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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. I only see him as support fodder (at least his backstory is intriguing; pain in the ass to uncover, though). As soon as I finish his supports (just Bartre left), I'm gonna stop bringing him along to Final.
  2. Maybe if you buy her a lancereaver... ...nah, screw it. I'd rather give it to even Karel.
  3. I don't see her getting any use or even existence in HHM. Hell, she still kinda sucks even in casual play. 0/10
  4. Maybe it's her looks, but I always imagine Vaida having a stereotypical German accent. It somehow fits her.
  5. With Vaida camping over them in Hector mode, does anyone bother with the shops in Unfulfilled Heart?
  6. I once saw a fanart of a couple of ponies and FE7 characters. Not ponified FE7 characters, mind. That would've crossed the line.
  7. They can be opened manually? Huh, I thought they were just for show like that wide door in Battle Preparations. Of course, now I ask why one would want to release bosses earlier?
  8. It helps your nonflying units live longer. Sadly, that also applies to enemies. Also, really sucks to be on horseback in Ilya. If your horse is wingless, anyway. trees/23
  9. There's no villain truly more despicable than him. He's an extremely smug snake, figuratively and literally. 10/10 ........... ...oh wait, Jaffar. Not Jafar. I got nothing then. Never mind. Light? I don't remember any chests there.
  10. This thread saddens me, even though everyone speaks the truth and I really do agree with them :( Whatever overall score she gets, she's still a perfect 10 to me
  11. If I try to use her in HHM, will my sig be the result?
  12. I have been waiting for this day :3 Nino is the BEST UNIT EVER. With all the high-level enemies surrounding her, you can bet her levels will skyrocket in no time. And with such amazing growths, she'll definitely turn into a killing machine every single time. No one else deserves Excalibur more than her. 9001/10 ........... ...in modes other than HHM. Alright, even I have to confess. Doing the above is probably nigh impossible in HHM. Actual rating: 3/10
  13. They must've known Harken was better than Karel, because getting the former's a little tough. Either you let those promoted units live until he shows up, or you let four specific magic users (two of which are your healers) languish in favor of... Bartre just to get to the other map.
  14. I forget, what happens to Orson if you let him die while he's still a playable unit?
  15. Poor Guy just can't catch a break :P
  16. Would've been funnier if you met him again in the Ilia route in FE6.
  17. I've yet to play HHM, which is why I haven't been rating. But I think I can finally give one here. Let's see... Oswin exists, his join map is utterly stupid (fog and the boss moves if you move into his range? screw that; I imagine it must be much worse in HHM), and you miss Geitz. Really, I think he's just a punishment for you failing to level your lords before FFO. 0/10
  18. He can't even blink. Anyway while we're discussing axes, can you get hurt by hitting a wall/snag with a devil axe?
  19. And then after Hawkeye is Geitz, Wallace, Farina, and then Pent. Or Louise first if alphabetical, then Pent.
  20. You really can't screw around in HHM, can you? No support spamming, no using inadequate units, this mode must be played seriously.
  21. Is this everyone's initial reaction to HHM Call of Dut--er, Cog of Destiny?
  22. Having never played HHM, how hard is its version of Call of Dut--er, Cog of Destiny compared to the other modes?
  23. So FE6 has Nosferatanking, and FE7 has Lunacritting. What does FE8 get?
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