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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. Where's the next Rate the Unit (which would be Bec)? Can't we just start the next one without waiting for Elieson?
  2. Use the what? You're gonna have to clarify that. Isn't it a monster from FE8? I have considered that, in fact. I don't need the sprites at normal size, the small sprites of the GBA FEs are fine by me. In fact, it'll probably get her done more quickly.
  3. what That... bites. Thank goodness for scripts, then.
  4. I always grind for supports anyway. Gotta fill up that support library (I know I can just read all the supports here on this site, though).
  5. Nothing? Really? This isn't another one of those empty promises, I swear. I've made MUGEN characters before, and I can make one out of her too. All I need are sprites.....
  6. FE7 is the only FE I ever play (though I did once play a little of FE8, up to completion). That said, I've taken an interest in its chronological sequel especially now that I can play it in a language I can understand. So I ask: What are the gameplay differences between 6 and 7? I suspect that 6 might be missing a few features that 7 has, what with it coming first and all. And why is Lilina not a lord?
  7. I'm a little interested in Elibian Nights. How complete is it?
  8. You guys know MUGEN, right? 2D fighting game engine? Well, I would like to make a Fire Emblem character on it. I'm aware that this is a rather monumental task, but fear not. I'm very experienced with MUGEN, as this video demonstrates: I can put together a good character. Except in one department: sprites. I can code well, but I have little artistic talent. I've already decided that I want to use the GBA sprites, but I need more. A fighting game character consists of more than just a standing animation, an attack animation or two, and a dodge animation. And thus comes my request: I need the help of the talented people here to fill in the blanks. The character also needs to crouch, walk, run, jump, dash, block, get hit, and more. Draw the sprites that I ask for, and I promise you I'll make a great fighting game character out of them. That is all. I eagerly await your response. Oh yeah, and the character I wanna make? Well... my avatar should answer that.
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