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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. I will be withholding the kill order until I know who I should not shoot.
  2. Don't try and change the subject.
  3. Alright, here we go. I am the Senate Chancellor. Rebels, do not shoot me. If I survive the night, then you can waste a day phase hanging me tomorrow. I am offering a proposition, even though I will die. What I am offering is this. Rebels, I want you to contact me. I want to know who the three of you are, not just one of you. I want to know who has what role as well. I will then put you into contact with the Senate's Commandant. In this position, you will have two coordinated night kills aimed against the town. There will be no chance for crossfire. Simply put, your chances of winning will be much greater. And as an added bonus, the Commandant is unhit. Another reason that I wish to know who all of you are is so that I don't accidentally shoot one of you at night. No, I am not going to sell you out once you claim to me. It would not benefit me at all, as I highly doubt I will survive the night. This deal can only increase your chances of winning. Now, you may ask what I am getting out of this. Well, I shall tell you. I wish for the town to lose. Its that simple. EDIT: Incorrect homophone usage.
  4. ... There would have been plenty of benefits to having the serial killer working for the town. Namely he would be a vigilante with a bulletproof vest that would also happen to lose the game. But I suppose that opportunity has been wasted, hasn't it?
  5. Night 5 Results BK-201 the tracker was found with his head chopped off. Day 5 Begins And we all know what that means!
  6. Are you fucking kidding me? Alright, let's try THIS one. Mike protects Fayt. Ike protects Mike OR Tables. And Haar can swap me with someone random. Fayt investigates whoever he thinks will give him a guilty. I'm going to assume that I didn't overlook anything obvious here.
  7. Okay. How about this. The Bodyguard (who should keep his mouth shut) will protect mikethfc. Mikethfc will protect Fayt. Haar does not switch mikethfc or Fayt with anybody. This ensures that the only person that can die this way is the bodyguard, and the senate will have to guess for that. And as a somewhat selfish request, I'd like Haar to swap me with somebody random, since the nurse and bodyguard are tied up.
  8. Why would the mafia want to shoot you? I'm sorry, but I've gathered that you're somewhat easier to lynch than say, Tables.
  9. Vote BK-201 He sidestepped an accusation of sidestepping an accusation.
  10. Unvote Raymond. Vote Ninji.
  11. Day 4 Results Swinging back and forth from the rope was Balcerzak the doctor. What had he done to deserve this fayt? (Lol pun) Night 5 Begins The human who's name is written in this notebook shall die.
  12. Well, its either Fayt's innocent, or the actual cop has been absent for quite sometime. Basically, Fayt is clear. Nurse should definitely be on him, and BG can protect someone else who would be a likely target.
  13. Withdrawing vote for Dragonslayer. Voting for Raymond.
  14. That was the joke I referenced. You do realize that, don't you?
  15. I'm going to be voting for Dragonslayer again.
  16. I think one of the reasons behind the Lux lynch is that he almost never posts, and when he does its usually just a vote. I even made a joke about it before Lux
  17. Holy shit. Fire pig is like, awesome. Its like, fucking self cooking bacon. Its that fucking awesome. Would likely pick fire pig for my starter.
  18. Night 4 Results It was a dark and stormy night. All of a sudden, a crash as heard! It was CATS the shrink being brutally murdered! Day 4 Begins Zoom zoom zoom!
  19. You know what? I'm going to unvote Bizz, with the bandwagon that sprang up. Vote WoMC.
  20. Let' hope the tacticion's report gets hooker. That'd be the best case scenario, as he wouldn't be hooked after claiming.
  21. Day 3 Results I wasn't going to end this day early, but then Fayt Zelpher the yakuza claimed. After that, there wasn't really a point in going on any longer >_> Night 4 Begins Apologies to those of you who didn't get to throw stones at Fayt, who was actually mafia this time.
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