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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. I'm pretty sure that people are thinking of the map sprites when they make this reference. I know that I am. Additionally, it would seem that there must be a similarity to Atlus style if several people have thought "Atlus called; they want their sprites back"
  2. Because it is an honor system a person will presumably be so distraught over lying about resetting that they will forfeit out of shame. At least, I assume that's how the train found its way to Bad Unenforceable Ideas Station.
  3. Oh god did you really have to use the worst Ivalice games (Tactics Advance and Tactics Advance 2) for this game's flavor? Why would one do such a thing?
  4. I can however, link to something similar for another old arcade game; Missile Command.
  5. Sonia has a vagina. I honestly don't think that using this as an explanation is stretching for answers. Then again, I don't really recall much of anything about Brenden's personality, so whatever :/
  6. The art form is not going to advance with people adhering to this outdated logic. Video games are no longer just time sinks for children anymore; they have come a long way in the last few decades and people need to accept that video games are as legitimate an art form as other mediums. So please don't use "Dude, its only a game." as a legitimate argument anymore. Its an insult to me, an insult to you, and an insult to the medium.
  7. On the subject of Lungreden and poison, I can understand why one would want to use some weaksauce poison to kill somebody; if the death is prolonged it may seem more natural. However, Lungreden screams at a subordinate to "Use more poison!" so he must not care about subtly that much. This begs the question of why he doesn't use a more effective poison. Additionally, I recall that Lungreden openly taunts Hauson about how he's poisoning him. If he has that much power, why not just kill him?
  8. Not just Elibe; pretty much any piece of fantasy. Marisa is not a good example, imo. She is established pretty clearly as unable to do anything well except for fighting (her ending with Gerik states this explicitly). IIRC, her support conversations imply that she is socially awkward as well.
  9. So we're giving names of FE characters, and somehow this makes a score? Okay. Ralph, Fred, Miranda, Eda.
  10. FE2 does a pretty good job of not doing that. Arum and Cellica operate independently of eachother for almost all of the game.
  11. If my local movie theater wasn't retarded and was actually showing the movie I'd have already dragged my 10 year old brother to watch it with me. Because this looks like the old Winnie the Pooh; 30 minutes of which has more cultural value than an entire season of whatever shit kids are watching these days (ICarly, or something probably).
  12. This is always acceptable if it is a Pixar movie.
  13. What! No! Farewell Fireman, D:
  14. Be careful, or 13 year old girls will deaththreat you to death.
  15. I have to take my younger brother to it.
  16. Okay, who started the flame war? I know there must be one since this was only 1 page when I left it.
  17. Now go have more fun making user tier lists that show off your friend lists!
  18. [Notes to creator of prospective Fftf user tier list is in brackets] [Tiers have general names. Be sure to be making yours not boring! Exception is the required Trueblade Tier, which have a neat name, but feel free to be changing it!] Top Tier Tangerine [Rfof here is optional, but if not putting her here then she goes at top of high] High Tier [Various staff members are to be placed here] [Put few people of your friend list you REALLY liking here] Mid Tier [Everyone else on your friend list to be going here. Remember, yours friends are only people being important!] Low Tier EVERYONE ELSE [caps lock a requirement] Bottom Tier [Place for peoples on your ignore list] Trueblade Tier Trueblade [Remember deviation from this formula which all user tier lists use will make a failure out of yours!] [if feeling original one can break apart tiers into upper and lower components]
  19. I have decided to change the way I have been acting here almost 180 degrees (with some exceptions, like not being a spammer, making more than a few posts, etc). No reason is given, and most of you won't notice as I won't be posting more often than I don't now.
  20. Can't imagine what my favorite thin-skinned fruit is.
  21. I believe its because he can have the ch2 armorslayer sent across the map to him.
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