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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. Is that so? (heh) I never knew that.
  2. Change "End" to "Wait".Y'know how the description of Sacred weapons in FE8 have "Str+5" and the like? How about appending similar things to the Divine weapons here? Like Durandal: "The Blazing Sword. Str+5" I'm sure if FE6 had an official English release, they would've fixed that so it does slay nomad's horses. They did it with Mage Knights in FE8.
  3. Huh? Doesn't Kishuna leave only when attacked or his door is opened? Or is this yet another HHM curveball? I really gotta play that mode one of these days.
  4. So why not remove the blue? Once is enough and cleaner. Just look at Puyo 15th's translated title screen, only one "Puyo Puyo".
  5. Thanks, translators. I wouldn't have known it was Fire Emblem if you hadn't mentioned it twice.
  6. Screw you, I need that 5000 gold! Damn thieves.
  7. I'm starting to wonder if we should just do FE6's translation patch all over again.
  8. "Storage"? "Conquer"? "End"? I really wanna change them. How do I do just that?
  9. So... A possible fix for FE6 editing has been found, and it's being shot down because it's somehow wrong. ...I have to repeat: Why do you hate being edited, FE6?
  10. Argh. Why do you hate being edited, FE6?
  11. It's the command for ending the player phase. Surely having two commands named End that have different functions would be confusing, right?
  12. I'm not knocking your dedication. I asked because I think I'd like to try my hand at a little editing. Because really, "End"?
  13. I'd just like to ask. How hard could it be to edit text? The menus, the descriptions, maybe even the dialogue.
  14. That really pisses me off. I'd love to kick both his and Aias's asses, but I'd have to Tower grind to do so.
  15. Is Fir challenging me to a blinking contest? It is on!! ........... OH GOD MY EYES THEY BUUUUURN
  16. I just saw this in 8x: Quality translation right there. Why not "Hahaha", like what the FE6 script on this site says? In fact come to think of it, some dialogue between the patch and the scripts here don't match. What's up with that?
  17. I thought Sophia was the Nino of FE6. I thought wrong. Don't you mean the "End" command?
  18. Whoa whoa whoa, wait a sec. At what point did I demand you stop the LP? Remind me, because I don't remember saying anything of the sort.
  19. There's no need to stoop to such shockingly degenerate insults, please. And I'm not a bunny.
  20. I'm not among those other people. I find that the text changes detract from the quality of the LP.
  21. Saw this while looking up "brigand with a bow" videos: A couple of arena dialogue is swapped. Here it's "good luck" followed by "press B to yield", when it's the other way around in 7 and 8. Probably too minor to bother with (just like the "wait/end" and "sister/cleric" stuff), but I still gotta mention it anyway.
  22. Brigand crits aren't new. Monster crits that aren't from hellhounds, now those you don't see very much.
  23. That's always how I get the loot from the SE chests. I don't think it's possible to beat the thief to them. Also, can Eclipse critical now? That'd make it very deadly if so (instant death!).
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