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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. I don't think that idea will be happening anytime soon. That still doesn't mean it won't be completely different.
  2. The idea is something I've taken from Smogon. It involves setting up a different board, making some accounts, and giving them to people to play the game with. Nobody knows who anyone is, is the idea behind it. now you can see where the if I make it part comes in
  3. Please bold your name. This will be something completely different, assuming that I do make this game happen.
  4. That's rather unfortunate >_>
  5. They might as well, since he'll just PM the both of them that he's the detective, and that the other one is the watcher/tracker.
  6. Is it just me, or does the detective, tracker and watcher knowing who each other are give us a big advantage?
  7. So you're starting the game early?
  8. I forfeit my ownership of the Shoddy Poison Gym and the Shoddy Normal Gym.
  9. Night 2 Results Yes, it is time for day phase to start. Day 2 Begins And here it is.
  10. Its in the wording. http://wiki.epicmafia.com/index.php?title=Why_me_%3D_Fry_me
  11. You almost had someone ram "Why me=Fry me" down your throat there. You had opened yourself up to it.
  12. I like what you're doing. I'd like you to get on another roll if you can, and for other people to try and help out as well.
  13. I would like for people to give me suggestions for events at stations. If I like the suggestions/think its a good one, I might put it in.
  14. The pure spirit role seems interesting. But it would be best for the pure spirit to NOT use its powers this early into the game. The chance of making town suicide is MUCH larger than the chance of making scum suicide. If possible, the pure spirit should hold off on using its power for a bit.
  15. Just because I love TVTropes, I'll do one. Chekhov's Gun
  16. What I find hilarious is that the mafia was going to kill you that night anyways if you hadn't been hung that day.
  17. I'm waiting in the Team Uber server now, if anyone would like to know.
  18. Bouncer might be fun. He might get promoted to his own role next game.
  19. I feel it could use some more townies, so I wouldn't mind a few more people signing up. But whatever.
  20. Time to start laying some rules for how the train moves then. Distances are measured in time. To be more exact, 12 hour multiples. Every location is 12 hours away from the next location. 12 hours is one phase (day phase or night phase). At the start of the game, the train starts at the beginning. At the end of that day phase, the train starts to move. At the start of the next day phase, the previous night's travel will be told to the town (and if they are currently stopped, moving faster, etc). Let's use this as an example. F G H The points H and G are 12 hours apart from each other, and the points G and F are 12 hours apart from each other. The train ended that last phase at point H, and is now moving to point G. The train remains at point H UNTIL the phase ends. Only after the phase ends does it move on the minimap which I will post at the end of every phase. Does any of this not make sense?
  21. Dracohon was clear as the bomb, and would've had a 50/50 shot of winning.
  22. Here were the stalking targets: Night 1: I Eat Tables Night 2: Hikarusa Night 3: Pride Night 4: Raymond Night 5: Dracohon
  23. THE MAFIA WINS. The winners are: Bizz (Stalker) King Russell (Janitor) Ether (Vanilla) Ninji (Vanilla) I loved Ninji's gambit when he was the last mafia left.
  24. Night 8 Results Yes, you picked wrong. No, its not a tie. Hikarusa the vigilante shot and killed Lux Aeterna the townie. The Ninji came along and killed Hikarusa. The end. MAFIA WINS.
  25. Attila beat Alexander then? I don't see why that would be terribly surprising, as there were about 1000 years of progress in Attila's favor. Has not been watching episodes, as he's forgetful
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