" when I got Severa. Any other shade of green would have been better. EDIT: The most "crack" pairings imo is M!RobinxLucina, DonnelxMiriel or Panne, RickenxTharja, Nowixmost adults (strangely especially Gregor even though he comes with her lol). I haven't actually paired these people up yet, though, so maybe the supports aren't that horrible.
  11. I do think it will continue to be a case of IS thinking people will be more attracted to a male protagonist because it's been an ingrained belief for quite awhile, although I suspect it's not as ironclad as they actually think it is. And I think they're slowly inching forward, towards more equal representation. There is a 200% chance my boyfriend will choose the F!Kamui on his default run and he's not feminine at all. That's what he did with Robin, and that's what he's been doing with his RPG characters whenever he's had a chance for years now. And he's not the only very heterosexual male friend I know who has begun to do this. People get curious, men included. Or the difference just isn't really that big of a deal lol.
  12. I have, admittedly, have not played every Fire Emblem game. But I'm not surprised that they made the best tome ever a light tome. I'm guessing it's because divine? All light really did beyond look pretty, imo, was create a less-relevant magic triangle.
  13. Light magic looked pretty. And that is pretty much all it had going for it versus Anima and Dark.
  14. Tsubaki is a dude peg knight. And he will be awesome.
  15. I suspect it's much, much more relevant in the higher difficulty modes.
  16. I don't think it's been established that she is your sibling, just possibly a relative? And cousins can look vastly different from one another.
  17. I wouldn't choose one mode over the other based on how many waifus or husbandos are available to me. I wouldn't consider it an injustice if the mode I chose had less. But that's just me.
  18. This thread actually has Camilla in the title. And, ironically, most of it is about eye patch fashion.
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