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Everything posted by BoaFerox

  1. This artist's drawings make me feel fuzzy with how cute they are. My copy of the book arrived yesterday so I've been reading these comics again. The book stops at chapter 83 though, so sadly none of the chapters drawn by this artist made it in. I'll definitely buy the next book if they ever make one though, these comics look great when printed!
  2. Congratulations to you guys reaching tier 21 this week! I had a very good week on defense, losing only 80 lift total and thus getting the maximum of 24 dragonflowers. I have no Dark or Anima mythic Heroes, so this isn't something that happens too often. On offense I believe I'm barely above the treshold to recieve my 17th Gold Throne, so that went surprisingly smoothly as well. I ran into a surprising amount of teams who simply couldn't hurt Sigrun once she got smited in. Her mixed bulk as a summoner supported bonus unit with Eir support was pretty amazing. Next week is Aversa bonus season, so I've taken this opportunity to +10 her. She'll probably be fun to use, but I'm not looking forward to facing her on every defense team.
  3. Considering this Reinhardt is free and has neutral IVs, it's probably a good idea to keep him if you want to follow guides using him in the future. The +10 Reinhardt you have is definitely great, but he might mess up the AI movement if you try using him while following a guide, so the free Reinhardt could also be useful if you keep him. The amount of feathers you get for sending him home is too small to be worth it, in my opinion at least.
  4. Galeforce does sound like an interesting option that would go well with her base skillset, I'll keep it in mind. I see, that was kind of the impression I was getting myself. I rarely see the skill used on units other than Mareeta. I'll just keep Mareeta and use her then. Thanks to the both of you!
  5. I just got a +spd -res Mareeta as my free pull. I imagine this is probably her best IV spread, so I was wondering what would be the best way to build/use her? I could also fodder her for Flashing Blade 4 and Null Follow-Up. I have an extra Mia that I could use to give both skills in that case, but are there any other noteworthy units that even wants Flashing Blade 4? If I'm not foddering Mareeta I think I'll merge the extra Mia as well, but then I need to decide between +atk and +spd for her. What does she want the most?
  6. I had a pretty good first circle with only colorless and red stones, so I decided to summon all of them hoping to get Nephenee or Ishtar. I didn't get either of them, but I did get a +spd -res Mareeta. For a second I thought "now I have all units from Thracia 776", but then I remembered that this very banner added new ones:P Very happy with this pull and those IVs though!
  7. One of the Heroes' Path quests on the same lv. as that quest give 20000 feathers as a reward I think. Are you sure you didn't just overlook those? The notification board says they are working to fix the Arena issues, and they're asking players to not play the modes until it's fixed.
  8. I was really exited for this as well! I'm not sure how I feel about the new dancers having such high stats, but when I think of how it could benefit the cast of TMS I feel just a little bit more ok with it. The new update is very nice. I won't be able to do more Heroes Path quests until tomorrow because it requires summoning, but the rewards seem fantastic from what I've heard. The new feature that lets you pay double energy in AR has alredy been incredibly useful. And last but not least I can have the battle preparations theme from Three Houses playing on the home screen! The CYL refines are great as well. I know these units get some special treatment, but I wouldn't mind if they started giving some more powerful refines to other units as well in the future. At least to units that are still 5-star exclusive.
  9. English is not my first language so I might be wrong here, but isn't the "th" in "this" voiced, and thus better represented as a ð? The þ character usually represents the voiceless counterpart to ð, in other words a voiceless "th" like in "thick" or "thing". The reason both appear in the word "Vafþrúðnir" is to differentiate between the two separate "th" sounds that appear in the same word. But I agree that it's pretty weird of them to even use these characters, especially since every other Fire Emblem game that borrows something from Norse tends to use anglicized spellings (like Nidhogg instead of Níðhöggr). Heroes seems to lift most of its spellings directly from Icelandic, and while it might make some words look pretty cool and "mythical" in a way, it probably causes more confusion than it's worth for most people. As for the banner, I like the look of it. I really want Nephenee, but I don't have a lot of orbs so I think my best bet is to wait and see if she shares with some good units on a future mythic/legendary banner. I'm happy to get Rinea for free, and from what I've seen of her art it looks very good. It's weirdly frustrating how Verðandi gives +4 to all stats while Urðr and Skuld only give +3 though. I would say I hope for a refine to fix this, but then Verðandi would be behind instead. And since two of these weapons are on seasonal units it's never going to happen anyways.
  10. Yeah, I got burned pretty hard on the recent Hero Fest banner as well. It always feels worse to have bad luck when you know your odds are technically better than usual. Thanks though! I like Lute a lot, I hope she'll get a fun refine to her weapon someday. I got tempted into spending my 60 orbs on Julia today. I still don't have a Pair Up Legendary and I only have one Naga as well, so Blue seemed too good to skip. Unfortunately, after a while I got no blue stones for about five sessions in a row, and then I was pity broken by... A +Atk -Res Valentines Mist. Those stats are pretty good at least, and I didn't have any kind of Mist yet so I'm pretty happy about getting this instead of nothing. Still would have been nice to have some blue stones though... I was stupid enough to be tempted again when I had only 13 orbs after some of the new maps, and of course I got another session with no blues. The colorless stone I picked contained my first Mercedes though, so it was definitely worth the 5 orbs. Her stats were bad (+Def -HP), but those could get fixed when I inevitably get spooked by a 5-star Mercedes down the line.
  11. Have you tried clearing your cache or deleting storage data for Google Play/App Store? If you send an Enquiry they will probably ask you to do this first before they are willing to look further into it. On Android this is done by going to Application> Google Play Services> Storage> Delete data. I don't know about apple devices, but the process is probably similar or at least easy to find. You might need to log into your Google account again after doing this.
  12. This sounds like an unusually good update. Both Ninian and Eirika are units I wouldn't mind getting merges for, and free Steady Breath fodder is very nice as well. If Brave Ike's refine is good perhaps he'll get a merge from me as well.
  13. No, I've played none of the FE games that were never released outside of Japan (I've watched a playthrough of Binding Blade though). I actually own a copy of the game, but I have no Famicom to play it on. I have played all of the FE games that were officially released outside of Japan however, and I'd love if a remake of Thacia could be among those someday. I agree, especially the ones from early 2017 are extremely outdated. It was part of what was so problematic about having the anniversary gift thing be random, because the value difference between the Spring units from 2017 and the Winter units from the same year is really huge. It'd be nice if they maybe could start giving refines to old seasonal units someday, but them being sort of "replaced" and outdone by the next year's seasonal units might be part of their plan I guess. Yeah, him and Adrift Camilla actually. It's always nice to have things you want in the general pool. Thanks!
  14. There are other games I would love to have every unit from of course, but most of them are not really feasible to pursue, at least not if I want to try to maintain my Sacred Stones collection once they add more units from that game. Your question made me check to see if there were any "sets" that I'm close to completing though, and I found that I'm only missing Mareeta to have every unit from Thracia 776. That is of course the smallest group of characters from a single game, but it does make me want Mareeta a lot more. I also noticed the only summer units I'm missing after this summer are Gaius, Frederick, Leo, Takumi, Helbindi and Wolt. This means I'm only missing 6 of them, and also that I have already completed the "set" of having every female summer unit. Having all summer units would be pretty fun, but the older ones really wouldn't be that useful to me as units sadly, making it hard to justify spending orbs for them. It will be interesting to see if I can maintain the set of every female summer unit next year however. I'm also missing only Adrift Camilla to have all 7 versions of Camilla, so I wouldn't mind pulling her sometime. I would also like to have every CYL unit, where I'm currently only missing Brave Alm. I'm pretty sure this one will happen eventually, considering how often CYL units tend to appear on banners.
  15. I completed one of my long held goals in this game today: Have every unit from The Sacred Stones. Lute was the last unit I needed, she's been very persistent in avoiding me until now. I tried to get her on her debut banner, but failed. Back then I had some foolish hope that there would be a demotion from that banner too, and she looked like the most likely candidate, so I didn't spend orbs as focused as I could have. After she was removed from the summoning pool of new banners I got a bit worried I might never get her, but luckily they did these revival banners and announced them ahead of time so I could save orbs. Getting her proved to be difficult this time as well however. Despite the increased focus rate, it took until 7.33% to get a single 5-star, and that 5-star wasn't Lute... Thankfully, she came eventually a bit after that. As Lute would say: "Statistically speaking, good luck is just as likely as bad." Feels really great to have this image completely filled out at last. I want to grind S-rank summoner support on all of them as well, but that's going to be tedious so I think I'll take my time with it. Now that I've finally done this it's almost guaranteed that there's going to be a Sacred Stones character or two on the very next banner, mark my words... Hopefully none of them give me as much trouble as Lute has. @Humanoid @Diovani Bressan I decided to do the same thing as you two! The presentation is nothing special, but it was pretty nice to see a visual representation like this. I do have a lot of barely started +10 projects at +1 or +2 merges that I'm hoping to finish eventlually, but this gives me an idea of who to prioritize. I have only one +10 mage for instance, so I could definitely use more of those.
  16. I had been saving orbs for today with the intent to pull Lute and with that have a complete set of every Sacred Stones character in the game. The process became a bit more painful than I would have liked though... Right after this I was pitybroken by a Nailah. Not a bad pitybreak by any means, but it was a bit disheartening to see someone other than Lute show up after that long. Annoyingly, she was +Res -Atk, just like the one I already had. At least I was able to fix her -Atk now. And luckily, a bit after this, Lute finally came too. +HP -Res. Not very good, but I don't really need her to be either. I've finished one of my long held goals in this game of having every Sacred Stones unit, so I'm very happy. Now I'm back to saving, hopefully I can get one merge for Tana on next week's revival banner.
  17. One team I've actually used quite a lot is one consisting of all four CYL 2 characters. They work surprisingly well together, having two armor units where one of them has Armor March, one healer that can keep the armors healthy and one infantry that can support with Reposition or take something out if necessary. They include one sword, lance and axe unit, so I often use them to clear the Lunatic quests for Story and Paralogue maps. This summer I got exactly enough summer units to make a Brigade of only Heroes wearing swimsuits, so I've had a bit of fun with that. There's still not room enough for them all in Aether Resort sadly, but it's pretty fun to make it look like a complete beach resort. I'm hoping one of the summer units next year is a dancer (or perhaps a healer), as that would fit nicely on the team.
  18. I wasn't thinking super tank exactly, more just a unit that could bait some Firesweep and staff users and take on units like Tibarn who rely on effects that her weapon eliminates. I got a lot of use out of having Nailah on one of my teams until now for example, so I thought Byleth could be something similar exept for Astra season. I would like to get a merge to get rid of the bane of course, but I guess that might be extra important if she's going to run Distant counter and lose the extra stats from Fury 4. I'll hold off on sacrificing my extra Nailah for a bit and see if I want to invest a bit more in Byleth down the road. Are there any other units you think could use Nailah's skills more efficiently?
  19. I've been using her as a Galeforce unit in Aether Raids this week, and for that purpose she has been great. Her main problem is her 2 movement, so she needs to either be smited or teleport next to my other Galeforce unit using Wings of Mercy. She's really great once she gets in though, as having special cooldown -1 on her weapon makes it a lot easier to activate Galeforce. Teleporting next to someone with WoM means she can't activate Atk/Def Solo, but being a bonus unit this week has kind of made up for that. I might get her a different A-skill once she's not bonus anymore though. It really helps that Legendary Ephraim is a bonus unit as well right now, as he is often a perfect WoM beacon for Edelgard.
  20. Yeah, I thought that might be the case. 20 hours is a long time to wait just to watch a short sequence though. I was going to keep doing the Strike stage anyways, so I suppose I'll get to see the ending a few more times. Would still be nice if they added these to the Event Recap once the event is over though.
  21. Byleth really carried me hard through a lot of battles last week, alongside L!Ephraim and my new Tibarn as Galeforce units. Byleth being able to tank and one-shot units like Tibarn was incredibly helpful. I've given male Byleth a Light Blessing, so hopefully he'll perform just as well as her this week. Byleth's sword being so useful makes me kind of want to give the Nailah I got on the Hero Fest banner to female Byleth in order to make a very all rounded check to a lot of units. Would female Byleth be a good user of Null C-Disrupt, or would she quickly fall off once she's not a bonus unit anymore?
  22. My weird glitched scouting session ended up being nothing special as expected, besides taking more than twice the time to finish. I got no progress reports for the strike intil there was less than 20 hours left as well. I just let it finish normally considering the event seems to be lasting more than long enough to get all the rewards. The ending with the old artwork was pretty nice, but is there no way to watch it again? I got a bit distracted partway into it. Feels like something that should probably be added to the Event Recap in the future.
  23. My weird time-travelling glitch yesterday seems to have made it so I got no bonus runs in Tempest Trials today, and the daily quests were already completed. My dueling crests also didn't restore, but I did get the log-in bonuses as normal (because I didn't get them yesterday). In the end I seem to get exactly the same amount of rewards as everyone else, exept one day early. The only real inconvenience is that Lost Lore took more than twice as long to finish (though I could have probably avoided that by choosing Cancel early, I wanted to see what would happen), and that I had to spend a Dueling Crest to even play Arena at all today. I didn't think this could happen as an isolated case like this considering the game constantly connects to a server, but just before the glitch occured I remember my phone asking for a pin-code to unlock it because it "hadn't been used for more than 24 hours", even though I had used it just a few minutes ago to play Heroes. Could this have something to do with the glitch? Is connecting to the server not always necessary to advance to a new day in Heroes? I think I remember something about hackers discovering future special maps more than a year ago by "hacking themselves to a future date", could this be similar to that?
  24. No, but the daily banner for today was gone (not replaced by a new one) and every other banner had one day less left. Everything is back to the way it's supposed to be now, exept my current session in Lost Lore will still take abnormally long to finish. I should probably just cancel and send them out again, but I am kind of tempted to see how the game handles this. EDIT: I see I still have one x3 bonus run left for Tempest Trials now too, even though I am certain I did both my bonus runs before this weird reset happened today. My Dueling Swords have also been restored, even though I spent them all when I did the daily quest later today. Did this really not happen to anyone else? I figured it was some kind of server issue that would affect everyone, but they still haven't mentioned anything about it on the notification board. I asked one of my friends who play Heroes and they said it happened to them, but I haven't seen anyone mention it on reddit or here. I sent an inquiery in the game, but they answered that they didn't fully understand the issue and wanted more information, so it seems like something they weren't fully aware of either? Could this somehow happen only to players in a certain region or something?
  25. My daily quests and Tempest Trials quests just... reset somehow? I had already done them today, but suddenly the Home Screen looked just like the daily reset happened again. I even have the double points for Tempest again as well. Is this happening for anyone else? Is there some glitch on the server? EDIT: There is definitely something wrong, the daily banner is gone and my Lost Lore finished even though it had over 10 hours left. Someone must have activated a daily reset by mistake. EDIT2: Seems they "fixed" it, but I was able to get an extra bonus run in tempest because of it. Also, Lost Lore now has over 40 hours left to complete.
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