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Everything posted by Oguma

  1. Oguma

    I cannot imagine a Black Nanaya

  2. Oguma


  3. I think Goten and Trunks shouldbe in DBZ box. And Hercule for lulz. Or maybe farmer with shotgun
  4. Oguma

    Rave Master

    In the book it is year 10,065 I believe. 50 before a legendary explosion called Overdrive destroyed 1/10 of the Earth. Now, Haru, a 16 year old has become the new Rave Master, going on a quest against a organization called Demon Card, who use the stone of evil called Dark Bring. Also, there are many Dark Bring, usable by anyone, but only 5 Rave, usable only by one person.
  5. I thought for once you were going to be epic and say
  6. Oguma

    Rave Master

    Its great. *is only on volume 6*
  7. Anybody here read it?
  8. Okay. Congrats on becoming a royal.
  9. FOR MASU http://s728.photobucket.com/albums/ww287/O...current=lol.jpg
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