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Everything posted by timon

  1. Interesting that there are 3 different magic classes which at the end of the day are all just mages, I hope they can characterize them enough. Wyvern asking for axes means that unless you go spear+axe+flying that's not the supposed "logical" continuation of Pegasus, so I guess we'll get flying horse back next tier. Assassin holds sword the awkward way, I'm sad, Fortress looks a bit less dumb than past Armoured classes, but it's still dumb. Berserker has a big-ass spike on the shoulder, so I guess that's Alois' base class then. Also curious to see what they do with colour schemes, Sylvain is black as a paladin, but will every character have their own scheme in their supposed "standard" classes? Would be a way to tell "canon" classes. btw that's the page I'm talking about https://www.nintendo.co.jp/switch/anvya/pc/class/details.html
  2. So that's a lot of info lol Small thing I noticed, if I haven't missed it Flayn appears only with the Golden Deers, and she's a faith user. Thani leaks:
  3. I won't play on day one and I'm counting on post launch info. On one hand I'd like to go in as blind as possible, on the other hand I do want to see post timeskip designs and know how the whole recruiting goes down, so I can start with knowing who to get. I'll also probably look up a guide of missable recruitments like I did in past games, all of this while trying to stay free of story spoilers.
  4. Yeah, and that' precisely why I'm not going Goldeen Deers (that and Raphael, Ignatz and Lorenz lol). Though it has been said multiple times that apparently Claude does have more depth to his personality, so I have hope.
  5. That'd be the opposite of Fates though, every single character in Fates, leaders especially, were always portraied to be completely good. Edelgard is the Empress of the most powerful nation of the continent, I sure hope she doesn't turn out to fight for friendship and justice like Corrin or something like that. She has to lead her nation, that's not to say that she shouldn't have any values, but I hope she remains rational. For what we know up until now Edelgard is possibly one of the most interesting characters in Fire Emblem history, because she has a lot of sides to her, let's not take that away. On the other hand, I don't think worrying that she'll be "too evil" makes sense, I mean she's one of the protagonist, she can't be. And we've seen from descriptions and trailers that she holds dearly values like friendship and peace, and I think especially for that reason she'll be interesting, being torn between her comfortable "school" days and her duty as leader.
  6. Looks a bit like an old Ferdinand, I like him, so far the male teachers and Knights have surely got me better than most male students.
  7. To me it looks like the ones you listed have a side weapon because they specialize in one of the magic skills (Dorothea, Hubert and Annette seem to lean into Reason, while Mercedes is clearly more of a healer), on the other hand Linhardt, Marianne and Lysithea look like they're full invested in both Reaon and Faith, thus not having a "clear" (for how much it can be in this game) second weapon.
  8. I already quite liked Hubert, but that brings him on a whole other level (that's a voice btw, Ignatz), let's hope his irony is actually cutting.
  9. Loving this one, I hope he's playable. Good simple old priest concept, not overdesigned and actually looks and he's dressed like a person and not a freak (looking at you, shoulder-spike guy, or at you, masked male Mercedes).
  10. I'll wait on post skip design, they're definitely more relevant (especially in the romance aspect, seens as S support are there). As of student design I'd say Dorothea/Petra/Marianne in no particular order, but as I said post timeskip is where it's at. The proof is that I adore Edelgard in student mode (I think it's really the best design), but I'm not too hot on the "empress" one (I still like it, but the buns and the "crown" are atrocious).
  11. Flame Emperor would be weird, in a way it's too obvious, in another way it's completely random: a masked villain doesn't usually go around with a mask even when he's not playing villain, and as pointed out he's a sword guy not an axe guy. I have a theory: let's say he's related to Mercedes because they're very similar, I think he might be there to investigate, keep an eye or force her sister(?) back in the family. Mercedes seems like the girl who doesn't like being a noble, and maybe treating people like they are lesser (and the empire does look like it's very heavily noble-based), maybe her family didn't like that decision, or maybe they were just looking for her after she ran away.
  12. Uhm, you come off a bit rude tbh, considering this whole discussion is based on a theory (which is already a bit wrong seen as it has been said that it's 12 months...). Anyway as other users have already pointed out, you're mixing up universities and officer schools. The former is a complete (usually heavy on law and history) degree with added military training, at the end of the course you not only become an officer, but you get a degree in military science/political science/something like that depending on the country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Officer_candidate_school https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_academy The setting in Three Houses definitely suggests that it's officer training, not a complete university. PS: also even if we were talking about military colleges, I wouldn't take WestPoint as the prime example considering it's the academy of the most militarized state in the world. In Italy for example it's just 2 years and France is something similar IIRC.
  13. There are armies in the world where the officiers academy lasts for as few as 3-4 months, so a year it's really not that little. Consider also that the students are 18-20 years old so they must already have some form of education (and the fact that Lysithea was admitted because she's a prodigy tells us that there are requirements to join this place).
  14. I mean has that ever happened in Fire Emblem? Characters noticing deaths that aren't story related? I get that in Fates they didn't even acknowledge those, so the worry makes sense, but hoping that the game adjusts based on gameplay permadeath might be a bit much to ask.
  15. They need to add some, because permadeath is a thing (a core part for some people), and yes you can probably recruit most students, but it's going to be a lot of work to get the necessary skills to do so in one run (if it's even possible). That being said I'd also rather have a smaller, more characterized cast, but with most people coming from the academy (and starting on a blanket class) that characterization is not there. So I'm okay with it in the academy phase, but in the second "act" of the game I sure hope there's going to be people joining our cause here and there. Characters that join mid-war/mid-battle are always the most interesting, because they come with their own reasons and backgrounds (you played Awakening, think Say'ri, Gregor, Olivia, Cherche). Another important thing (for me at least): when you have basically your whole army from the get go it gets boring down the line, sure you can customize and get to know them better, but - especially if it's a long game - it gets same-y. And benching is not necessarily a bad thing, I'm not going to like every character, so having substitutes is always nice. But I don't worry too much about it, I'm pretty sure during the war phase we'll get more, my concern is that it's going to be all knights of seiros/teachers/other students, I'd like to see people joining from the territories you go to, again, with their own reasons and backgrounds (and the continent offers a lot of world building, it would be a shame to not use it).
  16. Now that's a bummer, classic mode might be a real challenge this time around, but most importantly it's a bit boring without characters from the outside. I get that the focus is "building" your own students from the ground up, but some addition here and there always makes it more interesting.
  17. I hope that hybrid classes are part of the base game... they're some of the most fun in fire emblem (though maybe not the most effective), putting them as DLC would be a bit money grabbing tbh.
  18. IIRC we've seen the monastery being used in post skip screenshots, my theory for a while has been that one of the first stages of the post timeskip arc is "conquering" the neutral land of the monastery and use it as a hub. Maybe some activities will then change name (you wouldn't "teach" but "train"), but you'd basically use it the same as before. As I've said a while ago, they put a lot of development effort in the academy mechanics, they can't bin it. On the teachers, those might be characters that join Byleth regardless of path, like Kaze/Felicia in Fates? Also let's not forget that the whole point of the game is "telling the same story from 3 points of view", so if the Church is evil it will be evil in all 3 paths (unless a nation sides with the Church, but I doubt it).
  19. 12 gb is... okay? I was honestly hoping for a bit less, looking at the comparison at that size. I might be short on storage 😞
  20. Agreed with that, not seeing the button is a problem because you'd think it's some kind of bug or maybe you have to wait or do something to enable it, if you do scout and they say "I'm loyal I'll never join" the player now knows. As an example, I remember training a Haunter to level 100 in pokemon fire red, it never evolved. I would've loved a "scouting" option for evolution methods, because needing a wiki to understand how the game works is bad game design. In the same way in FE3H someone could try to raise support levels, give gifts, do whatever to enable the option of scouting a character, when that's not even possible. Ingrid not having the option in that screenshot is another thing, she's already in Byleth's house, scouting wouldn't make sense. Also the word "scout" inherently means that you don't know the outcome.
  21. Everyone: spear infantry. Just give me spear infantry please, we got soldier, that's good I love it, but give me an endgame spear infantry class pls. On a more serious note (not that the previous one is bad) I haven't decided yet, but I don't want to abuse too much the free for everyone class system so I'll try to not overdo on the mounted/flying units. Edelgard is for sure getting an axe and I'm thinking of making her a mage as well (unless she has her personal class), Petra will probably fly and I'm hoping for a good sword/magic hybrid for Dorothea. Hubert has an interesting strength in bow but I think that gameplay wise a mage-archer might be a bit useless. Ferdinand goes on a horse and the other 3 eagles are going on the bench, I'll see who to steal from the other houses to replace them. And I'll have to find a new archer since I was sold on Ashe, but he looks kinda wank post timeskip.
  22. Didn't make my question clear sorry, I was asking if Hubert, Dedue and idk who the third is are confirmed to be non recruitable. It would be the obvious thing, but I haven't actually seen a confirmation yet.
  23. Are these 3 actually confirmed or is it just safe assumption?
  24. Pure "speculation", but I mean, he's a dad in Fire Emblem, and "his son" is basically the bearer of the fire emblem itself, I don't see him making it to the end. That's how I see the possibilities: 1. Jeralt is actually who he says he is, and he was entrusted with Byleth (so not his actual father), maybe doesn't even know about Byleth's powers. Anyway if that's the situation he probably dies as a hero. 2. Jeralt is disguised as a random mercenary knight to protect his son. That's maybe the only way he's surviving (if he's some kind of god)? But he probably dies anyway. 3. Jeralt is disguised as a random mercenary knight to control Byleth from up close (he's evil/working for someone evil). If that's the case he dies a horrible death. In any case, Byleth is basically a half god, so Jeralt is hiding something (or he's normal and just the mother is godly, a la Percy Jackson, but it's not a very fire emblem-y plot).
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