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Everything posted by timon

  1. I always use half my playtime in games for the fishing minigame when there's one, I sure hope it's free.
  2. I'm more curious about the amount of customization we get on that aspect, seems that sword strength is a given, but what else can we do? Can we choose which stats are going to be good? Can we choose some weapons he/she's good in and some that he's bad with? I really want to make my Byleth a dedicated lance user, I hope it's possible.
  3. Class freedom. I want to experiment a lot with weird stuff, putting characters in classes that have nothing to do with them (smol girls with axes is always interesting), using weapons that aren't FE "standard" for the class (axe cavalry, bow mages, spear mages, bow flyers, ...). Hopefully hybrid classes come to give me even more choice.
  4. Not gonna be here to analyze it, but I'm going to say they're really well done, high quality stuff, especially if we consider it's just cosmetics (probably).
  5. To add to that, it might be even harder if you're going for some very different characters, let's say I want Raphael and Lysithea, that's 4 different things to get. On the other hand getting 2 mages might be a bit easier (and a bit less useful, admittedly).
  6. I wonder if with NG+ it will be possible to play the full game in one save file, instead of starting over 3 times. Also interesting that recruiting is THAT difficult, and that there are other relevant choices other than the house. I'm worried about the story "falling short" in the end though, I mean it's just the author's opinion, but it might very well be true, with 200 hours and 3 (or more) paths there could be some big holes.
  7. You could see it as a stealthily moving column? I mean if we up the scale of fire emblem battles we might as well up the scale of the battlefield, even a plains tile might not be just a field, there might be some way to sneak some troops around with some good maneuvering. It's not that much of a stretch, if our units are the commanders then an Assassin might just be a very good commander on that aspect.
  8. This intrigues me even more on the reaction of his friend to "the change", it seems that either he goes a bit too deep in the "justice" thing or he loses hope of justice and becomes lord of chaos, in both cases I wonder how his childhood pals will act.
  9. I want to play the battles on hard, but I'm not a fan of the restriction in the monastery. We'll see.
  10. Now, I know this may not be literal, but it worries me. I've said it before, but the fact that the characters join at different times and for different reasons was always a big thing for me, having a random guy that appears in the middle of the battle and now you have a new unit, always an amazing moment. With the roster from the get go it could get boring and I feel like it could take away characterization and relationship instead of bringing it.
  11. If the case is that there is no infantry lancer I just hope there are actually good reasons to have someone dismounted, because right now it looks like having a character off a mount is just shooting yourself in the balls, as it has always been in Fire Emblem (and especially now with how easy it is to put everyone on a (flying)horse/dragon).
  12. I roughly put Byleth at 23 and Jeralt at 45. Byleth's in line with the older students (Mercedes) and the younger teachers (Shamir, maybe Catherine as well). For comparison I'd say the other students are no less than 17 and no more than 21 (Lysithea and Mercedes being the exceptions obviously). That's for M!Byleth though, female looks slightly younger, I'd put her at 20.
  13. The order is very puzzling to me, it seems to have a logic but there are a lot of random ones as well (eg. Linhardt's spear is after reason and faith, Byleth's faith is after authority but there's a lot more). Also interesting that some levels come after skills, I guess those could be combat arts related to the weapon?
  14. IIRC we have yet to see Lorenz's strengths, he might as well be good at magic, the fact that we have seen him mostly as cavalier doesn't mean he is just that, we have a handful of examples of known characters's strengths that we haven't seen in trailers (Dorothea with sword, Felix with bow, Ashe with axe, ...)
  15. I agree with the theory that Sothis is most likely the Goddess, there is a fair amount of details that support this theory (other than the one you already noted): - Sothis has small black "bangs" on her headpiece, similar to the Goddess in the mural - IIRC her description says something along the lines of "looks young but is actually old", which yeah, is a description of a generic manakete, but also could be a hint - the Goddess doesn't have a name yet - in the first trailer we see a woman that holds tightly Byleth(Nemesis)'s sword, the artwork of Sothis depicts her with that same sword - she apparently only "appears" to Byleth (even though she's a playable unit? They'll have to explain that one lol), now manakete are magical, but entering the mind is on another level
  16. I'm not sure on the role of Byleth, but from what we know it seems that the Church wants to resurrect Seiros, and the Nightcrawlers want to resurrect Nemesis. It's Ruby and Sapphire bascially, maybe Byleth will be our Rayquaza. Yes, I'm proud of this analogy rofl.
  17. Well I'm not sure how you can believe what you just wrote tbh... I remember all the territories of the main Awakening story, characters had reasons and backstories to do what they did, there was a deeper story to both wars, it was geographically characterized. Fates is just a sequence of battles.
  18. I like him, he might take up Ashe's spot as an archer, since post timeskip Ashe looked a bit wank. I'm still curious to see if Anna's playable though.
  19. I mean it's not that difficult to see why, she's a good looking girl, even if she were to be the most boring character in the world she'd get popularity. We can stay here to argue all day but the "waifu" game is definitely a big part of this franchise at this point (it is anime, after all).
  20. I want more variety with magic, with how the weapon system works in this game it's not really important to have incredible choice in "normal" classes (if not for looks and stats), but magic is restricted, so I hope there's at least a mage on horse (and hopefully armour and flyer as well).
  21. I wonder if the game is so long that the "three way war" is not the last part, but after you've won it with your house you actually go to war as "united/conquered" Fodlan like it happened (in a smaller scale) in Awakening. I doubt it though, the monastery would lose relevance, and I hope it doesn't happen, the less world there is the more detailed world building there can be.
  22. So do I understand correctly that some ask for stats and some for weapon levels? If so, is "Magic" the stat or the weapon?
  23. Old female Felix (aka edgelord), not a fan. Design is good, but I'm sad, I thought she had long hair from the previous images we had.
  24. How does Dorothea look like a stripper lol, she's got a completely normal outfit, the fact that it's not closed up to the neck like some of the other doesn't mean she's a stripper jesus. I mean even Manuela is a lot less than what we've seen in the (very recent) past.
  25. I meant afterwards, but I have rewatched and she's also in the Blue Lions so I guess the theory is debunked. That has indeed been confirmed, once you "pass the exam" you can freely switch between the classes you've unlocked (don't even need an item like in the DS titles).
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